
This hasn’t been an issue, I put him away and went drain tank with succubus probably 30 levels ago.

VW Doesn’t appear to have been made to constantly hold aggro. That being said as a lock I can pull aggro off anyone already as it is. You have to give him time to take the aggro just like any tank. If I let him take aggro for about 3-5 seconds I don’t take stuff off him.

Also he will be worthless if your not specced into demo. If you are its not a huge deal if he doesn’t attack you anyways because with soul link and MD you will have a ton of survivability just having him out in the first place.

Also the shield from him is crazy good. in pve and pvp.

Bro this is old, necro much

Pretty much just use VW if I plan on Sacrificing it to AoE. When I used it pre Succubus, I would send it at a mob, DoT it up, send VW after next mob, DoT, send VW at third mob, DoT. Mob 1 runs at me from DoT threat Shadowbolt, Fear…it will die. Second mob, I Drain Life…dead. Third is coming in, SB/Fear/DL depending where mobs 1 and 2 are at. VW could hold DoT threat for about two or three Torments if I only DoTed and forgot it.

VW is pretty durable and Sacrifice is an amazing ability, but it is trash for holding threat against any kind of focus.

The reason is the massive bubble when you sac it

I have been =(. I got my Succy recently and I’ve mostly been using her. I really like the damage she does, and her Soothing Kiss is helpful!

At some point pulling off the VW just becomes inevitable unless you’re ok with killing slowly. Succubus drain tank is the answer.

Your expectations are unrealistic if you expect your pet to do anything while not specced for it.

So yes, if you aren’t a demonology warlock, just face drain tank it with whatever pet you feel like.

yeah but there is some misconception in here. People are complaining about using the VW while heavily into the affliction tree and saying its a worthless pet. Its worthless if you are affliction probably but its totally viable in you are demo speced. Its pretty much required for soul link. I prefer to have it out when im solo, my group is low for the content, pvp or for aoe in dungeons.

I personally prefer to run it over the other pets but generally use suc for the extra dps otherwise min maxers tend to complain

Down grade some of your spells, find a good combo that doesn’t pull as much aggro. Lower tiered spells should pull less aggro.

It’s still pretty bad in Demo. It still doesn’t hold threat well and other pets deal better damage. It does have some situational use, like the utility from sacing it, but it isn’t an effective tank for a DPS target, so, I would just Fear/drain tank and use a better dps pet nine times out of ten.

In a group setting? If I were deep Demo and not about to Sac it for AoEing or something, I would Demonic Sacrifice a Succubus for better damage.

PVP? Utility of either Succubus or Felhunter is too much to pass up on most of the time, and VW does nothing, short of being Saced.

It would be great if VW could actually tank, but it can’t hold threat against even moderate DPS.

Couple things you are missing here.

Its bad in a 1v1 situation in terms of speed for PvE. It will hold agro with CoA and corruption while you face tank another mob or two. Again with SL you are taking 30% less damage anyways so it doesn’t matter as much how much agro it holds. You also have MD so a massive physical resist from that with it out.

DS with succubus assumes you only want to use shadow damage. Thats specific to a certain spec and want to fire ur dots and shadow bolts off. With MD you get 10% damage for all damage of you and ur pet while its out, its much better all around. DS is cool if you are raiding and spamming shadowbolts, thats about it.

PVP - its higher health pool with SL means it can absorb more of that damage but yes you want it out specifically to sac. You sac it and cast fel domination and summon another one or your prefered pet immediately. Now you have your succubus out for example and the shield from the sac.

So, like I said, VW is pretty bad and other pets are much better most of the time.

VW is superior for when you have 2-3+ mobs pulled or you are a demo warlock.

Succubus is still better vs two or three mobs, as it will kill them faster, while the Warlock deals more damage and cc/drain tanks them. VW can’t hold threat if the Warlock is dpsing the target(s).

VW still sucks for Demo,outside of using for Sacrifice.

It won’t kill 3 mobs without you dying unless you have fel concentration to stop the resets while you drain life. Not everyone specs into affliction.

Voidwalker will die to three comparable level mobs or it can’t hold the threat on them. It is worthless as a tank if the mobs are being dpsed even moderately.

i guess we just disagree then. If it could hold 3 mobs while doing regular DPS no one would roll a tank. What would be the point.

Then down goes your case for the VW.

then explain how if you went into demo or destro you would survive with a suc out with 3 mobs on you and not having fel concentration.