Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

He´s not evil, he´s just rude AF. Basically the Alliance version of myself, just less knowledge in his background (at least he doesn´t come here to propose stupid reductive ideas, I hate when posters come here to tell us Belf players -and worse, lore fans like myself- how our race acts, which magics do they use ergo how they should be customized, etc.)

L2lore before making suggestions, people.

Omg… barrens chat. One traveling half of the whole freaking map while on foot looking for Mankirk´s wife (cause the stupid quest map put her miles away in the middle of VERY damaging dino mobs) and she was just like around the corner.

My very first n00b action was to go from Tirisfal Glades to Taren Mill on foot crossing over the Plaguelands… I died SO many times.

Dude, you haven´t seen anything here. The schism on the fanbase has been hostile since like a decade ago.

Literal fanfiction dude -no seriously, you simply can´t claim this without the actual real statistics that prove so. And no, “warmode” is irrelevant, Alliance players NOT using it can simply mean they don´t bother with the PvP minigame -I personally DON´T bother with the PvP minigame, ergo no warmode for me ever…-.

Alliance players can come to demand reparations after Blizzard uses their character roster of heroes like plot devices that can only appear to a) suck up to Horde characters or b) become the FOTM villains of th story.

Oh, and they can come to qq AFTER the devs literally chastise them as evil a-holes for 2 years and counting for daring to play their faction. Which was basically the Horde player experience in BfA (either convert to the “Church of Wrynn” or become a cartoonish stupid villain).

Usually in the worst ways imaginable… I mean guy, do pay a memento to that toon´s “name” and actually CHECK the freaking Blood elf lore ffs. I hate it when you people suggest facepalm worthy stuff like “Light” stuff (Belves are NOT Lightforged beings, nor is the “Light” a supremely important aspect of their culture that suddenly displaced arcane and nature practices… they just weaponized it, period. EXTREMELY different from actual races whose culture revolves around the Light like the Draenei or the LF Draenei) or “Fel” stuff (I mean, hello? TBC Sunwell Plateau called, it wants it´s stuff back… “Felblood” elves were nothing but the very cannon fodder to be killed by the Belves themselves!!! since THEN!!!). Anytime this happens I die inside cause I feel like you guys are just throwing around rando stuff you “deduced” from outdated lore and that put it just to “appease those Belf beastly fans” or something…

Between getting ridiculous suggestions AND getting no suggestions, I pick the second option. It at least imply you respect us enough to decide for ourselves what would we like to see.


There. You guys can actually BUY the source of our worries regarding giving and giving and giving without NO guarantee we will get anything in exchange.


Going around liking anything and everything HE fans post isn’t that interesting to me or at least I don’t find it a trademark of an interesting person but since you asked I would guess they are an EU player liking stuff


EU can post on NA?

You have 0 proof for your claim a common theme I see considering earlier you did the whole “BEs only went Horde because Asia exists” thing again with no proof for your claim.

Truth is BEs have been Horde longer than they ever were Alliance and as a core Horde theme when people pick a BE for the first time it’s not out of love as a former Alliance player unless that is someone’s personal backstory but more often than not I would say that is unique to the person not the norm that you’re trying push it as.

When people pick up the game for the first and choose a BE they are picking up the game for the first time and choosing a BE.


You can like stuff on EU and vice versa but not post but you have to log in, it’s a hassle but one that HE fans will do because they have a personal stake in this topic.

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On post lvl 10 toons if my memory is right.

Ergo, they create a “trial” character in some rando Us realm just to post here.

That “theory” maybe was right like in the dawn of TBC´s launch. But certainly NOT nowadays… why do you people think some of the “hardcore” Horde veterans still moan and btch over “Belves ruining muh Hurde!!”? Cause some of the players that DID switch -the morons, didn´t even paid attention to the lore- for purely “I loved the WC2 High Elves” who acted pretty terrible towards the Vanilla Horde players. It gave us a decade+ of bad rep.

People like me that started playing Horde a decade ago because my irl friends played Horde (and that LIKED the faction ergo we stuck with it even after all the bad post Cata lore) are STILL paying the price and we STILL encounter people telling us we “don´t belong”. It is specially infuriating to hear from posters from the “blue” side cause then we know is not even legitimate “I interacted with irl a-holes in TBC that soured me about Belf players / fans”, but pure spiteful people that wrongly believes this somehow will endear their boring AF faction to us or something. Newflash: causes the opposite effect.

That’s another thing as well, but that’s to post.

If you just want to like stuff / you just have to log in over there but you can’t post

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This is true - but who would actually benefit more of it? The user who plays on a RP-server, like you, or the raider who focus on other features of the game?

Yes, that’s also true. But they have no actual story importance unless the plot demands it. This is a bigger problem with the Alliance where everything revolves around Anduin and Greymane and does not affect us that much. However, most former important NPCs have been reduced to mere cameos but given how big the lore has become it surely is not an easy task to accomplish.

And yet we have many classic tropes, including Orcs. You can make a point for both sides of the discussion.


I think you’re right but given their transformation, as you will likely call it, they’re more than Farstriders I suppose?

I’ll highlight this part for everyone.

Such postings do not contribute anything to the discussion. I have seen a similar post a while ago from a DK Blood Elf player (20k achievement points) who denied other players opinions just because they don’t use an elf avatar.

This is not productive.

People will dislike me for writing this but this behavior is a tpyical American issue. I do not remember the EU-forums ever getting this low when I visited it. Perhaps this could be argued by being the smaller message board and a more agile moderation.

What about the last BlizzCon WoW Q&A? The faction imbalance has been confirmed two times. Otherwise one could always open up a party finder and look through how many groups are active given different time periods.

Nobody truly liked being antagonized by the story writers and I was also not a fan of it. The conflict should have ended with the Legion storyline, followed by many cold wars and a new city, where both factions live together, similar how Hearthstone depicts it.

That’s correct. I would never buy a subscription for the US-realms.

I don’t feel disregarding player happiness is beneficial to the conversation yet your entire post history is fixated on Alliance HEs being key to player happiness while disregarding BE fans on the issue as well as people who value visual distinction and arguably people like you who don’t value either of those things have already been appeased.


Thank you.

Just thank you.

Thats… an interesting take. lol

But yeah more or less. Not evil, just rude and concluded in his thoughts on this topic.

I’m less convinced hes an Alliance version of you though. You budge when it makes sense to.

You can like posts.

You can do so for EU forums as well.

Depends on the person.

What you play has no basis on what you get out of a customization.

And your answer is to water it down further?

Take out any remaining nuance and just erase Void Elves in lieu of high elves because random people want them? Actual void elf fans just have to deal I guess…

I’ll never agree with that sort of mentality.

Blizzards main goal with their races is in specifically breaking the molds that are normal to them.

Like with Orcs.

Like with Blood Elves.

Like with Void Elves.

Aside from some of the humans in game and previously high elves a little bit the races of WoW have been anything but typical.

For someone who claims to know us all I don’t think you know much about me.

They’re just former farstriders who went with Umbric… They got caught in the same trap and became void elves like all the others…

I encourage you to actually respond to them rather than passive aggressively call out the part where they tell you off.

They make a fine point… you don’t know much about many of us. You sit on a high horse and act the fool.

Further None of our requests outclass the others.


Rose tinted glasses dude… I read the EU forums too. The same cesspool as here, you guys just are less active, so it gives the “illusion” of it being “less” toxic.

Also, “nice” way to endear yourself to the americans in this board by proxy of implying the issue is absolutely a “they” problem, not a “Humans are pretty terrible species” problem. The lack of self awareness, omg…

I repeat: fanfiction. Put on the actual statistics, cause you are mistaking the forests for the threes. Maybe both factions have roughly the SAME population but only one is more active in stuff like raiding, mythic+, arena (a.K.a. the e-sports part of the game).

Until Blizz deploys actual statistical data, anything posters say IS nothing but speculation, period.

Oh, but I have NOT see you voiching for the Horde players regading this issue, wonder why?

It didn´t. It will never end, cause the factions are a CORE concept of the game. It´s the stuff that differentiates WoW from FF and the rest of the MMORPG market.

After BfA, the only thing I asked for was a chance to get character development for the toons on my faction that didn´t involve ridiculing them, comparing them in humiliating unfavorable ways to the Alliance pet characters or villain bat them. Guess what I did NOT get in SL?

Heck, but I was the moron at the end, what was I expecting from the same jerks that decided it was peak story development to made BLOOD ELF players kill a Sunreaver to defend Jaina in BfA short of a month after she was a radi Boss that bailed on us, rofl.

I´ve never denied I´m quite the btch in these forums… I know I´m antagonistic and aggresive -specially when triggered thanks to idiot posts, I have zero patience for idiocy-. Midare is waaay nicer than myself, but then again, sometimes someone has to take that extra step and tell people their stuff to their face in a less “convoluted” way (blunt and direct is always my preference).


I think the fact he claims to know us all while being utterly wrong when interacting is just interesting.

All he’s done is disregard peoples stances because of his own bias for his side of things, the fact he claims to be here for years, the fact all he’s done is is disregard others opinions while asking us to show empathy to HE fans as he gives us HE fan talking points we’ve all seen hundreds of times, and that he took the time to make a low level character just to give these HE fan talking points because he is an EU player, I think his bias is painfully clear.


But…you currently have a subscription for US…

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Best example is trolls, imo.


I leveled this character for the sole reason so I can post in this topic.

As the dominating player race in the game I believe you can take the emotional hit if the Void Elves will get their desired customization options.

It’s the same issue you’ll face every time in WoW. Something new gets introduced and will be forgotten unless it’s plain in sight or you look for it.

If you have read my postings before, I do usually ignore personal attacks which is why some people are bit upset about it.

Yes, I do agree I sit somewhat on a high horse here but I just try to distance myself from everyone here. As I said before, I’ll be around just for a short while and yes, I do know you people from reading for a long time.

Humans are a very egoistical and greed-driven species which is why I wrote in the beginning that your online behavior is an amplification of yourself.

As far as I remember the source for fan-gathered statistic has been defunct for years now, correct? So there is no actual way to proof it unless you go by your typical joe observation when you’re in the game.

I think I posted about this in another topic for a short bit. I’m not happy with the overall situation of the game in general but this topic is just too infamous for me for not participating here.

I can feel you, I’m still waiting for Taunka-options after all these years or more Pandaren representation. The bigger problem with the Alliance heroes is how powerful they are and yet they hit like a wet noodle. At least they followed up on the Sunreaver-storyline a bit.

It’s actually a trial account according the Total RP3 panel.

As I said, I’ll never agree with that sort of mentality.

And you use it to attack others desires and opinions.

You’re not ignoring it. You called attention to it. You quoted the insult and ignored the entirety of the rest of the post.

This is not productive.

I think you might be the worst of all of us.

I am curious how close you’d get.

Who am I and what do I believe?


So weird that a race being popular gives the other faction a right to walk all over it and take all it’s customization.

Have you tried searching through the various internet archives that are available?


Blizzard disagrees and left visual distinction in place because other parts of the fan base should be listened to other than you and people who spout the same rhetoric in favor of Alliance HEs that you were never entitled to.


And you feel this is beneficial to the conversation?

Then how are you continually wrong when speaking to people?

Is this like when you claimed you understood Henitai but clearly didn’t and tried to tell them their own stance?

You didn’t mention the human aspect at all you’re assuming people’s background and elaborating on American behavior.


You are not entitled to it anymore then us. You just happened to luck out the Horde had a big population problem and blood elves happened to be the solution.

Now that the opposite is the case, one can’t help but think Blizzard gave void elves as a way to try and balance their population again.