
Anyone else having trouble with theirs holding aggro? I played a warlock back in vanilla and do not remember this. I’ve tried everything up to almost letting him solo the mob and still pull off of him.

I’ve even tried going demo for improved taunt, still pulled off. I can even pull off of him simply by wanding and casting nothing. If I wanted to face tank things I wouldn’t have played a lock.


Just like warriors if Voidy misses, gets block, parried, or dodge he didn’t build any threat. Where on the other hand that fat row of dots + wand dmg gens hella threat. This is why some affliction builds use Curse of Exhaustion instead of CoA. So you can kite dot.

Taunt is wonky in classic. Locks in general pull incredible threat with all their abilities, along with certain other classes and specs. You need to look at your VW as a personal assistant to help you dps and not a actual tank.

There has to be balance and trade off. You just free casting and having no danger, mutes the world. That is why soulshatter was added in TBC. You either need to reroll or accept that classic is 15yrs old and it’s system is draconic to D&D turn base scenarios.

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Here’s what I’ve been doing and it’s been working fine:

  • After first Torment, I cast CoA + Corruption

  • After second Torment, I cast Immolate (optional)

  • After third Torment, I start wanding (mob is usually ~1/2 HP at this point)

Using this method, if the VW loses aggro the mob has <10% HP left and dies on the way to hit me.


Leveling affliction and not having too many problems. I have three strats while pulling.

Fast lets go Oom. Send VW in. Let it taunt. Then start doting/shadow bolting. Always get aggro. But siphons makes it easy to manage the damage.

High density, being careful. Send VW in, let ot taunt twice. Then dots then wand. Normally dont get aggro.

Multi pull. Send VW in. Taunt 1 guy. Then suffering. That holds aggro for a while even if I open up a crazy amount.

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VW is good with multi pulls…

I’ve stopped trusting the voidwalker to hold aggro, I just throw him at one target with dots up and then turn around and start killing a second target while the dots+void kill the first one.


I don’t have a warlock, but I’ve grouped with some warlocks who joke about their void walkers being useless tanks, haha

I mean, sometimes it works well, other times not. Can’t say for sure why.

I normally pull with CoA, send the blueberry in, let him get a torment off then apply Corruption, then wait for another torment to apply immolate or just start wanding. Playing with the void is a slow game you can’t rush to burst.

If anything let it get 2-3 torments off before wanding or immolate. I plan on going drain tank when I hit 40.

So dumb question but…

Did you get the rank up tomes from the demon trainer?


i start the Immolate cast before sending the voidwalker in. I’ve noticed if Immolate is already on the target I have a much better chance of not pulling the aggro back after the VW does his thing. 3 dots and a wand, hardly ever cast shadowbolt unless i’m in a hurry (i’m never in a hurry).

Also, this is on a level 12 lock.

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It doesn’t feel any different to me the voidwalker always sucked for holding aggro. Try drain tanking and using the succubus as a melee dps.


Seems to be working just fine for me. Check your rotations. If you get some good crits from wanding youre going to most likely pull aggro.

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Hey hey,

Had this problem myself. Got irritated so I respecced to the Drain Tank build. Basically, you use succubus or felhunter (I prefer the felhunter) to increase dps. You dot up the target and drain life until dead. Life tap and drain life again on the next target. It’s insane uptime. It also helps a little in Wpvp, as a succubus or felhunter will help against ganks more than a voidwalker.

I’d highly recommend it. It’s very self-sustaining and I can tear through quests. If you’re interested look up Dive’s Drain Tanking guide.


He can hold it if you are patient. He needs to actually land a few torments to hold aggro. It gets resisted fairly often actually.

Voidwalker has to attack first before dots or wands. Mob should stay off you then until it’s pretty low on health

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Yea I remember VW could never hold aggro, even in vanilla. I just shelved him and pulled out Succy. Way more dps and I’m gonna be tanking it anyways. With Siphon and DL and especially Dark Pact, you’ll come away from each mob with more life/mana than you started with anyways.

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Because of the shear power of the Warlock they were trained early on to not min/max their dps for fear of becoming the main tank in sheep’s clothing… The Voidwalker taught these important principles by purposely sucking so bad at its job that by the time the newly groomed Warlocks were invited to dungeons and raids they would already know dps etiquette thus not frustrate the tanks and healers.


Void walker starts holding good aggro after you get all 3 talents in torment and talents into his damage. Takes like level 39 to do and is purely demonology. Pretty annoying since hunters can have steady tank pets by 20

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All of the posts are assuming I don’t know what I’m doing, which is fine going off of context.

I’ve done everything, he simply does not hold aggro, I’m not the only warlock saying this.