Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Well since they are convinced that blizz favors Horde and always will they should get everything they ask for.


Lol, if only, like seriously I would love having a decent Nightborne, unique made just for my faction mount and bonuses to stuff we all do anyway just for playing on the red team.


But I deserve tattoos :frowning:


I donā€™t think itā€™s bad to say that here and there but not about everything like some people and not when itā€™s just a means of wanting to take even more from the opposite faction than has already been taken.

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Truthfully I want tattoos or war paint or whatever makes sense for every race.


Personally I donā€™t feel void elves is a proper compromise, they should be expanded in the void aspect though, I do think an actual compromise can be done with half elves.

Thallassian elves true, but the group that ppl refer to is the nocā€™s that is alliance friendly and attack horde on sight.

I just noticed the post you quoted from lann, I am going to ask to please leave that issue between me and them, Feel free to qoute other things though.

But on topic, I do not feel VE needs allot of the BE colors, only chill or cold ones that would suit that of a VE, although I feel they could use more cold/chill colors then what BE has for that.

Agreed, I think a race linked to HE, but not the actual HE, that inherits their story would be better suited AKA half elves.

I prefer vrykul or furbolgs :stuck_out_tongue:

Maybe multi-race that lfd would help too.


Iā€™ve never been a big fan of vrykul but I wouldnā€™t say no.

Just bigger humans to me.

Furbolg however are one of my favorites.

Iā€™ve considered making a megathread about them several times.


But they are not just big humansā€¦ they are giant vykings!!! Vykings man! XD

Honestly I am surprised they where not even a AR in BFA, they had the biggest chance of being one with them being allied to NE/Dreanei.

Aside from jinyo from pandaria that is.


Catching up, but would giving void elves those hair colors be acceptable if Blizzard expanded Blood Elf specific customization either before or after?

Thereā€™s been plenty to explore in current and older Blood Elf lore to draw from.

Also echoing that furbolgs would be great to see on Alliance.


Yes, they can be the alliance bear joke to go against the hordeā€™s cow jokes! :stuck_out_tongue:


Furblogs arenā€™t sus(picious) coded though so they wouldnā€™t be acceptable.

Oh, no I understand the appealā€¦ But they are just more big humans.

I want something new.


Furbolg would be a wonderful addition.

Jinyu too.

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:frowning: Thatā€™s unbearable of you to say!

They could even add ankoan as a customization option to them, they could be a 2 for one deal!

Yes. Sus amogus.

Nothing is more sus then who is waiting for us to come backā€¦



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The moment we step back on azeroth, you know he will be there!

Iā€™d kinda like to see Jinyu paired with hozen
Then Ankoan and kelfin


Iā€™m not into the jinyu or ankoan at all, personally.


Donā€™t honestly blame you. But at least theyā€™re not human.

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