
Just use the Succubus and take Soothing Kiss off auto-cast. Her DPS is far higher than the voidwalker and imp for most of the game.

Start with Corruption + Agony. The Succubus’s melee attacks will strip aggro, giving you time to put some distance. You have about 12 seconds before you’re DoTs take aggro back, so charge up your Shadow Bolt. After all this the enemy should be at sub-50% health, at least.

The idea should never be for the Succubus, or the voidwalker for that matter, to hold aggro the entire fight. They exist to take some heat off you, not all of it.

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I normally pull with CoA, corruption, let the second torment get off from my VW, then use immolate. Finish off with wand and/or DS until dead.

I only have 4 talent points so far so i’m not that deep yet. All into corruption.

I started a lock yesterday, and The imp can land 3 solid fireballs and instantly lose aggro the moment I DoT the mob. I was wondering if it was just me.

I imagine its a feature of the wonderful blueberry.
Klathtast, my amazing pile of garbage would sit there and watch a mob try to kill me…
I hate that thing, even more so that his name is extremely awkward to say.

I’m doing the same. The VW is too weak. Poor DPS and can’t hold aggro so why bother?

I started following Dive’s Drain Tanking Guide and it’s been great. Very little downtime right now at 35 and there’ll be almost no downtime once I get Dark Pact.

I played warlock in vanilla and do recall VW not being the greatest at holding agro. I remember a shadow bolt or two would pull agro if I wasn’t careful.

I didn’t play warlock in vanilla, but I very much remember hearing my brother curse his voidwalker for pulling half of the continent.

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Send VW in on mob 1, CoA, Corrupt, pull mob 2 with Immolate, CoA, Corrupt, Fear, target back to Mob 1 and Immolate than either wand or drain. Mob 1 dead by the time mob 2 coming back. I can go for a long time like this with drain life spirit tap and drain soul. Only really have down time if I accidentally pull a 3rd mob l.

Key bind to send and pull back VW help with him not chasing fears pulling everything else

Agreed only have aggro issues if the mob is 1+ higher levels and i see a string of misses/block/parry i know a single dot will pull aggro. No matter what if i use a couple of bolts or several wand strikes on top of dots i usually pull aggro. So if im being careful to not pull its just dots and drain. Even draining i can pull off vw but usually mob is at 10% by then so no big deal.

VWs didn’t get fixed until like Cata they were trash until then much better to just use succ or fel

You just can’t go full ham. Wait like 3-4 seconds so the voidwalkers torment can come back and you should be good. You will lose a bit of dps tho.

That’s after putting on all the dots of course.

He doesn’t hold threat well in classic, even more so at the points where his torment is close to being upranked. You might wanna try playing imp, kills stuff a lot faster he does a lot more dps.

Dont stand in melee range. You generate more aggro in melee range

Well i can not figure out how to see your specc, but anyways u need to specc into Demonology pretty deep to get awesome VOIDWALKER.

You just gotta be smart with him. He’s trying but he’s not too good at tanking.

I like to time my high damage spells around torment casts. As long as it doesnt get resisted, i usually don’t pull aggro until like 30% even with full dots shadow bolting.

Don’t use a Voidwalker for leveling. I’d recommend Dive’s drain tanking guide, which uses a Succubus as your pet.

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The Big Blue Bubble bursts every time. Sick to death of NO threat on that useless Balloon. I have seen post on macros ect ect NO use at all Ive tried them all. The problem is “ITS broken”. Even using Suffering as a second taunt is useless. I’m the only one suffering. FIX it FFS… send pet in dot dot dot then wait wait wait or Agro agro agro. And yes PET upgraded in every way.

Gotta get used to face tanking as a lock. Use the blooby in one of two ways:

Chain Pulling: Send in the VW while pulling with CoA>Corruption>SB(pulls aggro)>SB(if castable w/o interuption)>wand. When you pull aggro send the VW to the next mob and apply CoA>Corruption, blueboy should keep aggro with those two dots, then continue rotation on the first mob.

Group Tanking: If you pull too many mobs, use the previous rotation while having the VW auto attack each extra mob to pick up aggro.

None of our demons will hold aggro when we do anything beyond CoA>Corruption so if you don’t plan to chain pull or handle more than one mob at a time, it’s better to just use the Succubus since you’re going to pull aggro anyways.

Not that voids taunt better than warriors by any means but if you’re having THAT much trouble then it sounds like you never bought the next taunt ranks.

Sitting at 31 atm and i can take aggro If i want but I don’t feel nearly as helpless as op described.

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