Void Elves > High Elves

You can dream. The cold, stark reality is you’re a fat human

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So no new races should be developed? If they don’t have a lengthy background, they shouldn’t exist?

That sounds weird.

I would expect more background than a five minute recruitment quest for a new race, yes.


There was a bit of that with the questline of Alleria’s journey in Mac’Aree. Was it a bit on the subtle side? Sure, but that did play into things a bit.

If by subtle you mean completely unrelated, yes. Alleria’s whole questline was about her personal training journey. There was never any indication that anyone else would be doing what she was, and in fact the void elves were created in a completely different way.


My only issue with void elves is their backstory just plain sucks. Instead of being ex-horde ex-blood elf outcasts, they should have made void elves be silver covenant high elf alliance elves who chose to research the void.


this can be said of most of the new allied race (the “no culture” point not the edgy one.). ren’dorei do have culture, just not a new one creatively written up and freshly injected into the game, they have an odd version of the classical blood/high elf culture. same with high mountain tauren, nightborne (who are pre-legion invasion night elves), light forged draenei, etc. kul tirans are about the only really “new” culture/society we haven’t already in some capacity explored, and that’s mostly because before BFA kul tiras is barely ever mentioned in lore/world building except in passing in a few quest texts.


High elves have lore and are not a compromise race.

Void elves exist to give the Alliance the Thalassian model. And their lore is being a bunch of traitors.

pass on void elves


I like being able to speak Thalassian to my former blood elves.

I think though lore wise all void elves were once upon sin’dorei therefore they were all blood elves yes?

Except for a few high elves sprinkled in?

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The founding group and Umbric were Blood elves.

Although they imply there is High elves looking into the void. And of course Alleria being there to guide them.

Void Elves are TRAITORS to the Horde. They should go back and knee towards the Horde and apologize to them and ask them to forgive them.


I’m just waiting until they make a new random dumb race that stems from a political stance.

Then we will get… damn i don’t know… tramp stamp elves? on the horde

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Not really? The Highmountain and Nightborne have entire zones and quest chains to clearly establish their culture and how distinct it is from their parent races. There’s some point there for the Lightforged, but at least they have some quests to explain who they are, as well as an entire audio drama about the Army of the Light for anyone who bothered to listen to it.


Their designs are quite unique among playable Races, I also never imaging someone like Patty Mattson out of all actors or actresses would actually Voice a Player character.

There’s also immense transmog potential, however besides what occurred in Zul’dazar their story execution seems utterly dreadful.

She voices the female void elves? How did you find this out?

Is this even true?

I was unsure of it first before poking the Warchief too many times, her casual talking sounds exactly indistinguishable from a female Void Elf.

ahhh i c

i don’t think they ever showed us player character voice actors

i remember seeing the voice of female pandaren

The most weird thing about Void Elves is their English accents.

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That’s basically their only story role on their own(read: being spoken for by someone that’s part of their group, not Alleria) apart from Umbric being so mad at the sight of rich people during the war campaign that he had us lead a massacre at Gallywix’s Pleasure Palace with him.

At least the Communist Umbric memes that came from that could be funny.

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Then play the damn Horde. Void Elves are the Alliance Thalassian elves and i love them!