Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work)

Notices half of his posts are deleted

Zoinks, i missed a lot, haven’t i? :neutral_face:

…Could be worse. You could be suggesting more ways for Blizzard to monetize the game to a chair spinning around vomiting degree. :face_vomiting:

Plus Void Paladins sounds like an awesome idea actually. :open_mouth:

Maybe the reason why all of this happened is cause you didn’t convey them in a way that is convincing to a majority of the people and didn’t respond well to counters to your idea of etc. I don’t know, i’m just going off a guess here.

Death Knight is close enough. Even though Allied Races shouldn’t get them.

Your idea can be even apply to DK perfectly… and now that Allied races get DK to play when you purchase SL… it be PERFECT for my Void Elf… (I love my Blue Berry flavor Void elf)

His just so fabulous! (joking)

:kissing_heart: :selfie:

Ehhhhhh… :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

… i’m gonna have to disagree with that personally since a ret paladin plays way differently from unholy or frost DK. If were talking about waiting for things to light up, sure, but that’s about it.

I like your idea well enough, but i don’t think it should be another class, especially since you want it to play much like a paladin.

And before somebody tells me that “switching to another school of magic isn’t the same as recoloring the fire”, the kind of magic school you wield, doesn’t seem to matter much in all honestly.

Not at all. Death magic offers different playstyles and concepts from void magic. I think your idea was good.

It certainly does considering competitive arena has honor talents based around reducing damage from specific schools. I use this example repeatedly, a void knight going against something like a holy paladin would have no contest considering plate + shadow resistance aura would absolutely gimp them, just like RMP playing into RMD is significantly disadvantaged and a huge reason why is MOTW and poison cleanse for NP.

Not to mention that all kicks function on a class school fundamental understanding.


Why? What if we just want to relax here in the corner and have a beer?

Don’t drink alcohol.


Can I offer you a nice popcorn then?


… buttered?

Hmm, fair enough. :man_shrugging:

Maybe make Void knight another dps spec like how Shadow is to priests then? just a thought.

Well if were talking about Paladins, typically outside of Physical attacks, they only have one school of magic that i’m aware of and that is Holy. So i would imagine if this idea does come to reality, they would just be shadow only.

I can see where your coming from here, and i do agree with some of it. It’s just the one of the uncommon occurrences where i can recall these come into play is where you have more then 1 magic school if you are locked out from one, via interrupt, which lead me to believe it’s just mostly cosmetic in terms of name and appearance.

we’re not making void elf paladins, dear

void elf paladins physically cannot exist

No, the kicking thing was just included to showcase spell schools do matter because what we cast has a direct influence. It’s like people wanting void elves to have shadow spells for all specs including priest. From a design perspective, priest having two schools is unique and prevents them from getting totally trained. It’s a trade-off in that they have no mobility, but that’s an aside.

The main problem is the resistance aura thing I mentioned because the AWC would be heavily effected by these changes. The esports scene would have to be fundamentally changed, and the basis for schools within WoW’s cosmos would need to be altered.

Of course. We are civilized after all.

… Sure…


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Ehh. Fair enough i suppose.

Not to sound nitpicky, but doesn’t Balance Druids and Mages have access to two schools too? :thinking:

Like all mages have access to Frost nova and teleport spells (even though they aren’t combat related.)

Balance is 2, but has physical abilities. Mage has 3 (Frost, fire, and arcane).

I’m talking healers. Every other healer has mobility, but is mostly restrained to one school. Discipline as a healer has two schools and is unique in that, and borderline no mobility.

Holy paladins, mistweavers, resto druids, and shaman are all mostly 1 school, with some minor (borderline negligent) abilities in off schools. And that’s shaman specific.

If you lock a holy paladin on anything, he cannot bubble. If you lock a mistweaver on anything, he cannot LC. If you lock an rdruid on anything, he can shift. But that’s it. If you lock a shaman on nature, he cannot heal. The most he can do is frost shock and flee, or flame shock and try to kill someone low.

If you lock discipline on either holy or shadow, he has answers still pertaining to hard casting, but in 3’s must juke the second kick to be productive.

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One of these things is not like the others
One of these things just doesn’t belong
Can you tell which thing is not like the others
By the time I finish my song?

Did you guess which thing was not like the others?
Did you guess which thing just doesn’t belong?
If you guessed this one is not like the others
Then you’re absolutely…right!

… is it me? Do I not belong? I don’t do I? I knew it…

Take a breath my man.

You’re allowed to have your ideas. People may not always agree with them, and that’s okay.

It doesn’t make your idea less valid. People disagree and as long as you aren’t a jerk about it. No harm no foul.