Yeah, I’m just done after the last reply it’s just ridiculous at this point, like I can’t even understand how people make such unfounded accusations.
Even in that thread he was pro belf. I know because he and I had numerous discussions about it, and about him wanting blood elves to retain their identity.
We even had arguments about if it would be intruding on the belf theme if high elves (as their own race) got the paladin class.
Lann also often expressed what he wanted to see for blood elves, while also voicing support for void elves to get ways to rp as high elves, such as lore for the wayfinders.
I mean I just checked the accounts for alts since there was a bunch of 1 posters in the thread when I peeked in. If that’s creepy ok I guess?
The megathreads aren’t terribly active a lot of the time lately, so I browse other topics as well, and post for the heck of it in a few here and there.
I’ve always posted in elf related threads though, even outside of megathreads.
You’re not wrong. It’s a continuity issue in the same context of warlocks having always used void walkers even though warlocks draw their power from fel magic and not the void. It’s just too much trouble for little profit to go in and make those subtle changes at this stage in the game from Blizzards perspective.
When WoW was developed no one expected it to be as successful and draw so much attention to these finer details as we do today.
If you don’t believe me just join their discord and look for posts in their discord at this time.
Leaving the rest of this aside (cause yikes) if the OP WANTS to actually make a blood elf that looks like a void elf, all they have to do is roll a death knight and choose grey skin and blue hair.
Or, if death knights don’t appeal, use a shared skin tone, one of the very close hairdos, blue hair, purple eyes.
BAM. Wish granted. You look like a void elf on Redside. Happy to help.
pretty sure the op is referring to the actual unique void elf skin tones/hair
Fortunately, my helpful guide will get him pretty close.
If he’s determined to 1:1, he can also use a shared skin, shared blue eyes, and the bald (or faction identical mog).
If he just wants to look like a voidy void elf, dk skin, blue hair, victory.
This is pretty creative and well thought out Sledge, I approve highly.
I like customization!
I don’t want to look voidy on my belves. I want tattoos, scars, more braided hairstyles, freckles, strawberry blonde hair, dark ranger looks, and probably other things.
I agree, but if the OP wasn’t just cracking wise, I’m always willing to help.
(We all know that the OP was probably cracking wise.)
No, that’s okay. Thanks anyway.
Why do people think Blood Elves need another theme? They already got their second theme, lightforged options, way before anyone else got one.
They should lean into that more, and make additional glowing light stuff for them. Like their skin giving off light or having braids whose tips are dipped in glowing light (a counter to the VE tentacles).
Giving them a third theme would be unfair. Goblins still haven’t received any second theme, neither for an AR or customization options. Still waiting for gilgoblins, thx.
Oh yeah. In a perfect world, I want to maximize lore-friendly looks and have my gang look as different as possible.
You can
You just get kicked out of Silvermoon, and become alliance if you do
Trust me. He is not innocent when it comes to making personal attacks.
I guess you didn’t pay attention to the lore? Blood elves became void elves. They have their hair and stuff because of the void infusion. Blood elves cannot get what void elves have because they are not void elves.
Hard pass on lightforged nonsense for blood elves. 0 interest from me. I want dark ranger/San’layn/felblood options and something that doesn’t continue to take away from blood elves actually have nuance. This whole ‘pretty perfect and light’ thing got old a while ago. People so obsessed with the light can play Lightforged Draenei. (and before someone screams “GO PLAY VOID ELVES” guess what, (a) those I mentioned came waaay before void elves were a thing, and (b) I honestly don’t care what void elves get in terms of options and am neutral at best when it comes to high elves, as far as I’m concerned, blood elf exclusivity was tossed into the garbage when they introduced void elves. I just wish hair STYLE exchanges were a thing.)
So annoying how blood elves seem to have gotten their interesting theme ruined as soon as they got golden eyes, now everyone throws in the faces of people who actually Want dark themes on Horde elves to ‘be happy with light options’. No. They’re not something I want.
Dark Rangers, Felblood Elves, and San’layn were in the game before the stupid golden eyes nonsense, and if people want that ‘golden’ stuff expanded, fine, but also give us the Horde-themes we’ve been wanting for ages. The alliance took the ‘dark elf’ stuff with the nonsense of void elves, now people parade around trying to claim ‘only the alliance gets it’ while in the same breath begging for high elf stuff & no more void options.
Give me a bloody break.