Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now?

Get real please. Vote kicking is only a phase during early gearing process.

Most of the dps won’t even set foot in keys. These are the vote kickers.

Gamers don’t vote kick. We all know the vote kickers mentality. It stems from toxicity.

You are not vote kicking any one in keys.

Nope. Vote kicking is primarily done because of toxic players that either grief, whine, flame, or act toxic in groups. And that happens throughout an entire expansion.

Riiiiiiight… I said “get better at trolling”, not “get worse.”

You sound like someone who is angry it isn’t the toxic environment of the early internet. Seriously, go outside and touch grass.

I can tell you have no idea what you are talking.

Tell me why anyone would vote kick me in a key.

Like I said. Once keys open. No one other than casual players. Like you which you have admitted will be doing heroics dungeons.

So tell me where I am wrong? You have also agreed that you don’t want to be stuck with a player you don’t like.

All that while being under geared and having no gear. So if a good player gets into your group we and he is going fast doing the deeps.

You would initiate the kick. I :100: guarantee you will do it.

Then you will make a post saying dps and tanks who go too fast.

Watch out slow tanks.

We’re coming for you.

The same should work in reverse. After all my years of WoW I finally got vote kicked in a Remix group. I didn’t say anything, I didn’t have a weird name (human paladin named Glory). Just got in the group, we started doing the content as usual, and within a minute I was vote kicked and was locked out of joining any other groups due to the “deserter” debuff.

I think getting vote kicked should ramp up. Maybe the first time in an hour there’s no debuff, or it’s only like 5 minutes or something. Then have it quickly go up from there. If you’re getting vote kicked more than once in an hour it’s probably something you’re doing. But if you’re only kicked once it could be harassment or tolling or something. And even if is something you did it’s a good warning to knock it off.

But on the other hand, like I said, it’s only happened to me once in all of WoW, so maybe I can just suck it up and eat a unjustified deserter debuff once a decade or so. I dunno.

I could swear that sometimes I see “Bob was kicked” but I never see window pop up for the vote. Does that sometimes happen?

So, when you were asking about someone’s current gear and saying that it’s low because of tanks not being in the queue, you weren’t talking about keys, because keys aren’t available yet.

And yet your response to my saying that queues are quite quick, is that players don’t kick from keys?

You are again back with enticing the community for a witch hunt on tanks. No matter if they are new or learning the dungeon.

They aren’t new and they aren’t learning.

They are just slow and we will not accept it in a normal dungeon.

Do you just get everyday with a motto of how do i bait people in today.

YOu need alonger vaction for your troll and bait posts.

Get ignored.

How is that bait?

It’s a literal fact.

You understand we can inspect people and see their achievements?

It’s honestly bait to tell me that tanks in MY dungeon are new and learning when you have never seen them and have no clue who the hell they are.

You clocked in 600 io last season.

You should be the last person to kick anyone.

Please stop with your troll posts. You only cause more divide in the community.

Completely avoiding my point and trying to personally attack me and you call me a troll.


Yeah, I’m starting to see why you don’t like the vote to kick system.

I’m sorry that happened to you. I have been in a dungeon where someone said brb in the chat they where not gone that long then a kick vote came across and they got kick right when they got back i voted no because i knew they where going to be back soon but i was out numbered. Are you new to tanking? i wish i could help give you tips if that’s the case but i don’t play tank because of a game i tried tanking in i did such a bad job I’m now afraid to try tanking again. My guess is you where probably not pulling the amount of enemies that group wanted because almost everyone in auto queue are in a hurry idk why though

I was a good healer and tankin LK …

Stopped playing mostly and stopped raiding altogether as I didn’t like where the game went

Tried a bit in Cata and it was BAD since NO one understood that at the beginning of most XPAC groups are not up for FULL mobs and need them broken and the tanks didn’t understand what HEX/Polymorph did which killed my shaman as healer time and again…

MoP was bad too … as Shaman I was trying to heal BUT the group failed to understand I had to often CAST the spell so IF they ran ahead or got out of LoS “NO POUS FOR YOU”

I might try again to do raids/dungeons but if so I will be looking for a good guild of group to do it as the pugs it seems are still unable to understand rude obnoxiousness gets you no where