Void elves

Because its a video game.

Also, neutral does not mean opinionless.
It means they don’t act on those opinions.

They might have a preference, but until they leave dalaran, they cannot act on it


they have no clue concerning the complexity and nuance of the meaning of neutrality

first im not even convinced the pvp prestige quest is canon. BOTH factions are working together to deal with a bigger threat. its a planet wide war with the legion, so does it make sense that the leaders of either faction are gonna step back from the front lines to honor the ‘champion’ who instead of engaging the legion instead chose to attack the other faction?

“everyone, time out! legion dont attack we have a very important ceremony scheduled in stormwind”

lets pretend it is canon. does vereesa appearing in a neutral capacity for the player who helped the kirin tor offensive in mists, and especially if you are a hunter, helped her search for alleria; does that break dalarans neutrality in any capacity? ofc not. neither does the SC coming to the aid of quel’thalas to deal with the threat of the amani trolls resurgence

the kirin tor/dalaran, all of its parts, are neutral. thats why even horde mages start off friendly with the kirin tor and the horde are allowed to live there


Blood Elves were the devs sharing the Alliance population with Horde.



Now you’re attacking Naughty, and for why because people have valid arguments against stealing a Horde core race.


Let them steal it
Why care any more now that the faction divide is being torn away.

I used to care, but if a gnome can raid with an orc, then whatever at this point.

Just don’t kill void elves doing it

Yeah no thanks.

You seem to have an extra care for VEs though.

BE fans have seen their race infringed on enough. Nor are they a neutral race which also infringes on Pandarens unique identity as a neutral race.

How about let HE fans play the actual playable HE race, period. Which is BEs. The only answer.


Don’t understand how users like that stay on the forums without a ban.


I used to main a blood elf.
I used to be very against this idea because of the faction division.

However, right now void elves can look just like a blood elf.
And a void elf can play with a blood elf in the very near future.

I honestly don’t see what more harm could be done at this point to blood elves.
Theyre dead.

Its sad, but they are not a unique race any more.
Void elves can do pretty much all they can do already, and more.

The only difference is blood elves have some different hair cuts.
Void elves have 2 complete different styles to chose from. One of which being blood elf.

I’m with you in it being wrong.

But you’re defending a corpse

Man, I haven’t seen a thread this hostile in some time.


That’s why I pointed out earlier how generic their insults were, like you can change the name if they insult you and it’s really just a generic anger at anyone who isn’t in favor of Alliance High Elves, and imo the way gone about doing it shows that even they know their arguments otherwise lack credibility. But also yeah agreed idk how either.

Then so are you by hoping VEs don’t get wrecked in the process if your stance is literally “just keep wrecking BEs but please let VEs come out okay”

A horde core race

Won’t someone please think of the VEs even though I fully am okay seeing BE fans race killed even further


Explain to me the harm that would be done to blood elves, if there was a race on the alliance, that does everything that a void elf can do already, but only they have less options because they can’t pick the void stuff

If their half elves idc

If they are High Elves well Blood Elves are High Elves.

If you’re worried about VEs fine, but let’s not police BE fans.

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short answer

long answer-
i’m not going to give one, i’ll let everyone else do that.

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Explain to me how it makes sense that Alliance should have two thirds of the Thalassian races despite 90%+ of the Thalassian population being Horde?


I’m not policing
I’m just saying how I feel

I used to care deeply about this, but I see nothing left to fight for on the blood elf side, outside of hair cuts and green eyes.
And thats because that’s all they have left.

It makes sense from the sense that if the alliance has elves corrupted by void, and those that aren’t, that is more types than just the hordes ones.

Give the horde dark rangers or something if its an issue

I’m not even against High Elves and they went all psycho, lol. I don’t know what their issue is, but it shouldn’t be for the forums to have to deal with.

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Which is that you care more about VEs than BEs despite BEs repeatedly taking the hit for being infringed upon.

And I’m saying as a BE fan why don’t you just fight your fight about VEs while letting us fight our fight defending what’s left of BEs which is mostly our lore and story.


No one is touching your lore or story here

Awww, hugs. :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:

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uhhhh so you dont understand how someone else can have a different opinion ? yiiiikessss so everyone that has different opinions according to you should just be banned ?