Void elves

That’s swell for the Kirin Tor.

Good thing the Silver Covenant isn’t the Kirin Tor and resides in the city much like the Sunreavers.

Or are the Sunreavers also neutral? Didn’t seem that way when they let a stolen weapon sneak through dalaran on a blatant attack on the Alliance.


Your lack of lore knowledge never ceases to amaze me.
You keep doing you I guess

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People are cool with me.
Not sure what you mean

They are members thus neutral

Yeah they are

Exactly. That’s why there were kicked out.

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He likes to pretend like just because he dislikes someone “everyone” does but he has an issue with everyone that disagrees with him or corrects him so.


Hahaha sure.

Two different organizations with different reputation tabs are the same thing? Mmm no.

The SC is under the Alliance Vanguard, try again, or maybe level a toon past 10 for something other than to make people cringe on the forums and you’d know that :face_with_hand_over_mouth:.

By Jainas pull on the Kirin Tor. Let’s talk wrath when the SC was created for the purpose of opposing the hordes presence in the City, of dalaran.

So tell me how you believe Kirin Tor and the city of dalaran are the exact same entity. Is SI:7 and the church of light in storm wind the same entity because they both reside in stormwind?

The puppy is just grumpy. No amount of :newspaper_roll: seems to help. :woman_shrugging:t2:


The only one making themselves look pathetic is you and everyone can see it but you do you.


… they literally are.
Theyre basically the government and they have rules of admission.

I change character from time to time but my name remains the same, as does the style of my writing, and I never pretend to not be me.

For example, I changed my character from a blood elf as I have decided to rejoin the alliance and so I wanted my forum avatar to reflect my faction

You chose their best race, imo. Gnomes are awesome!



I dont think neutral means what you think it means.

For example you linked the end of bfa
In bfa the horde was against the horde

Being neutral does not mean avoiding any and all conflicts regardless of what’s going on.

For example, with Russia.
Its a one sided invasion for no reason.
That’s why neutral countries have made a stand.

2 countries warring over some land between them them, that’s something you would remain neutral on.

Yeah sorry, the agenda of in game lore isn’t an agenda it’s lore. :kissing_heart:


The only thing you have ever done right is shown how rude you are and how you can’t take someone thinking or feeling differently than you so you personally attack them, case and point in the last few posts you have personally attacked Grandbrae, Lannislight, Moritz and now me so yeah you have issues.

You might want to your own advice, I’m not the one personally attacking people over a difference in opinion or because I get corrected, that’s you.


So dalaran isn’t neutral as you say since they allowed the SC to take the Alliance side in an Alliance vs Horde war, it was not “a conflict”.

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But you said the lore changes and by old lore there are less non horde non void alliance high elves.

So which is it the old lore Blizzard says is the case or your head canon agenda lore as the true lore ?

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No, but they serve under them. They are still dalaran citizenry. Same with sunreavers.

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Did you read anything else of what I said, or just that part?
Because I clearly addressed your comment.

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I say flag any void elf thread that isn’t about giving void options . THey got enough for the helfers now give to those that like the void aspect of the race.


I dont think void elves should get any more non void options.
They are void elves after all, and by this point, anyone who wants to pretend they’re not, has more than enough to RP it.

But I also say just give the alliance high elves.

Factions are being half torn down in 9.2.5 and I expect the rest to follow in the coming years.

So I don’t care what faction has what any more.

If horde can play with the alliance, why not mix the races

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You haven’t explained why alliance has exclusivity and cosmetics for this faction, ditto Sunreavers, that is the opposite of neutrality, both factions can earn rep with the Kirin Tor an actual neutral faction, yet everything points to the opposite with the other factions that reside in dalaran and your only point is: “ because sometimes neutral isn’t neutral”