Void elves

Me? The first several years of my time playing this game was purely on Alliance characters, so I’m not sure what point you’re trying to make.

At this point I say give blood elves all void elf options, and give void elves the last couple of unique things they have left and be done with it.

Just have them be like pandas

I personally rather they give both unique options to set use enough apart. Being a parody isn’t really fun nor interesting. Which is why I hope the Dark Ranger stuff is true.

There’s also been a lot of fresh ideas posted in the customization threads for both races to help keep visuals unique.


I think its too late at this point.
They have so many shared options, that I don’t think a few niche things would make them stand out. Especially since they’re still just more options.

Once they allowed void elves to be identical to blood elves, there was no going back.

No, I think tattoos hair and some Dark Ranger or San’layn looks could set us apart. And it’d be better than leaving it as it is. I don’t really care about their hairstyles. We could have our own.


Yes to both of these for Blood Elves and the Horde would be wonderful at this point in time. :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart: :sparkling_heart:


Hear me out: No.

Though we do need some unique eye colors. The fact they gave Blood Elves both of our eye colors is annoying.

Blood Elf players scream they took unique choices from the Blood Elves but ignore the fact we only had 2 eye colors and they were given both lol.


No, I didn’t want the blue eyes either. That happened because they made a mistake and then kept it.

I don’t want Helf options taken away from either. I just want more unique looks for both.

I wanted red eyes. I still do.


“It was the Void!!”

~George Costanza

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When the game is over and done, helfers will still be making topics about it. LOL :joy_cat:


Successful troll post is successful.

Give us Silvermoon, etc.

Oh how the turn tables.


Except, you should probably realize, the only reason we got the skin colors was because they gave you our eye color.

There’s a 1% chance they decided “Let’s give Void Elves normal skin tones from the Blood Elves, and as a compromise, we’ll give the Blood Elves the blue eyes they’ve been asking for.”

No. We both know that didn’t happen. The 99% likely thing is “Let’s give Blood Elves the blue eyes they’ve been asking for. And we’ll throw the Alliance a bone with some skin tones to try to keep them distracted from the fact we took away their eye color uniqueness.”

Likewise, “Let’s completely update 2 Horde allied races and only 1 Alliance allied race. Oh, and toss some copy/pasted blood elf hair colors to the void elves. That’s even.”


It wasn’t your eye color Blood Elves not only have had NPCs w the eye color before the option was returned to us, but devs also stated the eye color would return non playable 6 NPCs don’t take precedence over the playable Horde core race.

A more fair deal would have been an exchange of eye colors on both sides, nothing more, and then VEs receiving actual Void options as opposed to options that infringed on the visual uniqueness of Blood Elves.

They literally allow you to fulfill two visual themes in one race, which by itself is more than BEs but the fact the second visual theme is literally at the cost of BE visual uniqueness is a point of issue.



I love that this image ignores the fact Blood Elves also have a purple eye option. As well as multiple other colors.

Do you want me to go through the blood elf threads and point out where everyone demands blood elves be given red eyes for their visual uniqueness to be back?

So, if eye color is visual uniqueness, then blood elves already have that by nature of your golden and green eyes. And then there’s the blind option as well, and the mix and match colors, none of which void elf have.

Void Elves also have none of the Blood Elf hairstyles, and vice versa.

So if skin color is indeed “uniqueness” to you, then eye color is too. Which means Blood Elves have FAR more uniqueness than Void Elves. This doesn’t even touch on the amount of hair styles or the fact blood elves have jewelry, etc.


You mean tied to the DR request that is accompanied by wanting undead skin tones?

It’s not.

A second distinct set of options the way VEs got them at BEs expense would be Felblood, or DR, or some sort of Light (beyond eyes like mana hands and hair or something but w light stuff) those are examples and requests of BE fans for a second visually distinct theme to compensate for the loss of visual uniqueness though I’ll point out no one is asking for all of those but they are examples because void elves can now be both void and non void visually that is distinct themes.

Awe you didn’t get the jewelry what a shame. I hope that takes up your next pass.


Speaking for myself, the only hairstyles I’d want from Blood Elves are those used by High Elf NPCs. That at least would exclude their newest additions.

I also think Blood Elves should get some Void Elf hairstyles. I know there’s at least one female Void Elf hairstyle a lot of Blood Elf players would really like.

Male Void Elves are in desperate need of some decent hairstyles though. There’s virtually nothing good for them.

Then maybe you should have spent your time concentrating on asking for that to begin with instead of a Horde core race.


I disagree with you. I think the Void Elves were given the Blood Elf skin tones specifically to appease the High Elf fan base. But I respect that you remain so civil.


You dont actually believe any of this do you?
Because that is such a huge stretch.

Blood elves got an eye colour, and you think that is the reason why void elves got non void skin tones?
What about hair colour? Are those due to eyes too?

Of course it does because that’s not the point of the image.
The point is that blood elves have the one theme of being a normal elf.
And void elves can look like the exact same normal elf, but also look void corrupted.

An eye colour is not the same thing as a visually distinct theme at all.

Its not. Not in the slightest