Void Elves > High Elves

In no way are blood elves the horde equivalent of high elves save for forum posts like yours.


I hate elves, but void elves are just so… blue.

I know we all liked the Smurf’s when we were little, but cmon, it’s time to put the toys down.

And statements from the game director, alongside such gems as “If you want fair-skinned elves, the Horde’s waiting for you!” and “I’ve been playing for 15 years, and I’m pretty proud to have never played Alliance!”.


I am with you on that.


I used to be sad that it seemed most game devs shared that sentiment, then I realized it’s just one person pushing that view and I’m not so sad anymore.

Someone else will one day take that office and their opinion will be the new driving force. At the end of the day, what the game director decides is what makes or breaks the player’s spirit. Best to keep on keeping on until the gems we get aren’t jokes and slaps in the faces to some. Hopefully the next one won’t say falsehoods like “play horde if you want fair-skinned elves” that get repeated ad nauseam.

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Human men just want their elf girl arm-candy, that is the truth, that is why these praising comments come from Humans only. Since they didn’t get high elves, they got void elves instead, so now they are praising void elves.

You really do have a very one-track mind, don’t you?

I think their lore is fine. I mean, High elf lore and Blood elf lore is their lore. They just separate at their creation and decent into madness. I think it makes their lore more interesting then the other blood elves and high elves.


At least mine has developed unlike yours.

Void Elves should’ve been created from the already existing High Elves instead of being Blood Elf exiles. Their lore is garbage as it is.

I would rather have the option to play both. Besides by Blizzard’s math Void Elves are too small to exist as playable, i mean all 20 of them in lore and all.

You do realize this is the second time you’ve replied with your same tired “No one should want what I don’t want!” nonsense to the same person, right?

I love void elves, we all love void elves, but you act like you’d crap the bed if there were high elves. If you don’t want them, you don’t need to play them. Think before you post.

I played Blood Elves for years despite hating the horde, you act like I haven’t. I have void elves unlocked and play them all the time and you act like I don’t. I will always choose a Void Elf over a Blood Elf, but what would you know about that? Stay classy with the creepy stalking and white knighting.


That might have been me.

Now you and I both know what you just said ain’t true.

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This right here sums up my problem with Void elves, they have only a hand few of classes that make “sense” even Shadow Priests which make the most sense have access to holy magic that just bothers me with Void elves.


Blue Eyes High Elven knight here reporting for duty :innocent:

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I dunno… our horde affiliated high elves do have a habit of making me fall in love at first sight…

That seems to be high elves > void elves to me…

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Seeing as how the majority of them were once Blood Elves, and before that High Elves, plenty of lore there, right? If you mean the Telogrus Rift and the Void itself, that could definitely be expanded upon.


“There aren’t enough High Elves, even with their literal army showing up in Suramar and their settlements all over the EK, to justify adding them as a race. But hey, this one Blood Elf guy and 14 of his buddies just turned into blueberries, so Allied Race status for them!”

Void Elves are what happens when you mix a fetish for blueberry girl from Charlie and the Chocolate Factory with a Shadow Priest. Like… they’re LITERALLY canonically Shadow Priests who got a bit extra and are now also Hunters mostly.


Humans > all

You all are beneath us

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