Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Yup! :100: always!


I disagree that BE should get DR/san’layn tones or textures, they can be their own ar or be customization for forsaken. The story of BE’s is about the living ones while the forsaken story had integrated the undead elves as apart if theirs.

There is also the appropriation of undead paladins…

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You make a solid enough point OP, and I see what your reaching for. The issue is, such a thing would dilute the Void Elves racially, as the Void and the transformation is really the core feature of the race. Now in the interests of equity, I can agree the Blood Elves ‘should’ get something to balance it out.

I think the solution to this, while keeping lore at the forefront would be to allow Blood Elves access to the Undead skin tints and blood red eyes. This would make sense since there are Dark Rangers, and the Forsaken are the Blood Elves closest allies.

Thus it’s not much a stretch I’d say to consider that more than one Blood Elf has been reanimated as a Forsaken, upon dying. Especially when we consider the sheer number of years that the Alliance and Horde have knocked heads with each other.

What do you guys think? Would such an addition be a workable and fair solution?

Won’t work due to the story of dark rangers being a forsaken one and that BE’s has access to paladins.

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So maybe then they could lock the skin out from Paladins, or better still just make it a sub-customization for the Forsaken then for the sake of racials / class combos. That’s at least what I think might make sense. No it’s not a “Blood Elf” customization per say, but it’d be pretty close and address the issue with some finality; right?

It’s a possibility, although I doubt indie company blizz would do that :stuck_out_tongue:

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Well your up then golden-rod. I’ve given it my best shot. :stuck_out_tongue:

On what I think BE get in customizations?

Arcane glowing tattoos, farstrider tat’s, Facial runes, and a few violet eye colors to match their arcane culture would be nice.


They should focus on races that really need appearance changes, like male goblins. I was beautiful before the last appearance change, now I’m hideous. Please fix that.

If anyone wants to join me in fighting these unjust male goblin changes, send $5 to notascam@thisisascam.sca. All major and minor credit cards accepted, we don’t discriminate.


I’ll only donate if the male goblin model is replaced with Hobgoblins :stuck_out_tongue:

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We pretty much look like that now.

I used to date blood elves, now I can’t even get a night elf.

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If Blood Elves want distinct aesthetics, they can lean in harder on the sunwell and holy light, or go back to their roots and expand on fel customization. They literally have two themes already, and technically a third if we’re counting classic WC2 quel’dorei now.

If you want goth elves, the Alliance is waiting for you - red eyes and dark aesthetics would suit the void elves more, and keep the faction divide between the two distinct - which is what so many on GD keep whining about. If you want to play a red eyed undead vampire thing, the Forsaken already exist too, but that’s not good enough because it’s not a sexy elf.
San’layn also failed to join the Horde, and even turned on them. Go do BFA quests on the Alliance.

If the truth about that hurts, then stop gate keeping something as stupid as blonde hair from the Alliance. We don’t get our NPC elves, you don’t either.


Blood elves are not, or ever will be, the horde equilevent of lightforged.

Depends on the red, but if they ever make dark rangers a customization for forsaken, red eyes suits them better then on VE’s

I particularly don’t care if san’layn becomes playable since most of them look like ordinary BE’s but failure to join the horde is still debatable, as I feel the whole story on that still feels incomplete.

Because Lorthemar kicks them out while remembering how bad Malfurion was for kicking the High Elves out.

If we follow lore, Blood Elves are joining the Void Elves and getting a transformation not as harsh as the original Void Elves, which, remember, was forced. The Void Elves never wanted to be transformed, they just wanted to study the Void.

And now other Blood Elves are joining to study or have a less sadic ritual applied to them, which could result in them not having void tainted skin.

So, there are Blood Elves that look like Void Elves, but not on Lorthemar’s house.


Night elves don’t get to be blind in both eyes like belves can be though.

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I don’t think they were a mistake. I believe they were a quite deliberate “middle finger” to all the players who wanted Alliance high elves.


That’s so weird to me if you think the devs would insult their own player base.

Instead of seeing VEs as a unique new addition to the Alliance which they are

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Originally they didn’t had those options , but when blizzard started adjust the game towards current political views and agenda so that no one feels not important we got wet disco hair blood elves. But as far as I know only void elf I saw was Algeria Windrunner, and she was BE that managed to control the void. Where all these player void elves come I have no clue. Didn’t tapped to much into the lore about it.

I wouldn’t call them unique. Nightborne (poor souls needs a make over) is much more unique then VE

Absolutely not. That went out of the bloody window as soon as they added void elves in the first place. Alliance should never have gotten Thalassian elves, but here we are, and you do not get to claim ‘oh this theme is ours’ especially when you clearly don’t care and only want the ‘high elf customization’ and are using it as a card for your own gain.

Not to mention, red eyes are an undead/blood theme and void elves are not undead or blood related, but nice try.

Newsflash: Felblood elves/San’layn/Dark ranges came waaaay before the terrible lore that is void elves. So using it as leverage to get what you want will not work. Hence:

I honestly don’t care what void elves get. I don’t care if they have ‘normal hair’ or what have you as long as blood elves get something too, AKA a hair style exchange/sharing. But I’ll not stand by the alliance void elves suddenly getting red eyes and undead themes when that’s (A) clearly very different from void and (B) you’re only asking for it as an excuse to bash those who are against giving hair colors, not even interested in it in the first place.

Not to mention?! Void elves have already taken a ton from blood elves with nothing in return aside from the ridiculous jewelry that I personally think looks terrible and should have been transmog. We didn’t even get a hair style exchange.