Yes and no. I mean, I can also make some claims and assumptions that you might do a specific content but in the end, it’s not accurate. But not let’s dance around the topic anymore.
I’m more of a casual hardcore player in a specific niche with some tabbing into every content due my relatives who also play the game differently. Jack of all Trades as you American would say but I’m more of a player who gets dragged into the other contents I actually not like to play. For example, if there is a pet week, I get from my relatives everything I need and so on. In short, you could say that the people I play with make it bearable.
I wouldn’t call me an altoholic either because these characters usually stay at a low level on a low level account but I give them some “RandomSay”-macros for the immersion when I do level them up to 12-13. But I do have close to 40-45 “true” characters, most of them at LV50 who are just catching dust by now. How we get so many characters? Due PVP at the Gurubashi and Darkmoon Faire Arena, a long time ago we got both trinkets and used them during the last anniversary event. It took over two years for everyone to get the DMF-one. In short, we leveled as twice as fast as the rest during the classic Alterac Valley event and it paid off. Not many people know this but you can go from 110 (I don’t remember the actual exp-increase point anymore) to 118 in one single Horde game due the trinkets. It was just pure madness… and in the end, I have now a 50:50 ratio on characters while I’m playing Horde regularly.
At the same time I’m also not a RPer, I’m more of a wing man/statist for someone else or when an enemy faction character is needed for a storyline. I have no actual RP experience, the rest of the people use a 3rd person feature from Total RP to make me talk. I’m aware of the Tongue elixir because it’s sometimes required. Sometimes I have to do with the PCU (Perroy Cinematic Universe, a collective of +120 Horde players) but this is more a thing where I just tag along at the mass events when one of my relatives plays with them regularly.
With the current expansion it is pretty easy to outfit your Barbie dolls which is an actual blessing in disguise which is why we all opened up some accounts to level our characters solo and dress them in the end. And this is where I come in. Having an Alliance High Elf would be nice to have and the request is justified due how often people ask for but I’m not really interested in playing one. Given how I have seen most of the content, it became a hobby to fulfill character fantasies. I don’t think many would do something similar but I do enjoy it. The Void Elves are fine but at the same time the lack an actual story which is why I do have empathy with the Alliance-players. Given how the topics goes in circles for years, it would be the best to give into their request and move on. And yes, I have a “High Elf” Hunter aka Farstrider on the Horde-side. Doesn’t make sense to have one on the Alliance-side. Nevertheless, it makes no sense to gate keep an established fantasy in sake of everyone’s pride. In the end, nobody will truly be affected by it.
On a personal level, I do love the wow secret discord content and looking for out of reach places. We did the very same right in the moment in the new Sea of Thieves/Pirates of the Caribbean crossover event which came out some hours ago, where you can find a Monkey Island reference, including the main theme. It’s so awesome.
I also raid a lot… in the last season, when I want those mounts. Otherwise this part of the game has become absolutely dreadful. Otherwise I like reading the books you can find in the game and the more controversial stuff, like the Pandaren x Human couple. Story-wise were Mists of Pandaria and Legion fun for me but we do consider starting with the achievements. Everyone of us is around 20k but we want to tackle now the Glory-ones and had no time to do this. Currently is a content drought, so it wouldn’t be a bad time to start.
Like I said, I’m a Jack of all Trades who gets dragged into the content. I thing that’s all.
This would have been the best solution but as I have said it before, the developers really thought this through back then.