Bliz took that lazy position because they OBVIOUSLY didnt want to deal with the thousands of tickets, having to sift thru to see what a valid kick even is and IF it was bogus or not…and thats TOTALLY subjective anyway.
If a DPS does 85% of his POSSIBLE damage IS that a valid reason to kick him?
In content that matters…yeah, it likely could be.
How about leveling dungeons? Is it still valid? WHO KNOWS. lol
There is NO WAY for a GM to really decide with any real accuracy if a lot of kicks are valid or bogus.
It IS being abused and we know it because there have been lists of comments in here the last years of them ADMITTING they kicked someone over something like mogs or character race and those things have NOTHING to do with ‘meshing’ with the group…theyre TOTALLY inconsequential to a 5 man run…yet some ARE kicked over that childish crap and their game time is being wasted by petulant children .
yeah…ive seen it with my own eyes where a kick comes up DURING a boss fight.