Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

thats just the helfers trying to separate farstrider themes from blood elves and push them towards becoming lightforged


Y’know I do find it very odd that helfers and their supporters constantly try to push this on blood elves when actual blood elf players are asking for scars/arcane tatts/ darker themes like blood elves used to have.

Makes you think.


No lightforged elf nonsense support from me. Unless we get the darker themes we’ve been asking for, I sincerely hope they don’t consider anything like that.

Also an eye color isn’t a theme as much as people want to say it is. :roll_eyes: Blood elves don’t ‘have a second theme’, their original nuance was tossed into the garbage.


The irony of this coming from someone who wants edgy undead elves. Not saying your request is bad. Just calling out the sheer hypocrisy on this.


More like Blizzard adding lightforged options to Blood Elves back in BFA. They made that decision, and no one else.

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And? I’m allowed to express my opinion on what I’d like, thank you. Yes, I’m playing a Death Knight. Yes, I want undead elves. I know that apparently boggles people’s minds that I have such an opinion and have no interest in lightforged options, for some reason, but here we are. :woman_shrugging:

Is this supposed to be a ‘gotcha’, or ‘thanks captain obvious’?


It would make more sense to add San’layn as an AR so they can get cool bloody racials, rather than having to use the basic Blood Elf ones.


That would be nice and favored, but it seems like most people are completely against the notion. I’ve all but given it up, but will still talk about it in favor from time to time. (Though if they had earnable covenant racials, er, cosmetic abilities, it would solve that. Technically.)


I disagree, the light has been a pretty big story arc when it comes to blood elves since TBC. There are plenty of people who play blood elves that may want some more light themes, there’s nothing wrong with that.


Okay. Just don’t complain when someone says that sanlayn are a trash idea for an AR. If you do complain, just remember they are allowed to express their opinions too.

That’s perfectly fine and people express it to me all the time. I don’t directly insult people who want the options. I simply do not want them and have no interest. Same with Lightforged undead. I don’t recall complaining about that other than someone flinging personal insults.

Like I said, people can want it. People can think want I want is a trash concept, too. Long as they don’t insult me personally, I don’t care. We’re allowed to express our opinions (not something I ever said otherwise) and I made my stance very clear.


No, but you basically said was that lightforged undead was nonsense and even name dropped some helfers a few times. In principle its okay if you think this, but you don’t strike me as the sort of person who would take kindly to people saying bad stuff about your desire allied race. Besides. I don’t see why you would have a problem with it. The more custom options, the better in my opinion. Unless you meant as an AR?


I mean, you came into this pretty hostile as well. I think all the customizations have their place. There is an extensive undead and light theme that blood elves should have expanded on as it has been in their lore for years.


The concept of something being “fair” is purely imaginary
 nothing in this life is ever fair. Somebody wins, somebody loses
 that’s life.


Maybe a bit, but I just thought it was hypocritical to say that knowing how she sometimes acts when people speak against sanlayn.


Can you please quote where I name-dropped anyone
? I don’t recall anywhere I’ve posted here where I’ve namedropped. I feel like you’re now trying to put words into my mouth.

And yes, correct, I did call a concept nonsense. I stand by that. I’m allowed to have and express an opinion.

Did you ignore everything I just said

Yes, agreed, hence why I said this:

AKA: People can ask for golden options all they want, but I don’t want to see people barring it from other customization options, and there’s clearly a limited amount of resources, hence my expressing that I would like them to focus on the darker themes first. Again–I’m allowed to ask for the customization I would like to see, as is everyone else, and I’m simply expressing my opinion on the matter as to what I want to see first.

Again, quote where I’ve personally insulted someone please, as opposed to a concept, rather than spreading nonsense and pretending like I scream at everyone who doesn’t want what I want. I wasn’t aware I wasn’t allowed to share my opinion or disagree with people, and I wasn’t aware that equated to bad behavior as I don’t throw personal insults.


I wouldn’t know and that seems like more of a personal issue that should be left out. Don’t attack the person, express how you feel light themes are valid as well.

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I don’t have time for this. Didn’t really want to get into a long winded arguement about this. Just kinda popped in cause I was curious what was being talked about. Heading to sleep.

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literally came in full force calling her a hypocrite in your first post towards her but didn’t want an argument?


Alright, so you come in here, making claims about what I say and how I act, and when I ask for proof:

Right then. Alright. Goodnight.

Today I learned I’m not allowed to disagree with people, or express opinions, and me doing so is hypocritical
 even though I said “I don’t care if someone hates the idea of San’layn. I disagree with them, personally, but they can dislike the concept all they would like and I won’t insult them because they like different things in a video game than me.”

I never, not even ONCE said “people aren’t allowed to express their opinions, only me”.

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He did the same thing to me in another thread the other day, he made this huge claim against anti HE posters, and then refused to provide evidence and said he was going to bed