Vortex Pinnacle is Terrible

Vortex is free, what are you on?

100% alot of people still dont understand the wind on the second boss even in the 19s and 20s i have been trying in the place.

Every time I do Vortex Pinnacle everyone always dies on the second boss, not always everyone but it’s always one or two. It’s seriously frustrating.

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Isn’t the wind thing like when there’s a circle on the ground as soon as it gets close to you, you jump into the wind? I’m pretty sure I’m correct because I haven’t died on that boss at all really only once or twice because I was new.

No just the positional wind, aka being upwind of the boss to gain the haste buff and not take a massive amount of rot dmg.

Oh. Okay, that’s weird.

VP difficulty for the entire dungeon is like 75% placed after the 2nd boss. You can have a medicore group and still coast along cleanly until you get past the 2nd boss and just get walled off entirely turning a smooth and easy run into a total slog and/or a waste of time.

Unless your interrupt game is super on point, you should absolutely be considering CCing the healer mobs if only to better corridinating your efforts. It doesn’t help too that there is a massive tank buster the tank needs to be handling as well as rally interrupts making the trash nigh unkillable and it isn’t even purgable on top of requiring your DPS/healer to constantly be running to hide to survive lightning lash while the group is cognizant if the barrier is being overloaded and to avoid the zone.

It’s just a heck of a lot even if there is only 3 pulls worth of it and no real way to know if your group is capable of it early. It would be nice if the dungeon allowed you to clear it in wings giving groups the option to pick to go on that side first so pugs could go there with cooldowns up/available first as well as people being able to see if the group is punching above their skill level early.

The pulsing adds on the last boss can do with a bit of a HP nerf IMO. Even on fortified, they took quite a considerable amount of damage to down. Otherwise VP isn’t really that bad and kind of impressive Blizzard more or less got to keep the dungeon mostly like the Cata version.

The first part I would change with the dungeon is the first mobs that has a shield, their life is a bit too high.

Second is the consistancy of the heal being cast by the adepts toward the end. You interrupt them and they’re already casting heal again 2 seconds later. Really rough on a range heavy team.

Anly things I would change for the bosses are

  1. For the dragon boss, reduce or remove the damage you take from stepping in the vortex used to avoid the beam.
  2. Add from the last boss is a pain to take down if your team doesn’t have good burst. Slight health reduction on the add would make my day.

I dont know why you didnt address the spark damage on the last boss

I did a 20 last week and missed the timer by 1 minute due to a wipe on the last boss. We only beat it because we had lust the second time.

The spark he summons does group wide damage for 1/5 th the entire groups hp and that was on fortified. If a player misses the static cling or gets targetted by the chainlighting and they dont use defensives theyre toast.

I couldnt imagine doing a 20 this week on ty

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Why dont we just stick to the facts.

Day one of this week, VP has a 76% completion rate. That is not really “must nerf” territory.

Last week, for which the OP posted, VP had a 60% completion rate. Thats not great, but its not nearly as bad as Neltharus at 45%, and it’s a 10% improvement over the previous week.

This suggests:

  • Fortified may be harder than tyrannical for VP - but we need more data
  • Players are getting better at the dungeon each week
  • Bolstering and Fortified is always a rough combination in a dungeon w/ stronger trash mobs
  • Entangling is not a rough mechanic on trash - but it can be a rough mechanic on bosses where forced movement is problematic, which applies to at least 2 of the VP bosses.

Lets give it two more weeks of affixes and revisit the completion rate.

bestkeystone. com/statistics/dungeons

A lot of yall must be drunk. VP will get nerfed hard. It’s just a matter of when.

The last boss is just awful. I timed it on 20 last week and almost timed it on 21, but it’s just not a fun experience. I genuinely feel bad for healers having to deal with that add pulsing damage. The AOE going out this season in general is intense.

What? Vortex Pinnacle is a blast! Literally…

This dungeon tuning is horrible and needs massive across the board nerfs, in some cases those nerfs should be as big as 50% to either HP or damage. For example that add on last boss should have its HP nerfed by at least 50%. Unavoidable damage on Altairus needs to be nerfed by 50% as well, many trash damage needs to be nerfed by 50% and so on… How this even passed PTR testing I have no idea…

I don’t know mang it feels fun to me. There are a couple of annoyances but the jump mechanic on the last boss is great/unique. I like it.

But… but… I thought people LOVED Cata dungeons…

/end snark

I liked it when it was the Cata dungeon and not the updated version they just put out.



Im not going to lie, i feel like a lot of fortified keys feel like running a fortified/tyranical key combined.


Because the add damage on fort/tyrannical is normalized afaik. The adds are pumping basically the same damage and have the same health. The damage the actual boss does is what’s less on fortified.

Yeah, what I am saying is on fortified keys the bosses don’t feel like they are doing less damage. But on tyrannical keys I can tell the adds are doing much less damage and die a lot faster. I almost always push tyrannical weeks anyway so its not a huge deal.