Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Sounds cringe

Void Elves honestly feel like an interns idea that Blizzard doesn’t know what to do with. I’m not opposed to Void Elf fans, but, they seem to be messy and confused and can’t figure out what they want with the race.


Like it boggles my mind how someone would have the nerve to come in here, make claims about my behavior, LIE about me ‘name dropping’ people, and not even have something to back it up.

Unless it was a matter of me calling someone out for spreading incorrect nonsense on lore and hiding behind an alt! Because I have called out someone before on that, and recently, but strangely, that is completely irrelevant to this and if that’s what’s being brought up here, it makes me think and wonder why someone would be incredibly upset when it’s obvious to check mounts/pets on people who constantly try to spread discourse

but if it’s not that entirely irrelevant situation, then I’m going to need someone to go through my behavior and quote where I’ve insulted someone for not wanting something I do. And no, ‘I disagree’ or my ‘no more elves isn’t a valid excuse’ or ‘please read the lore/unanswered questions before jumping to assumptions’ does not count as a ‘direct insult to someone else’.

Let me spell it out for people and make it very clear.

-You can come into my thread all you want and disagree with me. You can call San’layn a trash concept. You can call what I want trash. But you do NOT make false claims about what I said, do NOT call me disagreeing with you as ‘bad behavior or personally insulting’.
-I am 100% allowed to express what I want and do not want added in the game. It isn’t toxic behavior to do so. I even gave my reasons why I am not interested in something, which some really need to start understanding.
-Because I haven’t made it clear enough, I will say it again. People are allowed to want what they want. People are allowed to not want what they don’t want. Not once will I ever demand someone to ‘be silent and not express what you want’.
-I expect the same courtesy as the point above to apply to me. I will not ever deny saying I dislike something or think something is a ‘trash concept’. If you don’t like my language and decide to use it against me with what I want added to the game? Go for it. That’s fine. I’m allowed to disagree with you. I won’t directly insult you over it.
-We’re talking about things being added in video games and falsely claiming things about my behavior just makes you look bad, especially when you can’t back it up.
-I do not condone toxic behavior by the San’layn community either, which does NOT include disagreeing or favoring one race over another because we’re 100% allowed to express that too, just like how other people are 100% allowed to express vice versa, and once again, I never said people should not.

Now that that’s finished, if you make a claim against me, back it up. Otherwise, don’t spread discourse or I’m gonna bloody call you out on it.



Look at this dude’s name.

And yet I can’t name my fox the same last name as the guy famous for November 5th!

But this guy’s name is alright?



I can’t name my lion Mufasa either. It’s not a big conspiracy theory. It’s just weird rules.

Void elves do not have access to non-void corrupted hairstyles.


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I think Blizzard is run by a bunch of King James IV supporters.

Clearly Uncle Scar supporters.

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Whose that

My catty side is living for all of this. You articulate what I could not.

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The most glaring issue with Void Elves is the fact that

1.) They are super and I mean super connected to blood elves for no reason at all. Why they decided to make void elves basically blood elf traitors is beyond me

2.) They also decided to connect void elves with a plot point that we might not even get in the next 3 expansions, the connection with Alleria and the ethereals was really unnecessary. They could’ve made void elves and had them be interconnected with the BFA story for example, we already know there were cases of naga ambushes by the events on Vashj, what’s to say that something similar wouldn’t happen with experiments being done on an ambushed elf flagship at sea involving N’zoth?


There is something surprisingly familiar with how you post.

I feel like we’ve met

I’m not against the Light Theme myself, but I do very much also want to see the Blood Theme from MoP come forth.

I’m also on the fence on where I want to see Dark rangers end up and I think San’layn need to be their own AR to be done right.

I always forget about them.

That would be neat.

I’d be so happy to see those.

What hypocrisy?

Fallyn doesn’t want a focus on the Light theme
 but rather the darker ones

Thats just an opinion
 not hypocrisy


I think it should be expanded, but other themes associated with the Blood Elves, blood magic, death(dark rangers or san’layn) and even just fire in general (pheonix) should be also expanded.

Attacking another person opinion, vs. sharing ones opinion are two different things. I’ll grant that line can easily be crossed
 but Fallyn hasn’t done anything of the sort here that I can tell.

Next time attack the argument not the poster.


That’s fair, and understandable too. I can see why it’s appealing to some people while it misses the mark with me. And I won’t ever put someone down for wanting it, either. To me, I just am not interested at all and am sad that the prior blood elf themes now seem to be washed away (that being fel and doing darker things for the sake of survival). Blood elf theme for MoP? How so?

In my case, even beyond DR/san’layn/felbloods, I just want darker themes and the ‘bite’ brought back to blood elves. They weren’t afraid to embrace darker methods for the good of their people. Light has been shown in the Azeroth universe to constantly breed elitism/just the overall ‘better than you’ and ‘holier than thou’ mentality, and I just would really like to see the more violent/dark side of elves expressed, you know? I’d feel like they fit into the Horde more rather than less, and it’s themes we’d been exposed to on a regular basis prior to BfA.

Yeah, agreed. I think everyone knows that I would prefer an AR over anything at this point. But it gets just so
 grating when people are like ‘well they can’t be an AR because elf’ and while yeah, I very much disagree with that sentiment, I sometimes will lean toward ‘ok so will you let me ask for customization at least?’ and I get a ‘nope’ there too, and it just
 sigh. Like, fine, people can ask for light stuff, ‘lightforged’ concepts, whatever, but they use it to shut down people like me who want the other side of things which just gets so grating, if that makes sense.

Yeah the major flaw with them is lore. Like with San’layn, it was shown in BfA they at least do have a desire to join the Horde, even if things did not work out in the end. The desire was there, and the will to do it was there. It
isn’t there with felblood and we’d definitely need that tidbit of lore.

Major same x.x

See this is the best of both worlds. Getting all of the above would be great–and for other races too. I very much wish customization in general was given waaaay more attention, and we wouldn’t have to worry about ‘well this person is getting [concept] so now I have to argue against it or I won’t get what I want ever’.

Really appreciate this. Like people are free to disagree/attack what I want added all they’d like. I’ll disagree, and I’ll bring up why I disagree, and I’ll bring up certain aspects of lore to defend myself. But I will (a) never go out of my way to insult or make false claims on a poster, and (b) will never tell someone to shut their mouth and stop arguing, that’s just unfair and everyone should be able to talk about what they want added or what they don’t want added.


Wow this actually got bites.

I’m not surprised, GD, but I am a little disappointed.

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Honestly me too. Its taken too much of the themes of the Blood Elves. we’re They’re so much more than that
 or they were.

The Blood magic and use of anima for the new blood golems. It was such an amazing concept for the blood elves to play with
 I want to see that.


Blood Elves bite was one of the really neat things about them in TBC.

I can’t say this the way I want to say it due to forum rules but

Forget about them.

San’layn could be a poster child for what an AR is for. Similar to the parent race, but different in both culture, concept, and obviously racials form the parent.

Gilgoblins would be another good one.

And personally I think all the trolls tribes fit it too as well as Wildhammer, Taunka, and Frostborn.

And those are just off the top of my head. Not even getting into the races that aren’t basically copies of a core race.

What you want is what you want. Ask for it. Fight for it.

Everyone else is wrong so long as there is one person who wants it.

(Though that doesn’t mean people should just ignore anyone elses opinions. We can all engage in debates and conversation about such things without being jerks.)

I think we could easily shore that up though I admit it would be easier with an expansion that brushes up on fel again. Still. We know a lot of them existed and there is no way we killed them all.

Like with the Fel orcs some could easily have joined up and just been in the background or working from the shadows.

Even without Drevan (was that his name?) San’layn as a whole could still easily have a group join the Horde based off their attempt.

It should have been a major focus on this expansion.

That Blizzard gave up for

I don’t think I’ll forgive them for that. So much hope and faith squashed.


I am guilty of course of losing my temper here and there. Sometimes I have made mistakes.

That said I always try to argue the argument or the incorrect or missing lore rather than telling someone they cannot request something. Other than that I share my opinion and try to be cordial.

Respect for fellows is a must here.

Its what we do.

We bite, we get reeled in. GD.


Oh gosh they touched on that in BfA but never expanded it (like
other things). I explicitly remember about seven of them in Nazmir being talked about in datamining playing with blood magic/blood orbs but it never coming up again.

All very good points and yeah, I really should stop letting it get me down and ‘settling’ for something less than what I truly want/have been asking for, even if I’d settle for cust/lore.

Yeah see this would be super cool too, I’d love to see felblood orcs and elves coming along. There could even be kinship lore there as well, surviving together after everything. We also know that outlands is still out there and ‘falling apart’ I suppose but
 still entirely functional. I remember the thrall cinematic and it showing that!

Close! “Dreven”, not to be confused with “Draven” the gargoyle either :stuck_out_tongue: And yeah
 gods I wish.

Major same here. It’s why I’m moving on very soon, but figured insight from a player who wants customization might be important as well.

Me as well, especially with sass. But I always would rather someone bring it to my attention if I truly was insulting someone directly on a matter of customization options.


Also, maybe you should take your own advice:

You say that

Me: “Ok, where is your proof for this slander?”


Let’s not ‘call out someone’s behavior’ when you’re expressing that exact behavior yourself by attacking people. Thanks. Unlike certain involved parties, I do have quotes on the here and now.


Wait! There was a World Quest during the Assaults!

Blood Elves using blood magic to make golems and then Alliance folk get there use a large water elemental to take em out!

 its always something hidden.

There is nothing wrong with wanting something.

Nor is there in settling for a middle ground like Cust/lore in general.



Bah. At least I was close.

It really is a neat idea though the San’layn reaching in to join the Horde.

I’ve always been a fan of them taking over the Scourge city in the ghostlands.


I’ve been called out for that sort of thing before. Sometimes its good to be told its happening. We don’t always realize when we need to step back for a bit and cool off.


I think that Blood Elves should get the Dark Ranger/San’layn NPC skin tones and red eyes, in addition to new options in the Dak Ranger/San’layn style. I also think they should have some (if not all) of the unique Void Elf hairstyles (with tentacles removed) shared as well.

That’s not even getting into the scars, tattoos, new hairstyles, new face shapes, unisex jewelry, and new facial hair I’d like to see added to Blood Elves.