
The voidwalker is incapable of holding aggro. Even just wanding will pull off of him, and this is with all of his abilities fully upgraded. This is why I’m just drain-tanking to level with the succubus. Turn off her autocasts once you get dark pact and she becomes a mana-battery.

I suggest reading one of the drain-tanking guides out there. This one is the one I’ve been using:

but then it takes FOREVER to kill anything

As mentioned, your proximity to the target increases threat the closer you get.

Aside from that, the void is good when you have multiple mobs, because you can control how many are targeting you, and which ones.

Plus sacrifice is very nice to have.

I wouldn’t want my void to hold aggro 100%, because its more efficient for us to share damage.

Void is also nice for tricky pulls.

Well, yeah, there are faster ways to kill, but OP was asking about how to keep aggro on voidwalker. If you just unload on your target, you’re going to pull aggro. Voidwalker needs 2-3 torments before you unload if you want it to keep aggro the whole fight.

This isn’t quite true. Your threat is the same no matter what, but the threshold to pull aggro off your VW (or anybody else that has aggro) is lower if you are in melee range of the target. If you are outside of melee range, you will not pull aggro until you are 30% above the tank’s threat. In melee you pull aggro if you are 10% above their threat.

As far as VW goes, stop using him in your 20s when you have most of the drain life talents and just use your succubus.

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Thanks for being more accurate.

I prefer void over succubus atm. But succubus draining certainly has merit.

I have to agree you have to let void attack
For a bit to get agro try waite 3 seconds or so and don’t spam all dps as fast as you can timing maters in older mmo you have to manage dps
Ever play EQ a mage culd easily pull agro off a tank same idea time big attack’s

Imp for Blood Pact in groups.
Succubus for Dark Pact and damage while soloing with the occasional CC for surprise WPvP and group control.
Felhunter for Group PvP.

Never use Voidwalker for anything but Sacrifice for meme duels.

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I have the same issue, its almost not worth going into demo at all.

If i just use 2 dots, and wand… i end up pulling aggro before the mob dies. I even let the pet hit a few times and start my rotation when the second taunt goes off…

No idea if its “vanilla” like or not, but seems rather useless. And yes, out spells have a insane high threat modifier.

Up until about level 40 i had little to no issues with the void holding aggro in a pure afflic spec.
I’d send in the VW, dot, life tap, drain, repeat as needed. I’d only pull aggro when the mob was almost dead. Once started getting points into SM, I had to switch to succubus because you start doing too much damage even with drain life.

You’ll find mobs your lever and higher are always going to be worse as the VW will miss more attacks and generate more threat. Full demo is about the only way to get him to hold it better.

I’ve also been having trouble with my vw. He doesn’t hold aggro at all even if I’m just wanding, zero DoTs, he still can’t hold aggro. I don’t remember him needing any solo time just to pick up aggro like this.

I don’t intend to QQ, I just want to make sure it is working as intended is all.

You are buying new ranks of his taunt, right?

He won’t hold aggro off you unless you go really slow. He’s more there to keep some mobs occupied or to let you solo things slowly that you wouldn’t otherwise be able to solo.

Just between CoA and Corruption, I will pull threat in a few seconds. The VW’s only use is the absorb from Sac.

I’ve abandoned him for the succubus and specced drain tank. Smoothe sailing since.

I always send him in first to aggro before I do anything. I have all 3 torment points and I can usually put all my dots up and wand a few times before they aggro me, and by then they’re usually about to die unless it’s a higher level mob. Might try going drain tank to help with WPvP more tho.

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I was having issue as Destro spec and I realized I was doing wrong then I switch Affliction spec with Voidwalker talent tree and found way to keep maintaining aggro.

This made me pull off of him at 75% instead of 80. Just go drain tank and put him away.

Here is the key send him in. after he has made contact put up dots (starting with COA, corruption) once the mob is doted find a new mob and dot it up and fear it at that point mob 1 should be dead or near dead and send you void after something new. finish off mob 2 that you feared then dot mob 3. The key is to chain pull as long as you can letting the void get a couple hits before you start doting his target. If you are juggling two mobs at once all the time you wont be over dpsing the voids target so you wont pull aggro. Anyway mess around with it a little and you wont hate waiting for him to build some aggro if you are busy killing something else that is feared while he builds threat.

Anyway I hope that helps. he is not like a hunters pet and cant hold aggro well if you start attacking the moment he engages so try fighting two at a time it is faster grinding and he can do his job better.