Void Elves > High Elves

I prefer void elves.

Assuming the testes and eggs weren’t void damaged, we should have high elves next generation a few years from now.

This is also assuming we don’t take our kids to the void.

Alleria is not a Ren’Dorei. She’s Alleria. The Ren’dorei were a sect of mages and scholars studying forbidden magic from the diary of the guy who literally sold out Quel’thalas to Arthas. Their leader is Umbric, who is so obsessed with using the Void to defend the Sin’Dorei people that, when told to not use the void, turned his back on and vowed destruction upon the Sin’dorei people.

They’re Mages who got tricked into becoming blueberry Shadow Priests by some Ethereals. They are only allowed to be hunters because otherwise the WoW-playing faerie goth community would riot.

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Thank you for the sentiment, but Void Elves ARE High Elves. I am very proud of my Elvin heritage, and I am hopeful one day to bring my brothers and sisters in the Horde back from the grip of their blood rage.

The problem I see there is what’s left of the High Elves already watched what happened when the now Blood elves tampered with Fel magic, broke their Sunwell, and had to fix it by sacrificing a Naaru to it.

It wouldn’t exactly make sense for them to go and tamper with void magic after watching that. Blood elves on the other hand have a history of dabbling in things they should know not to dabble in. So it makes perfect sense to me that a hand full of them would go playing footsie with void magic.


From an aesthetic standpoint I love them but lore wise they need some heavy work.

Actually they do, while yes hunters have some connection to nature they do not derive their power solely from it as Druids do. The bonds with their beasts and martial prowess with weaponry are what define a Hunter.

Would’ve had the best of both worlds if they’d pulled the population from Vereesa’s camp instead of Lor’themar’s.

Void elves should have been high elves, no blood elves.

When Alleria become void-empowered she should have gathered up the remaining high elves and led them down the same path. Non-void high elves go nearly extinct and high elves are technically playable as void elves.

Would have both made more sense and settled the high elf debate for good.

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I think both are right: it would be better if void elves came from high elves, but high elves wouldn’t usually deal with dark magic willingly. The solution, then, would be to make a scenario where the transformation was forced on them.

I’ve seen many suggestions regarding this:

  • Alleria rallying the high elves, only for the ethereals to strike them;
  • Asizeable number of Silver Covenant rangers be with Alleria in the search for Umbric and be caught in the trap despite not seeking void magic;
  • Events in 8.3 leading to high elves being transformed, either by N’Zoth’s interference or because they see turning into void elves as the only way to save the world.

There would be many solutions, but Blizzard just ignored the possibility.


I’m confident we’re getting this information because we’ve been told that information exists. That’s enough for me for now.

They are, actually, mutually exclusive states. You either spring from nothing or you don’t.

I’m a void elf, I also want more void elf story, but I’ve never understood people who say they’re badly put together because they don’t have enough background. Not only do they actually have background, their transformation is pretty recent.

Blizzard really need to do something like this, they need all Alliance High Elves to be the same as the Player Race. By keeping the Silver Covenant and other non-void High Elves in the Alliance is causing more issues than are needed.

My solution to the Alliance High Elf Debate is quiet simple, Change all non-horde High Elves into Void Elves (do an in game event to make this happen). Give more Light Hair options to Night Elves and let them be Paladins. Seriously Night Elves with Blonde Hair and being Paladins would solve so much of this debate. Plus Night Elf paladins would be a whole new level of Cool.

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They also said void elves would be important when we dealt with the void, but the most voidy expansion to date is ending and we got nothing.

Promises mean nothing until fulfilled. Potential lore in the future is no lore today.


Some people like pie more than cake.

More at eleven.

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I mean, it’s not a political stance it’s a video game story. If a developer says that something exists in canon, but doesn’t release the actual story portion, does the lore still exist? I think so.

One of three things will happen, either they actually do release High elves as an Allied Race, they make up a story to change all remaining High elves Vereesa included into Void Elves, and lastly which is the most likely. Nothing.

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That’s like saying a book is great before it’s released. If the lore is not written, the author can change it at his leisure until it’s finally confirmed in-universe.

Blizzard does not respect even established lore. Unconfirmed lore is worth nothing.


It could go both ways I guess, but I feel like using Blood Elves as the base makes more sense.

And it’s not like there’s a huge difference between High Elves and Blood Elves. Technically that’s what we are, just with green eyes because fel taint or gold because a Naaru drowned itself in our Sunwell. Flip a coin, the end result would be the same.

I’m betting on nothing. To me, it’s clear Blizzard had no plan for the void elves and has no idea of what to do with them.


They wouldn’t have even needed to pull from the Covenant because there’s a stronghold of high elves that’s named after Alleria and is just sitting in Outland.


Where is your line in the sand when confirmed lore is worth nothing in this game? They’ve outright retconned things in the past.

If a developer’s latest word tells me that X is a thing, I take on that X is a thing until something specifically overrides that. Plenty of fan driven sites of many games will compile lore compendiums and include bits and bobs of lore that are cited from developers and not explicit narrative pieces from the game or books.