Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work)

With Calia…high chance Forsakens might get to be Paladins

Blackguards are unequivocally evil though, whereas use of the Void doesn’t necessarily make one evil, ie. Void Elves.

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I feel it does and maybe we got an exception here in wow to make it playable. I mean gameplay always overrides lore.

Void elves aren’t evil. Just …really ambitious. Which… looking at the Blood Elves…might just be an elf thing.

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You will get that entropic thingy that will get the feeling of void energy coursing through the body.

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Forsaken aren’t too keen on the light touching them. While it may heal them, it hurts like hell, makes their senses come back so the can feel maggots in them, so void is the way to go.

Calia is different, she wasn’t raised by dark magic. It took 2 strong priests and a Naaru to bring her back. Don’t see that becoming playable.

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But how can they be priest then ? I mean wielding holy light and all on priest class.

I wouldn’t be too sure about that, Exile’s Reach and new skin customizations are opening some doors that were previously closed.

Eh, canonically most of them are shadow priests. I can only think of like two light users in total for all forsaken.

And they were beacons of light and willpower before becoming undead.

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Game play. The Forsaken created the cult of forgotten shadows in contrast of the church of light. Almost every undead priest npc has some sort of name indicating they’re users of shadow magic.

It is not just gameplay anymore. Lorewise forsaken can still heal with Holy magic, it is just that using it is very painful for them.

Honestly, I expect the void elves will just become better at control the void and later end up harnessing light. Really Light and Dark are just two sides of a coin.

Reminds me of Dark souls 3 and Pontiff Sulyvahn :sweat_smile:

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I honestly though Forsaken Priest and the Church of Forgotten Shadows were retconned from Warcraft Lore.

Yeah I mentioned that.

From memory, you have three undead that freely wield the light. Sir Zeliek who was under the Lich Kings will, an undead in the Plague Lands who isn’t a fan of Sylvanas, and Alonsus in legion.

There could be a few more but it takes a lot of willpower to continue using it after being raised.

Better name, void templar!

But it can’t play like pallies… seriously.

They fell apart sometime before legion and you gather the remains for the class order hall.

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Hellknight sounds far better.

Not kid friendly. They would be scared to lose the box rating

Sounds like it would suit diablo better too lmao.

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I’d love a quick story quest that would take your horde paladin and have him defect to the alliance becoming a void elf and giving up their light for the darkness off the void magic.
The spells should have that starry glittery effect. with shiny glitterly black wings and my gay emo starlight as will be happy.

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Yep because one directly effects gameplay and another is a cosmetic reward, keep trying though sweety.