Vote kick, does it take 3 or 4 votes now?

I mean, at the point one would complain about it, one would figure it’s happening often enough, who complains about getting kicked once in a blue moon?

Oh, so, you’re the presumptuous type?

There’s just zero reason to complain about it, so yes, one would assume that if you’re going to complain it’s a problem for you

We don’t need to punish people, if the system keeps track of it, just group the kickers together.

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yes, it is fair

the rest of the group wanted something you didn’t.

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really glad this is the case, second heroic dungeon got put into a group with 3 sargeras players (toxic big suprise) told my tank friend to pull faster, i said “quiet” and the first thing they tried to do was vote kick me. Now. because of that now requiring 4 votes, they didnt get their way with being toxic, and we completed the dungeon.

but ofc at the end they were just spewing out toxicity in every direction. but either way im glad the vote kick system required 4 votes.

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So, a suggestion is a complaint?
Stay in school…

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I hear too many people complaining about complaining. As if “that’s a complaint” invalidates any argument.

There lies a problem with this. What if you’re trying to kick someone who isn’t afk but is instead just terrible at the game? I don’t mean subjectively terrible, I mean someone who should not be playing a game with mechanics in it.

Sure it’s rare, but why should the group be punished because someone is bad?

Does the system get abused? No. Just because it’s impossible to abuse.
Is it a perfect system? Also no. But this system was implemented because the one prior lead to way worse behavior.
Can they come up with a better one? Doubt it. Played just about every MMORPG on the market and this is par for the course.

You did a lot more than just suggest, also, I was making a general reply not directed at you in the slightest, you chose to engage and think I was directing it at you

People kick for any reason. Its just something that happens. Had a tank rage kick me because I got tired of waiting for him and tanked the dungeons as arms lining up victory rush to keep myself up as his pocket healer seethed.

Sometimes people suck

They aren’t. They’re kicked because the group doesn’t want them around. Regardless of whether they suck or are the best player in the world. No one is obliged to group with someone else if they don’t want to

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issue is I have seen partial premades pull an extra then play the vote kick crap or just be abusive //

WHY i don’t pug since LK … one less tank/heals in the list makiing wait times longer for the rest .

I am sorry for the GOOD players who just want to play but the others have made it this way for me so you suffer the consquences …

Devs need to fix these issues and leave real consiquences for bad behaviour

I think you ought to be able to get kicked once per account per day without a deserter debuff. More than that, you may well not belong in random group content without some adjustments to your play.

There also needs to be a simple mechanism to be able to /ignore people who just kicked you so that you don’t run into them again. Hell, I’d go for a checkbox in settings to do it automatically:

/ignore players who have vote kicked you

Also if you are marked AFK or haven’t done damage/healing in X minutes, and get kicked, you should get that deserter debuff no matter what.

so if i autoattack, they wont kick me. woooo!

I guess the main way would be to predict when it’s going to happen, then submit your own kick attempt first, and see whether they don’t read the name and kick the other person first.

Yes…and when you VTK a DPS and write “bad tank”, it’s likely to go through because people don’t read - thus do not have knowledge of what they voted for.

I think the idea is that if the incident isn’t a “reportable” violation, then they want to strongly discourage you to kicking anyone. So you will have to deal with someone with low DPS or leave the group, etc.

So? They are allowed to kick anyone out, for any reason, or no reason.

It doesn’t matter if the reason is stupid.