Void Elves > High Elves

I’d rather be a mysterious void touched being that’s skirting on the edge of insanity and darkness for unknown power than a pointy eared human.


Void Elves are definitely cooler to me. I just wish they had better lore.


But high elves have stoner chicks.


If I’m a Shadow Priest or maybe a Rogue, hypothetically a warlock perhaps, I’d rather be a Void Elf.

Almost anything else, I’d rather be a High Elf.

See the issue?

Lightforged Draenei have the same problem, I literally can’t see them as anything but Paladins or Holy Priests, and their heritage narrows it even further by being straight up paladin armor. Void Elf Heritage I don’t know what that’s supposed to be, so I won’t go there. :roll_eyes:

Void Elves are really cool if they have a class that’s shadowy or spooky, but otherwise feel almost too specific in that direction. Hence why some people are still interested in High Elves. I mean a Void Elf Holy Priest? Cognitive dissonance.


I’m a High Elf.

It’s just that I did some thing with the void.

And I just so happen to not like Horde unlike the other High Elves, but that’s okay, killing mudhuts is better anyway.


Same. I’d rather my elf fire mage be an elven mage who specializes in fire powers, rather than fire and shadow powers, and be someone who’s always fought for the Alliance, rather than someone who only joined after being kicked out of the Horde.


The Void Elfs are the best, you can roling that you are a Sin’dorei or a Quel’dorei, they also have fantastic hairstyles. The only thing I would add is a little more customization, about 5 classic blood elf hairstyles, tattoos, different types of eye color (green (Sin’dorei Heritage), blue (Quel’dorei Heritage), white, black , light blue, violet and gray), white skin and black hair, I think that would leave them perfect.

This characters is a Blood Mage :heart_eyes:


I feel it’s important to point out Void Elves were never kicked out of the Horde. They were exiled from Silvermoon - firstly because their line of research was following in the footsteps of Quel’thalas’ arch-traitor, and later on because simply being near the Sunwell caused major problems.

Void Elves opted to go to the Alliance mostly because there was concerns over the Horde using their knowledge and abilities well…which over the course of Battle for Azeroth has played out that Magister Umbric was very, very correct there.

Speaking as a roleplayer, while I’m working with the Alliance my character here is still a Quel’thalas patriot. Where as the Sin’dorei are the Phoenix rising from the ashes of the Quel’dorei, they are a Phoenix blinded by the light of their own rebirth. The Ren’dorei are the shadows cast by the Phoenix’s mighty wings, and stand ready to defend it.



/10 char

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I’ve spoken to some Void Elves in Thalassian in the Heart Chamber and they really like their Void Elves.
They’ve said nay to High Elves.


My Void Elf is a Dark Magician.

Dark Magician sounds cooler than Mages.

And Void Elves are cooler than Elves indoctrinated by human culture! Nothing against implementing High Elves, though.

But the more races not having a thing with Human/Draenei culture of the light, the better. We have enough humans/Draenic culture in the spotlight already. I mean, Velen passed it down the Blood Elves in TBC. And Turalyon was added to the Lightforged.


High Elves are a people with no future. Void Elves and Blood Elves are advancing the story of the Children of Quel’thalas. All Vareesa and her Silver Covenant hangers on are doing is squatting in the ruins of the past, refusing to move on.

They may as well be as dead as Sylvanas, for all the story relevance they bring. I mean, yes. They were at Suramar. And they were acknowledged as a independent “flavor”, but they didn’t do anything in that narrative. It was all carried by the Night Elves and Blood Elves. They were just…there.

I just wish Blizzard would void out Vareesa and company and stop throwing in random High Elf NPCs into Alliance content now that the Alliance have a legitimate Thalassian people to utilize.


We can still be friends. :slight_smile:

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Void elves are the best-looking race in the game. I have 7 of them, soon to be 8 when allied race DKs are released :blue_heart:


But OP. Void Elves are Pointy Eared Humans. Just Blueberry.

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High elves have the good kush.

Someone ring for me?

Void elf mage at your service

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I personally think void elves are infinitely cooler. I leveled a void elf to 120. I could not do that with a high elf.

Also, folks are going to give me flak for saying this, but playable high elves do exist. They’re just on the Horde.


I am a High elf Holy priest :slight_smile: but my best friends are the Void elves :elf:‍♀

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Void elves have trash lore though. They were literally just invented overnight as an excuse to just almost give the Alliance what they were asking for since Wrath when it was made clear that high elves separate from Quel’thelas were still alive and well.

I mean I don’t advocate for high elves as a playable race because the genie is out of the bottle but void elves should never have existed. Their entire theme is “edge”. They have no actual culture.