
I find it really funny how many people just don’t understand how threat works in WoW Classic. Your pet is an assistant, not a replacement.

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I’m too impatient, dropped him and just started rollin with the succubus and fear juggling. Only time it sucks is when the feared mob pulls like 3 more.

I’ve been buying the max ranks, yeah. What’s strange is that you should feel the difference between rank 1-3 taunts. Right when you get that upgrade it should feel strong, but I don’t notice any difference in its effectiveness.

Your VW has to be at 25% hp left before you can dps, then you MAY not pull agro

On the contrary, leveling as a drain tank build taught me that I am invincible and don’t care about pulling aggro.

Hurts a bit against UBRS mobs though, I will admit.

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Hunter pets have something to say about this.

And what would that be? “Feed me more?”

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I have no complaints about my voidwalker holding aggro. It’s not 100 percent, but it’s more than adequate. Besides, I want to get attacked some to get my defense advances.

It does seem to depend on the mob. For example, Harvesters, those nasty creatures, seem to really hold a grudge if I pull them initially.

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Yeah he has fairly weak threat even with all ranks and auto casting.
The best use I’ve found him is tanking a 2nd mob on his own with only 1 dot on it while I solo kill another

VWs are useless past level 20 and always were. Their ability to hold aggro wasn’t improved till late in Cata.

Locks have but one real aggro drop: death.

Welcome to Classic.

Soloing the tinker in mara. The VW can barely hold threat with just Corruption and Siphon Life even at max Torment. No wand. No Drain Life. No other damage source. Just some Health Funnel here and there. Still rip the threat off before Curse of Doom 1 minute mark go off.

Just go Dark Pact + Succubus and drain tank. Much faster and more efficient at leveling/grinding.

Voidwalker does not have a hard taunt. It has an ability that adds extra threat only. It’s like Pally or Shaman in this respect. It can generate threat, but it can’t pull mobs off you if you exceed it.

So if you start spamming Shadow Bolts, you WILL pull threat from your pet.


If that is the case and you are using the voidwalker as additional dps what are the dps pets for?

voidwalker is practically useless as a tank, I have started using other pets that do more dps, since the voidwalker cannot hold aggro and neither can the dps pets no reason to use the voidwalker.

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This is the best response to this topic that I have ever seen, and I love it. Saved!

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Not sure if you’re just roleplaying here, but the harvesters are immune to Taunts. Just like they’re immune to Fear.

Blueberry is worthless. Let the imp get 1 fireball off 1st prolly wont pull agro till the mob is less than 50% health. Blueberry will drop all agro around 85% mob health.

Replace “spamming shadow bolts” with “spamming your wand” in this scenario and I agree.

You must hit like a wet noodle if you can’t pull off of your imp until the mob is 50%

I have definitely not had this kind of trouble at all, but I do tend to treat him as learning how to let a tank in a dungeon build threat before I lay in heavily. One key is safely backing out of the “melee” distance, so my threat is the lower percentage.

Wands, if we’ve got the best we can get, can actually do crazy damage and threat, especially if they’re used right away.

There is a threat addon now, though it takes others having it to work in a dungeon, but because your pets actions are in your own combat log, that can really help you see what’s happening.