Voidform confirmed to stay

i mean…why we at all need something like “conduits” to our class for it even to work?

Ergo my statement above about “some specs function at 70% and go up to 120% with borrowed power while others are at 100% and go up to 120% with borrowed power.”

We should ALL function at 100% and borrowed power should take us above that.

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Shadow was my main until this expansion. I gave void form a shot through Legion, then BfA just made the spec feel even worse.

So I’m leveling a warlock now, go figure. Turns out that was the correct choice all along.

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You are comparing a SPECC with a full class by the way.

I’m wondering where the people are to cry for Windwalker because they are 50x more bad than SP expect in PvP maybe.

Seems like there are no windwalker players eh?

Priest has historically been a dumping ground for awful ideas that, for whatever reason, the devs cling to, sometimes for years.

I played a healing priest in Vanilla and can still remember Lightwell being introduced as the new top tier talent for Holy. It was a joke from day one, but it took years and years to finally get rid of it. Chakra is another example of a similar thing. That wasn’t around for quite as long, but it was the same type of obviously bad idea that some devs obviously thought was brilliant.

Void Form will probably be removed or dramatically changed eventually, but it may take longer than it should.


Shadow priest is the “system” spec.

In Legion: “artfact will fix it”
Bfa : “azerite and essences will fix it”
SL: "conduits will fix it "
If you can’t enjoy your spec without the “systems” there’s something veeery wrong with this spec.


If the systems underpinning Voidform could be fixed, they would have been fixed in any of the prior tiers in the last 2 expansions and SL Alpha. Shadow has been adjusted ~every tier in both expansions, and adjusted again in SL Alpha.

There is no easy fix here. They need to recognize Voidform is a design dilemma that they cannot solve, and replace it with new mechanics.

It might still ‘look’ like Voidform aesthetically, or it might be Shadow Orbs, or something else entirely - but their pride is destroying one of the most beloved specs in the game.


Pride is an insidious thing. It can destroy anything, because all it has to say is “you are right. Everyone else is just jealous of what you’ve accomplished.”

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Honestly, I’d be happy if they simply relegated Void Form and the attending insanity mechanics to a talent. You pick the Void Form talent and it gives you the insanity resource and changes certain skills to the void form interacting skills. If you don’t pick the talent you use mana like other dps casters and don’t get void form or other void abilities. This would allow those who like Void Form to keep it and those who don’t to eschew it.

I’d also like to see the return of the talent that makes replaces Mind Flay with Mind Spike (that we had in WoD).

This would be amazing tbh, especially if you’re a void elf that will keep your “void” fantasy after the regular blood elf skins are added. The current Shadowform is currently kind of meh… Because isn’t “shadowy” enough like it used to be, and instead we look like coming out from a smoking grill. In short, a shadowform that doesn’t resemble “shadows” at all.

Great, i like Voidform a lot.

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Liking something is a non sequitur to most of this discussion. You can like something that is massively sub optimal. I also like Spriest and Enh shaman currently, but I still see the problems.

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You realize that the reason Shadow isn’t popular in dungeons has nothing to do with its damage right? If they removed Voidform tomorrow you wouldn’t suddenly get invites to M+.

On a similar note, Shadow is fine in world content. Not faceroll DH level, but certainly it’s just as good as all the other caster specs are.

As for this, the priest community on the official forums overwhelmingly dislikes voidform. That does not mean that most Shadow players dislike it. People who like it aren’t going to bother posting there because of the overwhelming negativity.

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Get ready guys, it’s gonna be BFA 2.0 all over again

Shadow’s gonna be dumpster tier until Blizz gets the first aid kit and puts some bandaids on it, then props it up on some temporary borrowed power

Their “big fix” will be some outside system to gloss over shadows issues, and it probably won’t happen until after launch when they realize they screwed shadow again and the players are raging at them for it

Plate would be cool if it did anything. As is clothies (lock) are tankier than Warriors/Rets. I wish armor rating actually stood for something. Its ridiculous when assassination/havoc can blow you up in a few globals despite your “heavy sturdy armor.”

Yvaelle, you’ve been one of the most articulate and constructive Priests on the forums. Never change.

This, all the above.

Voidform cannot be fixed in its current form. We’re headed for a repeat of BFA 8.0. If you mained a Priest, you know that was hell. It was horrible on a scale that still brings a tear to my eye.

Priests were buffed in a later patch and it finally felt like the spec was barely functional. Then later still, Priests were nerfed because Voidform screws up scaling so badly.

Shadowlands will follow the exact same pattern.

Blizzard, please stop the madness, end the insanity, and cut away the cancer that is Voidform as we know it. Please. We’re not whining, we’re begging you to listen to the years of constructive feedback about a spec in a game we all dearly love.


nope, not all lol. This stuff is bad for open world. Open world casual and I want it gone.

I want a more consistent damage dealer that other caster classes get. So when I rush some wq,s pull in several mobs on the run through and they knock me off the mount I don’t hate life in the 5 on 1. Assume aggro breakers are on cd.

Recent times on warlock made this crap stand out more. When a mob dismounts me I don’t feel bad for me. I feel bad for them. They could have lived another day. But nooooo they had to pick the fight. I wanted to be the nice guy.

2 up and ready AOE’s and chaos bolt to kill what lives coming up.

I liked Lightwell, and people I partied with would usually use it if they needed extra heals :slight_smile:

Shadow is just discount Affliction anyway.

Such a good post by Yvaelle.


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