Vote kick cannot be abused

It was, because “Vote to kick isn’t abusable!”… except it clearly is.

My solution to a problem is to reduce the 30min debuff to 15 - 10 min.

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Wow, Let’s just blanket other people’s feelings and opinions as them being worthless and whining.

In fact, let’s flip the script. Your opinion doesn’t matter because you’re being rude.

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I agree. Lower the limit.

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I started a thread earlier. The OP commented in it. They posted this shortly after mine. I’m gonna say you’re 100% correct.

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you like someone…kicked
right class…kicked
fear of not taking gear…kicked
same faction…kicked
chatting too little…kicked
wearing pve gear…kicked
like the tank or healer…kicked
being too fast…kicked
dps or heals are too high…kicked
going the right way…kicked
hunter’s pet did not cause a wipe…kicked
players know what they’re doing…kicked

To help add balance and perspective :upside_down_face:

I used to be 15 mins, guess it was not enough to sink in. Peoples went back in without having cooled down and started the same shenanigans that got them kicked the first time I suppose.

What’s that saying again: If everyone around you is the problem, maybe you’re the problem.

So my problem is this. If someone is a troll, it won’t matter if its 5 minutes, 10 minutes, or 10 days.

Trolls are going to troll. They won’t change from being slapped on the wrist, so to speak. A harsh punishment isn’t going to do anything to change their behavior.

So, make vtk be whatever, lower it to 1o minutes and if its as rare as people keep proclaiming, then people aren’t being trolls or toxic, so why the harsh punishment.

Hey OP… maybe try the WHOLE quote…


I feel like this is a challenge

CS knew the system is flawed ,but Blizzard won’t do anything about it.

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Why would the OP care about the queue system? The OP is about the kick system lol.

Because the kick system exists because of the queue system. And if you read closer…

The answer they found didn’t even come from the team that designed it

Again, how does what you made bold have any relation to abusing the kick system? You can’t abuse the kick system and the reason for the debuff is because people were abusing the QUEUE system lol.

She’s doubling down… SPICY! I like it.

So people would queue up as tank or heals, wait for the group to form, pull the first boss, and as the fight started, leave the group. They get to instaqueue back in to a new dungeon, meanwhile the old group is stranded and probably recovering from a wipe. If people were not trolling dungeon queues, there would be no deserter debuff. The vote kick system addresses “anyone for any reason” but the debuff did its job stopping the queue trolling.

Thank you OP. Good OP delivered

So again, why are we questioning the OP then? The OP is correct, the kick system can’t be abused lol.

Anything can be abused that is not designed to be abused. Also, the OP claimed it could not be abused, but the Blue Post (for whatever it is worth) never said it could not be abused, but rather used for any reason. It’s like a right to work state. They can fire you for any reason they choose. They hate that shirt, you breathe too loud. You took 18 seconds too long getting off the elevator.

That said, it is an abuse of the system (and highly illegal) to fire you for being a certain ethnicity, gender, etc. So if you, or anyone else thinks this system, or any other system in WoW can’t be “abused” simply for its open-ended policy, then you are just not seeing the logic… and unfortunately, there is no easy way to bring anyone to the undertanding.

If it can be used for any reason, it can’t be abused. It’s a vote system, the majority of the group has to agree.

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Okay but the vote to kick system isn’t governed by the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and Blizzard has enacted no similar legislature in regards to vtk that would operate the same way