Void Elves look like they have two black eyes

There already were dark circles, but nowhere near that pronounced.

The whispers are getting more intense.

Why did they do this? It looks fine on some of my void elves but terrible on others :confounded:


Oh void elves it’s 12 PM !! Time for your thematic smoothening :slight_smile: :elf:

Yes… High elf fans…

Ow did he get in a fight with someone while you were offline? :face_with_head_bandage:

Thats the “severance “ package blood elves gave them on the way out.

That’s the face of a Void Elf that would whine about wanting blonde hair on the forums; they more than earned those black eyes. :smiling_imp:

If they run into me, they do.

Yes because the worse looking the original void elves get the more likely we will have more high elf looking void elves. So, if your implying your punishing people who wanted high elves, you’re not and only punishing those that wanted to stay void elf looking.


What Zerde said. It makes no sense to punish people who like void elves who never wanted high elf crap. I wasn’t planning on using any human skin tones on my elves, but I might have to because of how terrible my warlock looks.

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I knew they were tinkering with certain preexisting Void Elf assets.

While I agree that this shouldn’t be forced on people via changing faces, it would be kinda sick as a cosmetic/makeup option.


I kinda like the look, makes them look more… Affected by the void? But by no means should people’s characters have been changed so drastically. Make it an additional face option, cause this sucks.

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Yeah, I’d be okay with it being an option, but I liked my void elf as he was and there’s no way to get his old face back.

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Alcohol was believed to be a factor.


Oh, no! Put some ice on your eyelids, it helps

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Honestly he looks exhausted and like someone who knows him is trying to talk to him very early in the morning while he’s in line at Starbucks and he’s like “bro, I just want my coffee”


Either that or he went to sleep without removing his eyeliner.

I haven’t done that but I’ve definitely had an annoying conversation far too early and before my coffee. That’s the look of a man who’s ready to end the life of the next person who attempts a conversation :joy:


It’s not too noticeable on this skin color (I didn’t even notice until now lol) but on the lighter ones it definitely is. It would be nice if they made this an option instead of just forcing it.

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I kinda like the sunken in eyes look, tbh.
But yeah, it should definitely be an option if it wasn’t like that before.

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