
Already outlined how an actual Warlock would kill multiple targets. With Destro, toss in more direct nukes.

Now, why do you want to pull multiple targets, to not DPS them simultaneously?

I think warlocks should get blink to compensate for this crazy amount of threat.

Fears are more their speed.

Can you quote where you put it I dont see it? I assume it uses some form of fear which is pretty dangerous due to pulling other mobs. Id also argue i could just use the same strategy employed with the VW to pull a 4th mob.

Follow along, son. Good thing Warlocks can control Feared mobs.

Again, VW can’t hold the threat, will probably die, and why are you pulling multiple mobs when you aren’t DPSing them simultaneously?

i remember it being trash back in teh day i always used my succy and drain tanked everything.

Use the Succubus. It will do more damage and you can hold an enemy in place after pulling them to build more distance and nuke them from range.

Why are you trying to have a void tank at 60? The solution is to get rid of the thing, and tank your own mobs. Seeing warlocks desperately try to cling to voids as a tank is a classic mistake. They stop being a viable tank long before you even get to 60. Get siphon life, and either eat the void for regen, or use a succubus to boost your damage.

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but you don’t.

i’m thinking you remembered wrong. VW sucked then, and it sucks now. that was why drain-tanking was a thing back then. or you were really bad then. what’d you do, send VW in then play with yourself?

I would assume most people like to be as efficient as possible regarding leveling, and affliction is definitely better at it in that department. But if you like the extra survivability or the play style of demo, go right ahead and have fun.

There is definitely a difference. I noticed in Retail first, how much easier it was for my VW to hold aggro (even in mobs). Now that Classic WOW is back, this is exactly what I remember. Poor aggro holds. If you like to solo, you will have to adjust your play best you can, and let loose if things get out of control. Welcome to Classic!

I’m not having this issue on mine but only like level 14 on him. I send the Voidwalker in first to facepull the mob, then dot it up and then wand, haven’t really pulled aggro unless he gets like a series of miss/dodge/parry and/or I get a few crits.

Maybe it will get worse for me later, not sure.

Fight green mobs.

Couple of things come to mind from leveling months ago.
Make sure you have max points into “Improved Voidwalker”, use “Immolate” and “Corruption” then wand.
Make sure you have the max rank Voidwalker taunt.
Do not use “Siphon” as the threat generation is double from the damage and heal properties of the spell.
If your set on VW tanking have patience and wand.
There is very little chance you will be able to let the VW take the initial pull then throw all your dots on a target without pulling threat.
After level 40 I gave up with the VW tank and just “sacrificed” for the health regen. The VWs ability to hold threat is very weak.

VW is for OTing.
You pull 3 mobs. Fear one, voidy on 2, DoT and drain 3. Kill 3, then 1, life tap in between. Fear again if you need to. Go onto 2.

Most classes can’t pull 3 and have them all under complete control. Use CoR if fear pathing is gonna pull more. Curse of Exhaustion kiting is very good too, but I always nuked. I also tried to spend as much time on quests with demons or elementals so I had banish and enslave available as additional CC options. Yes Voidy threat sucks if you focus damage on that target.

It is like that until Wrath. By then however you have a felguard for leveling/grinding anyway.

8 month necro. Funny seeing yourself so far back.

I agree. It’s ridiculous. Of course, I’ve never had aggro issues with my pets, but I’ve always been conscious of my threat output; especially when I’m stuck fighting close quarters without that 1.3x ranged threat multiplier.

Do Hunter pets have this same issue? My Hunter is only level 14 and the pet seems to hold aggro just fine as long as the target doesn’t resist the taunt.

Make sure that torment is not on auto cast so that void can regen mana. You should not touch the mob before your void gets a torment off.

After your first torment dot up and torment again once you start wanding. You have to taunt as soon as the void loses aggro or right as he is about to.

I leveled a warlock back in 2007. Yeah, I had threat issues then! If memory serves, DoTs + wanding was fine. Any healing or channeling abilities pissed the mobs off something fierce, though.