why doesn’t the in game ui look more like this? Why do i have to scroll over each dungeon to see my score? is this from somewhere in game and i’m just missing it?
The last VP I done was a 16 untimed, took 40 minutes at 425 iLVL, over by 10 minutes with other players around the same iLVL. We wiped once on the first and last boss and once per pack on the last 2 packs, 4 wipes, minimal deaths.
Compare that to the BH 15 I done with multiple wipes on the first boss, multiple times our healer was just dead including during every boss, we over pulled the mob % by a lot and our tank was only 420 iLVL. We killed the last boss on our second attempt with our healer dead again and one of our DPS dead, we went over by under 2 minutes. And if we didn’t wipe on the last boss we would have timed it, and it was the tanks first time in that dungeon.
One run going as good as you would expect and one run going to absolute poo, yet it was night and day difference in how much easier it was for BH.
No dungeon at around the same key level should feel that much harder than any other dungeon, that’s how I feel.
Tbf the issue with VP isn’t the timer and will probably never be the timer. If a group isn’t killing Altarius or Asaad they aren’t clearing the dungeon full stop.
The devs don’t have time/money to implement “nice-to-have” stuff without a massive outpouring from a majority of players and likely they can’t be bothered if it’s provided by a 3rd party at no cost to Blizzard. They have eventually incorporated stuff, but it often takes a very long time (i.e., GearScore becoming in-game character item-level and Raider IO Score becoming in-game M+ Score).
That’s on the IO site for your character, not in-game. You can get a short version of this in-game with the Raider IO add-on on Curseforge. Raider IO also has the add-on but it’s bundled with their desktop client (which you may or may not want unless you want your scores to be more up-to-date; once a day is good enough for me).
The Raider IO in-game tooltip looks like the image below. The box on the right is the add-on showing my timed runs with a + and un-timed runs in gray, with dungeon abbreviations listed in order from best score to worst, so I know that the biggest score improvement will be dungeons at the bottom of the list (e.g., Brackenhide and Neltharus).
The double healer pack is one of the easiest packs out of the last section because there is only one lieutenant in it. The pack following is the nightmare pack because it has 2 Executors that do 70% of people’s health with their raidwide.
I was on this band wagon until the nerfs. Feels okay now. Lightning lash should still have a screen alert IMO because learning a mechanic by dying 2-3 times is stupid design imho. Game should telegraph better than that.
Putting this here for pug health, rough estimate of last boss ability order:
-Chain lightning (can be spell reflected btw)
-summons add (heal pops a small CD)
-static cling ~5-6 globals later.
-stack phase
-chain lightning
-HERO/LUST here so you have it for the next 2 adds.
-summons add
-static cling
-chain lightning
-summons add
-static cling
-stack phase 2
-chain lightning
-summons add (healer should use big CD)
Those air guys with charge that bleed scare me.
VP is free, try a + 20 HoI and then talk to me.
You can tell in the first 5 minutes if your group is gonna brick the key or not which is good.
Yah they’re poorly executed. For example if you CC them mid-charge, they still put the dot on you.
VP isn’t terrible. The random ppl with whom I’m in VP are terrible.
Ehh to me halls of infusion seems generally easier. Most of halls is more sooo doing mechanics properly whereas vortex is about meeting dps and hps checks.
ive had a better experience in HOI then VP.
You know what’s funny? I just realized this was part of the Cata dungeon wave that triggered that infamous “Wow, Dungeons are Hard!” learn to play blog from Ghostcrawler.