Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

its so weird how everyone agrees the kirin tor and dalaran itself are neutral but the SC somehow isnt. and im sure there are kirin tor mages and citizens of dalaran who wish dalaran didnt maintain this stance just like the SC, but those feelings dont change the facts. IT IS neutral and that extends to all its parts. khadgar is above the faction war and all who want to be there must abide. including the SC

Yes. They lean to the Alliance but are bound by the Kirin Tor.

The are Alliance aligned but part of a neutral city.

They’ve been that way for 16 years since Blood Elves were announced as a playable Horde Core Race, oddly Maleficent’s voice just echoed in my head about 16 years. Haha. :yum: :yum: :yum:


They prefer the Alliance

But are Kirin’tor.

I think we can stop saying the same thing different ways now.

youre claiming they are aligned with alliance and not dalaran fen

first statement is true

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Again, it’s not hard to slap Persistent in a Silver Covenant tabard and ride off on a Quel’dorei steed with my blue dragon hawk and Quel’delar

I just like the Theramore tabard more because it reflects what I think of as her backstory
 someone so angry at the Horde that she gladly turned to the void for revenge once the ex-blood elves showed up and were willing to teach her.

but mostly I just spam low level bgs with her when this thread reminds me she exists

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Pretty sure I know what I said.

And what I meant.

There’s no difference between the two statements.

Was he mocking you guys in this thread? No? You have no standing, specially since it happened years ago and he is showing some signs of empathy from doing that.

That’s on you if you feel this way.

Proper quiestion is why they kill horde on sight outside of dalaran. He won’t have a counter for that.

Because it is an allaince rep, and they are not friendly at all to the horde.

I disagree to this on a fundimental level, alleria gotten her power differently then those of the VE. So for her to maintain her normal looks is completely reasonable. VE was transformed into another type of being, though they are still fundimentally from the HE branch of elves.

You mean the blood elf part of the group. The high elves portion is very much mating with humans :stuck_out_tongue:

Odd, They held a presence when dalaran isn’t a big portion of the story too. Though they do show up more when dal is in the story. And when they do show up, they always show animousity towards the horde, except in the class halls.

He’s not talking about race, more akin to culture. Though it does seems a bit belittling admittingly.

Elves may want to be the prettiest, but nothing beats the picture of good looks then that of a dreanei!

Blood elves, having long lives and some in multiple wars should totally have scars. It’s really a lost chance at that with the previous customization pass.

/Procceeds to kill horde when outside of dal, and also gleefully kill blood elves during the purge. “say what?”

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Ignoring that this was the moment when Jaina Proudmoore was, appearantly, the only leader of the Kirin’tor and could decide for the entirety of the Kirin’tor, despite it actually being ruled by a council, that it should flip Alliance.

Only proving my point here :blush:

To be fair, it was Vareesa and the Silver Covenant who was unambiguously murder-happy. Jaina may or may not have been glitched, but killing dragonhawks and feeding blood elves to sharks was 100% Silver Covenant.

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Try approching a silver covenent member in crystalsong woods in wrath as a horde player. might surprise you.

It should also be reminded, she did participate in the legion pvp weapon appearance unlock quest in the alliance version of it. She very much may think she is alliance.

they were absent during a faction war when dalaran was neutral. they are absent from every alliance engagement from every zone since cata after being created during wotlk. do you know how many zones and designated areas within them have been added since their introduction? when you go out in the world you see alliance members in all of these locations. but you never see SC outside of dalaran activity

they simply cannot act directly against the horde without rendering dalarans neutrality a joke


Excepting one time of dubious interpretation.

The second seiging of Orgrimmar when we have one ballistae and Vereesa.

(I’m mostly joking here, I very much think Vereesa was only there because of Alleria and Sylvanas. Also I don’t know what was up with the ballistae but with no troops from the SC to back it up
 Dubious indeed.)

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They didn’t take a combat role, unless they sent mages to be the support portion of the 7th legion, but they did obviously supply the alliance as seen in the 2nd seige at the least. It’s still a form of alliance.

They done so on several occasions, regardless of dal’s neutrality. The only time they do not act out is in dalaran itself, or in the argent tournement.

I think they where supplying weapons and other resources to the alliance instead of having direct conflict against the horde. Kinda like how canada didn’t actually fight much in WW2 but still gave resources for the war efforts.

Personally I don’t.

I think the Ballistae is more likely a hold over from a point in time Blizzard may have considered having some SC show up with Vereesa then decided against it and just never changed out the asset.

Shes only really there because of Sylvanas an Alleria being involved.

If we’d seen more SC activity during the rest of BfA I might otherwise agree with you, but Dalaran and all its associated factions are entirely absent during BfA.

Save two particular individuals.

Vereesa and the Sunreaver Mage who tried to stop you rescuing Baine.


I suppose, but most of the war also in bfa took place off screen also, so it’s hard to say yes or no about the support. Also, I doubt a “AAA” company would just leave an asset in like that in a major cutscene without it actually meaning something.

This is Blizzard you’re talking about.

They’re a struggling indie company the way Activision is running them into the ground.

And they were already cutting things like crazy back then. I don’t think its unlikely for them to have just left it.


the fact no elves appear could imply the alliance simply know how to engineer it and its part of their siege weaponry. they could also be from the void elves and ported in from the nether. theres a myriad of explanations for it. hell an intern could have been assigned with plopping siege assets down for this scenario and didnt think twice about it, but its all speculation. citing this is just a sign of desperation


Now I think on it
 were there any void elves there at all? (aside from Alleria of course.)