Void Knight Discussion (And why it will never work)

While also hurting you.

We have no clue that the void can do everything a paladin can do but with darkness.

And i doubt they would make a variation of a class that punishes you when it comes to sustaining or protecting yourself.

Either way Void elves need to stop being used a platform for high elf requests.

I’m pretty sure in QnA they said velf paladins would not be happening.

It doesn’t matter. Void Elves should not be using Holy powers as Priests, but they have it for gameplay over lore so they can be Shadow Priests.

Ignoring Holy to give them Prot and Ret changed into a Void spec is not lore breaking in the slightest because these other two can exist (as long as is customized for the Void, - of course -).

If it’s going to be implemented or not is something else. I said it’s not lore breaking.

Eh, I still hate the idea.

They are entitled to shadow priest. They cannot give them a class with only one spec.

There is no lore to break, we have no account of dark paladins.


Me want Forsaken paladins

Me wants it now.

Or else me smash puny blizzard.

That’s what I said. If Blizzard wants to use the Paladin base for Void Elves, they can and would have to give Holy because they won’t keep them with only Prot and Ret.

I am not talking about Dark paladins ._.

I am talking about Void Knights. Not a Dark Paladin. A Plate wearer that fights with Void magic. And we have one of them or more in Uldum.

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Shadow/Void Paladins would be a better option. If we’re making a new class it should be a ranged one.

I would Loooooooveeeee this to happen! But I think it be easier for DK to be Void Knights and have their Blood and Unholy abilities Re-skin to look more Void… (I got nothing for Frost… I know the Void is cold but I can’t think of anything to re-skin it)

This idea has been propose in so many way… too. YouTube content creators have mention this and propose this too, in “Class Skins” as a new way to play your class but with different look to accommodate the RPG power fantasy of “some races or RPG playing”.

With glyph added and the fact that they did something like this with the Green Fire Quest for Warlocks only strengthen and encourage the WoW community to keep hope. I can only dream for now… I know I have my Void Elf DK ready and waiting to become a Void Knight if we ever get it… But I guess Ill have to create a Paladin if it comes only to Paladin lol… fingers cross for SL!

:crossed_fingers: :grimacing:

In baldurs gate, as a paladin, our negative actions slowly turns us into dark paladin

It would be gameplay over lore. Any race can be a paladin for their “god”.

Wouldn’t it just be better to just make it a thing like the Warlock’s green fire, to make all your holy spells into void spells then?

I was about to say I never said they’d be Paladins, just using similar abilities to Paladins that were void based.

Also I think we have some void knights in Vision of Stormwind. could be wrong.

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I don’t like the prospect of being stitched back up by some weird void tentacle.

Aren’t does called Blackguards? Never seen a Dark Paladin in D&D. :thinking:
Sorry my D&D is a bit rusty and haven’t play too much of it in the pass few years… so I know I’m out dated in my knowledge. :sweat_smile:

It only feels awkward at first, you soon learn to love it.


The Blackguard, class kit, epitomizes evil and is nothing short of a mortal fiend. The quintessential black knight, this villain carries a reputation of the foulest sort that is very well deserved. Consorting with demons and devils and serving dark deities, the Blackguard is hated and feared by all. Some people call these villains “anti-paladins” due to their completely evil nature

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I’ve been around Old Gods and their minions long enough that my reaction to tentacles coming anywhere near me is met with me slicing at them with my sword. BACK! BACK I SAY!

They are not entitled to prot and ret.

They are entitled to shadow priest because it screams the void aesthetic.

Void paladins.

Same archetype.

i see that dw

You need the paladin mindset.

And a god/religion to worship in the first place.

So like the void? People do worship it.

Also anything can have the mindset of a paladin and fight for what they think is good and right.