Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work)

You are completely right.

Agreed, and I do believe it is possible for Void Pladins to be playable, as we already face paladins who use the Void back in WoD… I think?

I forgot the name of that Boss… anyway the point is its already in the game Lore.

You’ll need a different name. In real life a “Knight” is an earned or granted title. More to the point, “Knight” is a PvP rank, or at least was in the past. People that were at that rank or any others when the old ranking system ended can use their PvP title now.

Answer to Void Elf Paladins, you ain’t getting them!

What this guy said.

This is false, and we know it is because priests exist and literally have void form.

As for the whole idea - no. Class mechanics and schools mean something. Why is it people just cannot take being told “No” lately? When I was told “No” as a kid, I said “Okay” and moved on. I didn’t throw a tantrum for an extended amount of time.

Void elves will not be getting paladins. Void elves shouldn’t have been changed at all. And as I said, class schools mean something and are a fundamental part of our cosmos within the game. A “void knight” going against a regular paladin in arena, for example, would have an incredibly hard time and literally be gimping themselves because any smart holy paladin worth their salt would be taking shadow resistance aura.

And no, no one can say “Well it’s just a skin, Shad!” That doesn’t work either because if it looks like void magic, and acts like void magic, and sounds like void magic, then guess what? It is void magic.

Hmmm would this cosmetic re-skin of powers work for DK then or you think it won’t work also? (taking in consideration the lore like you mention) :thinking:

This coming from an ORC… you better run! Haha lol :rofl:

I don’t need to see one considering the forums have been in flames over it and been throwing tantrums since the announcement was made. And note, I did not say you were throwing a tantrum. It was a general statement at the state of the forums.

In case you haven’t figure it out - people aren’t happy right now. Some people aren’t happy about the void elves getting pale skin and some people aren’t happy about void elves not just being renamed to high elves and the entire void elf identity being made completely irrelevant.

If you wanna make a fun thread, make a thread about favorite WoW gaming foods, or something. Don’t sit here and poke the hornet’s nest.

Regardless - I’m not gonna read a tantrum.

And I’m not going to type one, in the process I started realizing the immaturity of it and decided against it. No this isn’t me being “Mature” I’m incapable of that. I just… whatever.

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DK’s are a little bit easier to manage because everything they do is already shadow magic, and when discussing game mechanics, it wouldn’t be effected.

I’m fine with “class skins” or cosmetic changes to spells and abilities that fit within the lore and don’t sit here and change up spell schools which have interactions with abilities like mark of the wild, or shadow resistance aura.

In the case of a DK using void magic? Wouldn’t bother me none just like priests getting an option to wield moonlight wouldn’t bother me none either. As long as we’re remaining within the same spell school.

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It’s pretty clear now that Blizzard messed up with the new Void Elf skins. They have shown that they are weak.

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Yes, keep saying it more so we get them like normal skin tones for VE! :grin:

Wait, what? Why this thread’s name is changed? Wasn’t this about something abouf Void Paladin knights? :face_with_raised_eyebrow:

I just got back after the 2 hours leveling up a blood elf mage.

You will never get Void elf Paladins, normal skin tones should be removed as well. You want to play a High elf go play Horde, don’t want to play the Evil faction, too bad.

Because I am a failure in all things and Void Paladins was the stupidest thing that came out of my tiny brain thus far.

Just read a few post up and you will see an argument that ended in Kaznarok just giving up…
Its a shame really, I like the idea, the discussion was interesting and informative.

Ended like a classic Orc vs Elf horde argument… insted of the Orc breaking the Elf neck… he walks away to keep the peace in the Horde. :wink:

(Sorry I embellish what happen with a bit of RP I just could not resist) :sweat_smile:

Good one…

Come on man, don’t shy away from your ideas just because you didn’t get a superb reaction from GD.

I think void knights are a great idea, and its a design space that hasn’t been filled no matter what anyone says.

Someone suggested a Void based class kind of like a Shaman, they could play around with that.

Dude its not stupid, your in WoW forums… no matter how good/bad the idea there is always someone who thinks other wise.

Just ask the Blizz Team… they deal with us EVERY single breading moment…and for some reason STILL stick to their ideas or concept to move forward and at the same time give us hungry fans a bit of what we want.

For what its worth I dint think it was bad. :sweat_smile:

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