Void Elves look like they have two black eyes

Why do void elves now look like they got two black eyes? My poor boy didn’t look like this yesterday :frowning:

I thought it might be a face or eye color thing, but there’s no way to get rid of it.

EDIT: I posted it lower in the thread, but here’s the before and after, without touching anything:


Do you need to talk to someone? Is he being abused? I knew that windrunner sister was abusive after I saw the visions of Stormwind…


I think it’s just that specific face for some reason.


Yep it’s been like that since PTR OP, all Velf skins for both genders now have ugly eyebags/dark eyesockets on the non-humanoid colors.

Nope all Void Elf skintones that are blue (not Helf skintones) now have super dark eyesockets and eyebags. For both males and females. It’s really unfortunate. It’s like they are trying to force Velf players to use the new normal skin tones to not look horrible :confused:


Right? I made a void elf to be, you know, a void elf, I don’t want to use normal skin tones. Give us back our non-abused purple faces, Blizz.


Oh, that sucks. I hate when Blizz changes things for no reason.


Wow. He looks like somebody punched both of his eyes. I would ask how this made it past QA if Blizzard still had any.

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Everyone was too busy fussing over being a high elf all the void elf options got overlooked on ptr. Classic.


Is not the skin, is the eye choice. If you choose. Only void elves look normal.

Choose the normal velf eyes and you’ll be fine.

They gave the emo makeup to all void elf specific skins.

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They’re just puffy because they spend all of their free time crying

I think that was their attempt to make them look more voidy/emo and less like smooth night elves.

No, they literally all look like that. That’s what he looked like when I logged in.

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that’s what you get for messing with void.

That’s pretty cool to be honest!

i would never do such a thing

My velf looks fine. Though I didn’t visit the barbershop with her, maybe it’s a barbershop bug. However with another velf that I turned to helf I visited the barbershop and I noticed the weird bads only with the less voidy eyes,

im sure there will be a option to turn it on or off when they get around to working on blood/void elves in a later patch.

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This is before and after on the character select screen. I didn’t change a single thing:

I noticed the eyes before even logging in so it’s not caused by the barbershop.

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It looks like they literally tried to squish him, with a hammer or orges.

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I mean you’d have dark circles under your eyes if you had a Void Daddy whispering sweet naughties in your ear 24/7