Void Elves > High Elves

I disagree. They’re crafting the story in real time, and we’re a part of it.



High Elfs = pointy eared human
Void Elfs = pointy eared human

I would love to see a “a mysterious void touched” race, and Void Elfs for sure are not it.

Why not just skip elves all together and pick something cool like Tauren or Draenei

How are they crafting the story in real time if there’s no story?

It’s been one year since void elves had any role in any plot, and what they got before that was already too little. The race is about to get its second anniversary without any meaningful development.

And since they are not a factor in 8.3 (aka the biggest Void-themed patch so far) and we are going Shadowlands next, it appears they’ll remain in the fridge for the next two years.


Because this game doesn’t get daily content updates?

You also forget that Void Elves do have a history in Quel’thalas. They didn’t just spring from the ground as a new and unfounded race of living things. They are Thalassian elves and share that history.

What do you expect?

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I expect a playable race introduced in an expansion to get explored in that expansion, rather than 4+ years later.

“Oh, but they are thalassians and share that history”. And yet they suffered a supernatural transformation that we know nothing about.

If they were a natural race, we could at least deduce some things about them. Them being artificially created opens a lot of questions that need addressing. The first and foremost is: how do they create more of themselves? What makes them a “race” and not an odd little cult?



Sorry, nothing against you personally (at all) - but nobody rang for Void Elves.

I’m genuinely glad some players wound up liking them, but they were a total booty pull of Lore and concept that are an almost cruel joke for High Elf hopeful players (not me, for the record.)


Void elves are pretty awful. They have some nice aesthetic features, which are offset by the terrible ones. The tentacles are just globbed on them with a weird texture which I think was supposed to make them appear to have movement but makes them more stagnant. Their skin tones are all very similar and they have the belf model, dance, and expressions. No effort was put in to adjust their stance or anything, and they are basically shadow priests: the race.

Their story was written in five minutes and they’ve had no role in the void themed stories so far.

High elves at least have had a presence in the story and the alliance specifically.


These are not mutually-exclusive states. Demonstrably, Void Elves occupy both.

If they had been non-mage High Elves who had flocked to Alleria after Argus as “their” Windrunner sister, they would be 500% better. Just reiterate that one of the reasons High Elves weren’t especially active until now is because they had no single, unifying personality that all would accept as a leader. They were a lost, wandering people who have finally found a new rallying point and, in typical highborne fashion, were celebrating by changing their racial name and giving themselves over to a neato new dark source of power.

It would explain who they are, why they’re Alliance, why they’re any class besides Shadow Priest, and why we didn’t get non-void Quel’dorei.

I… I think I’d even support a retcon that erased any Blood Elf origins completely. It’s just more satisfying at every turn.


It’s not more satisfying to me, and while a few high elven individuals, especially magically inclined ones, might be interested in void study, not all if them would be.

I’d have preferred for high elves to turn to more nature or elements based magics myself. I don’t so why belves or helves of certain classes would have been pursuing void studies anyway.

Because the fact that YOU exist needs, imo, to be explained. Your toon fails at your own criteria.

Void Elves are much better but could’ve used better naming conventions and a much better developed backstory, centered more around Umbric than Alleria.

Night elf huntress have solid lore backgrounds, which is more than void elves have at all.

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Sorry, my bad. Saw blue background and purple skin and jumped to conclusions. Well, A conclusion. That you were a Void Elf. Was the conclusion.

/Nathan Fillion awkwards off stage left.

agreed, nothing special about extra pale anemic emo elves.
You’re just death knights with more class selections and blood in your body.

/pokes head back in

Because Void Elf Hunters make no sense.

Agreed, high elves have basically died out anyway.

Fixed that for ya.

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I don’t play void elves. The visual effect of entropic embrace gives me a worse headache than their lore.

Someone should tell Alleria.