Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I mean it’s not just Void Elves but mostly Alliance Elves in general because the Light Restrictions. Now of course unless if we had Shadow Paladins like a Spec for set Paladin Class. it probably might. Never know since we may fight the Void Lords in a Expansion or Two.

But for the way I see it. I say the Void Elves pretty much couldn’t have those set Paladin Sets on the Alliance because Blood Elves. But hey maybe atleast some point maybe just maybe we can see Druids for Void Elves since it would be nice to see something added to the Void Elves in terms of Classes and etc like from Warcraft 2. Like a Darker Side of the Thalassian Nature Powers and Etc.

Velveetas will never be belfs or helfs no matter how much make up they put on. They are and always will be void infused traitors.

  • Blood Elves, who hates the Night Elves for exiling them after telling them to stop using dangerous magic.

Also, Velveetas can’t be an allied race, too cool for all of us.

Totally agree.


Who is Velveetas?

Wait, weren’t you the one who made those cartoons mocking people for disagreeing with helfers? And angry hateful videos?


Oh the plot thickens.


As does my gravy.


To be fair though, that’s spot on. People don’t want a carbon copy of a race they feel particularly attached to on the enemy faction. There is nothing wrong with wanting to keep visual distinctions alive.

The people who oppose natural hair colors for Void Elves are not the ones barring anyone. You give us too much power to suit your narrative of us being evil. We disagree with it, but at the end of the day, Blizzard is the one barring those options for the Alliance.

I mean, yes. Many of us have said that if the Void Elves would get a second/third visual theme, it would only be fair for Blood Elves to get one as well. Remember, we are advocating for visual distinction between the races.

I agree. Give an inch, take a mile.

Wait what lol

Please answer this. I’m very curious now.


Tbh I’ve never seen “more whiter skins” as a request by anyone.


I think he means pale Dark Ranger skin but it was worded very poorly.


I dunno, he said dark ranger tones too.

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If that’s not what he meant, that’s a yikes.


Sounds delicious.

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You have to read the original reply to get the full picture here. Void Elf-players/mains should not ask for exclusive Blood Elf features which is something we all agree on.

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You’re dead to me.

seriously velveeta?!

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Mix with cheddar, a little dried mustard, paprika, and a type of rum to get a nice fondue.

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That’s literally what you’re all doing.



They (high elves alliance side) cling to their past, and many may not have experienced the full brunt of loss as the elves in Quel’thalas did.

It was a wake up call for the high now blood elves. Thankfully they were able to adapt. Missteps and all.

I’m gonna be honest.

It’s always been weird to me that the high elves didn’t take the name.

Like you say it’s a name meant to honor the dead. Why would the high elves not do that? Those were still their families. Still their homeland.

Never made a huge amount of sense to me.

Maybe not linched but certainly maligned by their people.

There may be a difference between the political and the sociological.

Politically Lor’themar wants to reunite his people. Which makes sense they’re few in number. He may not care if they take the name.

But I’d bet his people would in general be unhappy if returning high elves didn’t take it.

I don’t see any lore to confirm this though.

That’s not all they’re allowed.

He allows pilgrimage to the Sunwell for all Thalassians regardless of loyalty or affiliation (until void elves of course) but Lor’themar has on several occasions been seeking to reintegrate any high elf that’s willing.

I can only surmise they must be allowed to return.

Whether or not a name change is required blizzard has never effectively said. Though I wouldn’t doubt it.

Farstrider Tattoos I can see an argument but the runic ones you see on the box art? That’s a belf thing not a helf one.

Yeah… I saw that and just decided to ignore that poster.

If you can’t even get that much right nothing you say is worth the time.

I think you meant lots more tentacles.

… That’s the Highvale…


Can you leave my void elves to their void theme please?

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Tbf their entire existence is a retcon, who even knows.