Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

And I’ve said it before and I’ll continue to say it until people like you understand this.

Just because the damage it’s done it doesn’t mean it should be made worse.


I don’t want to start it … But If instead of Ren‘dorei the Alliance have gotten Quel‘dorei … Now we would discuss different things .

I like the Ren‘dorei . But they need more hair color options .

Same for the Nightborne and etc.

It’s really sad that there are no other costumisations planned…


Yeah, I still feel like Star said the other day that it was and it is creepy.


I agree :frowning: What’s even worse is that customizations were a huge selling point for SL. I think every race, especially allied races, deserved a ton more.


Players failed.

They got too into min maxing.

Blizzard can’t do anything about it save breaking the game and effectively switching it from Horde majority (in end game mind you since that’s the only place there’s an inequality) to Alliance majority.

That’s equally as bad.

No aesthetic addition is going to move any population.


Their entrance into the thread like they did is mostly why I’ve avoided responding to them…

I just kinda assume they’re here to troll me when someone comes in like that.

Won’t lie the incorrect takes on some lore and concepts, such as the population disparity in end game, make me hesitant to bother talking to them as well.


For me I find it super creepy due to them coming out of nowhere then citing Lann and me, followed by saying that they have been watching all of us for over a year because in my book that gives a whole new meaning to stalking someone from thread to thread, literally.


I find it funny because they included me in who they’d been watching for years and I’ve only been here for a little over one year half of that time I supported HE fans so it’s a bit funny to me to come in an let everyone know your angle is someone who’s watched people for so long and you don’t even have your facts lined up. Worst stalker ever


Last night he downright told me he didn’t like me.

He might be a stalker, but I guess he’s got the honesty down.

And imo, I consider being told he doesn’t like me a win really.


Hello there.


Don’t feel bad, after citing me as one of his reasons to enter the thread he told me other night don’t reply to him if I didn’t like what he had to say, it made me laugh and laugh and laugh because really the one completely contradicts the other.


He doesn’t even view me as a person because I like Blood Elves.

And here I am supporting black and white hair and hair color hues and styles being lifted from Alliance races like Kul’tiran. I also support cotton candy colors. I just don’t want a pure carbon copy of Blood Elves taken to totally ruin what little we have left. I think that’s a fair stance.

I’m even empathetic to the faction imbalance problem and support extreme buffing of racials to get the sweaty hardcore raiders to switch back.

But because I play a Blood Elf I’m basically not a person to him. Or it might be because I’m trans.


Sadly a lot of people are like that and it’s pretty messed up.

As for this, this shouldn’t ever be relevant unless you want it to be because we are all people and holding anything against anyone whether it’s race, sexuality, etc. is pretty low.

Plus I’m the type where as a gay person I figure the gay is silent unless I don’t want it to be like at the moment.


If he’s been stalking me for a year then he knows because it’s come up before. Like that time I was called a fake man.

It would certainly explain his bias against me as a person.


I remember that and it made me angry. :rage: :rage: :rage:

I would hope this isn’t the case but it wouldn’t surprise me, I still hope not though but if it is the case, I will totally be here to defend you like I have been previously.


I think this was the start of their forum posting so I would agree with Naughtymoon’s commentary on feeling a bit creeped out, not an arguing style that seems like is in good faith anyways.

As for honesty imo …

It seems odd to see him fight for Alliance HEs and then when called out on attributing him as someone who is requesting this his response is “you lack the clarity to know what I want” like :no_mouth:


i dont get it either. thats basically a pro blood elf clone stance. the desired effect is :100: achieved from this


Like I said, you know nothing about how I play the game or what I like/dislike. You may ask but this hasn’t happened yet for various reasons.

(edit, grammar)


I think your reasons for being in this thread are clear, but I find it beyond bizarre to state your stances and when people apply those stances to you to try to distance yourself from things you said. You are here requesting further breaking down of visual distinction because you want and believe Alliance is entitled to High Elves which they aren’t and never have been because

Are playable Horde as they have been since their introduction :slight_smile:


I just want to point out that I absolutely love how you wrote this, it’s wonderful. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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And yet you know nothing about what I like or dislike about the game. I’m just stating my point of view about the on-going situation.