Void elves

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oh dear you made a post about high elves.

I can’t wait for the 450 post debate that lands numerous vacations tomorrow when everyone wakes up or gets off work if they live down under. :popcorn:


Come again? How is this the case, you’re claiming the SC isn’t neutral, and yet not only are they a part of neutral Dalaran (so neutral along w Dalaran) but devs have said Alliance HEs aren’t out there in numbers, which sort of also rules out the SC, so you have 6 elves.

Blood Elves are High Elves and always have been Cezol. From their lore, to their appearance, clothes, culture, capital city, kingdom, sunwell (the heart of the High Elven people), renaming themselves to honor their fallen doesn’t change that, the heritage quest reaffirms that, devs reaffirm that Alliance HEs aren’t out there doing things like Alleria who is now a VE.

A real High Elf fan would be a Blood Elf fan period. Lanesh is also in tattered Scryer clothing which I find interesting since he’s had blue eyes longer than the option for BEs has been returned, yet does that suggest he’s a OL HE that linked up w Scryers in OL? So now we have evidence HEs at first chance they get return home to their kin, or you have then neutral SC, yet no Alliance force to speak of.


. . . All I want is some natural hairstyles that were made fresh and not just taken from blood elves as we deserve the same level of effort literally everyone else got and I want to look like I didn’t step off a nightwish album cover . . . also I want the voidy void elf fans to have their requests fulfilled.


It isn’t, their leader is an active Alliance leader, try again.

Living in Dalaran and serving Dalaran are two differen’t things, so sad to see you push this false narrative.

Except for at the siege of Orgrimmar, actively serving the Alliance alongside their leader Vereesa, with very obvious Thalassian artillery.

How nice the color blue looks and differentiates itself from the color red to denote a difference in not only groups but, ironically, political leanings huh?

Or being actively quoted by Elisande as being a seperate entity from Blood Elves and Night Elves, with…Oh look, that Alliance leader Vereesa.

You get that you’re allowed to be wrong right Lannieboy?

You already lost the customization war twice, what do you feel you gain by continuing to being an obtuse lore ignorer and spiteful forum stalker on the high elf topic?

You think if enough time passes that people will forget the NUANCED lore this game is built on, and your lies become right by default?


That sat out the fourth war until the fourth war became a combination of Azeroth vs Sylvanas, so I can’t imagine you’ll claim the Horde rebels are Alliance anymore than neutral SC involvement would you?

Oh look here we go now, so you’re claiming Horde rebels as Alliance too then or? Because involvement at Orgrimmar doesn’t = Alliance, Dalaran/SC involvement doesn’t break their neutrality when it becomes about For Azeroth now does it? So she’s still neutral which makes sense why the devs have never added SC numbers to “Alliance HEs” and continue to maintain they aren’t out there in numbers because they don’t consider a neutral cities military organizations as part of those numbers

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Poseurs pretending to be something they no longer are?


No one claims that HEs who maintain the High Elf name as opposed to Blood Elf in the SC aren’t High Elves anyways, the case is they aren’t Alliance


I cant imagine you believing that they’d call on their smaller army in High Elves at the start of every war when Anduin is actively quoted in saying what they have at the siege is all thats left of the Alliance forces after the LEGION and Fourth War.

But I forgot, you didn’t really grasp object permanence, High Elves don’t exist on the Alliance if they aren’t actively punching Lann in the face.


Or dev statements saying they aren’t out there in numbers, repeatedly telling you they are few and far between.

The fact you clung to a neutral organization they’ve never added to those numbers because they aren’t Alliance isn’t on anyone but you.


That actively contradict everything we see in game thus far?

You can’t hang on to dev statements made a decade ago and pretend you have a point kiddo, you don’t, its especially sad when right after, I post 3 videos proving you wrong. :heartpulse:

I don’t see your pathetic anti-brovado when it comes to Mag’har Orcs or Void Elves who cannot possibly have more numbers than High Elves but were more than able to become an entire playable race.

Couldn’t possibly be because you’re biased and have an agenda.


I thought you just admitted

They have no presence in game either? Like you got up and took time to write that line to single me out but it stands the same they don’t help the Alliance war effort, SC is a part of Dalaran (as shown in game) and… yeah


Or perhaps thats your angle, I’m just pointing out the facts like so many people always do for you and you use the same lines at everyone and anyone who does, thankfully Mag and so many others have always taken the time to converse w you to try to point things out it just happens to be me today is all.

A neutral organization being at Orgrimmar doesn’t make them Alliance anymore then Horde rebels being at Orgrimmar makes them Alliance.

Elisande speaking to High Elves who kept the name and didn’t rename themselves BEs is moot no one is disputing they exist, they just aren’t Alliance.


The World through your red tinted glasses is not the facts Lann, the game we play is. the game I linked you.

Not very neutral of dalaran to involve themselves in an Alliance vs Horde war is it? You do know that’s what the fourth war was right?

Alliance and Horde traitors vs the Horde, guess Dalaran isn’t as neutral as you desperately hoped it was if they’re letting the supposed “neutral” SC yield artillery at the Horde capital gates AND letting their lead representative of their supposed “neutral” group fight and kill the horde? Couldn’t be. :rofl:

They are, their leader is, and last I checked she’s still very much “Vereesa Windrunner, Range-General of the Silver Covenant”.

Or is this video wrong, is Vereesa not with the other Alliance leaders and still ranger general of the silver covenant?


Hell she’s even in Oribos rocking that “Ranger General of the Silver Covenant”.

And participating in Alliance vs Horde wars?

My goodness how un-neutral of her.


Spoken by someone who hasn’t leveled an Alliance toon through the different expacs. We have to interact with/gain rep for/receive help from High Elf factions in almost every expac… they fill our portal rooms… they stroll through Stormwind…they are hostile to Horde while we gain rep for them in certain Expacs, etc.


The devs have never accounted for the SC when they’ve explicitly stated how small Alliance HE numbers are, to the point of saying that they are few and far between.

You can point to the SC all you want but that doesn’t not make them a part of neutral Dalaran and if it makes you feel better the Sunreavers are part of neutral Dalaran too, their bias / game play existence to help out their respective bias doesn’t sever their existence as a part of neutral Dalaran which again is why despite existing since wrath the devs have never once let up on doubling down that the HE population Alliance side just … isn’t there. If they considered the SC Alliance they wouldn’t make those statements

Oof yeah not reading the rest, got all I need to know from twelve time you’ve brought up this dead end and debunked point.

Keep clinging to outdated and incorrect information kiddo.

At this point you’re closing to your eyes to the game Lann, it’s ok to be a horde obtuse liar, just don’t pretend you have a point past that.

Difference here is I posted evidence, you quote miss information. Better to just stay in your echo chamber discord, don’t have many points outside there :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.


I mean at this point whose ignoring facts? Because you have no explanation for not only them existing in the capacity of a part of Dalaran which is neutral but dev statements confirming that HEs are on the Alliance in significant numbers (which wouldn’t be the case if they considered the SC a part of the Alliance not Dalaran)

Which I addressed they are moot points.

Come again?

You know what’s interesting about your posts on this topic despite the thread, is it doesn’t matter who is speaking to you your insults are the same, and they are your first line of defense which to me means you lack a lot of credibility in your own arguments if you need to attack people in that way because …

Perhaps this is projection hmmm


drama aside, for an MMO WoW is way way way too static. in a world that is as big as wow it should be important to keep up to date on the different implications and politics of the world but apparently not. Half the lore arguments on here would be solved by official explanation like that. I suppose the exploring kalimdor book solidified just how garbage they are at doing that though.

I think it is time we start flagging posts mentioning void elves. You got what you wanted, you ruined a horde race and its identity. Stop asking for more unless it is void related options.


I mean you’re kind of a perfect example of how personally Alliance HE fans take opposition to the request that has always infringed on a Horde race, so no it doesn’t surprise me that as exemplified by yourself people manage to take offense over disagreeing over pixel elves.

But its still just a disagreement over pixel elves Cezol.

Again, we disagree over Alliance High Elf options lol.

I already addressed them.

Your videos add nothing to the convo other than the SC exists.

Participation at Orgrimmar after not being involved the rest of the war… the battle the game literally emphasizes to us is a Battle for Azeroth where Horde rebels and Alliance stand side by side, a neutral organization also being involved doesn’t make them Alliance anymore than the Horde rebels would be.

And nothing you’ve provided has addressed why the devs repeatedly solidify the SC as not part of the Alliance by never calculating them into any numbers when they comment on the topic, in fact going out of their way to address Alliance HEs as few and far between not out there in the way Alleria and the VEs are