Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

What did you think you’d accomplish here?

Just curious.


clearly, you don’t if your very next sentence is

the thing is, this doesn’t need to directly affect me for me to care about it, but it does directly affect others and simply trying to dismiss that also something that bothers me.

You can’t really speak for me about my own feelings mate.


Interesting, I’m not sure if I should be flattered or not.

However I don’t and I won’t agree with the one sidedness of your posts so far dismissing Blood Elf fans or you going out of your way to call out Lann the way you did given like Star said.


I personally don’t really appreciate when someone insinuates I’m crazy for liking Blood Elves. That’s just absurd.


I mean it’s pretty clearly a troll. “I think you feel that way because you know I’m right” just can’t be a real statement.


It’s easy, Blizzard HQ can’t for the sake of them create a race more popular than Blood Elves. So Horde will always have more players because, and solely, because of the aesthetics of Blood Elves.

Executives asked: How can we turn the balance a little towards the Alliance without spending 0.01% of our efforts?
Some employee getting minimum wages: Let’s give them Blood Elves, with unique features only available to them!

  • Profit

That’s the end of the story. They won’t give Void Elves textures to Blood Elves because it makes no sense, they are not void touched. But Void Elves are essentially Blood Elves so they can have all the Blood Elves customizations no problem.

Also, the idea was to give players a reason to play the Alliance.

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So why did it take like 10 years after their introduction for the Horde to become the larger faction?


I have no motivation to stay. I just joined the fun here because I can kill some time. You guys can ask me anything reasonable while I am here.

Yes, I do agree.

I think this is such an narrow-minded thinking that this is about Lann. It could also have been you in the end, the post was more openly addressed towards the regulars here. As some of you have noticed, I do not have any interest in those emotional baggage which comes with the topics. I wanted to address my point of view and I have done this now. I’ll likely stick around for some Bellular/Asmongold-topics and then will go back to play with friends.

People usually jump here to “this must be an alt of someone” and I believe Lann has been using that french pvp wow site to find other alts successfully. I can promise you that I’m not part of the gig here and if possible, a GM could also acknowledge my IP from being outside the US. I do enjoy the resonance I get to some degree so far because people react exactly as I would imagine they would. I wouldn’t say that people are predictable but we all surely have been circling around a topic for so long where nothing more is left to discuss at the moment.

I also love how fierce these like-feature is used here. I never paid attention to it because how easily get can get manipulated but it’s actually fun for me to see how everyone bands together because of an opinion.

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As if people didn’t or don’t already play Alliance for other cool races like Night Elves, Dwarves, Dark Iron Dwarves, etc. but sure they really needed a carbon copy of one of our races to make people want to play that side. :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes: :roll_eyes:


There is no evidence that the Horde has more people playing it because of Blood Elves.
The majority of complaints Alliance has on NA servers is raiders, the majority who could care less what their avatars look like.
If it were just about Horde having Blood Elves then that would not explain why other servers are majority Alliance and Horde are in the minority.
Blood Elves became popular because they were the ONLY Paladins Horde could play for the longest time.
Paladins were very popular when they were first introduced.
Claiming a race will change the faction imbalance is just wrong.
End of story.


What’s this uwu?


Well I’m pretty sure whether it was Lann or me, we all would have reacted the same way given you are an unknown coming into this thread while being pretty one sided about it.

People assume this because usually that is exactly how it is, it’s not a false assumption usually.

Finally everyone uses the like feature to show support of any post they like, support, agree with, etc. it’s not like this thread is any different than any other one.


Yea, people spewing that blood elves are the reason that alliance has a problem when it comes to finding people for good content are completely off the mark. If I recall correctly most of the alliance players doing high tier content switched factions around WoD or MoP for gameplay reasons, not cosmetic reasons.


Night elves are fabulous!


I play horde and alliance and don’t do endgame content on either side. I like races on both sides.


It comes down to “play a human in a different size” at the end which is a reasonable criticism in the past. Given how much diversity the Horde faction has, I do often feel some resentment coming from Alliance-players because they have been shafted again. The Mechagnomes should have been an actual Gnome-option and I believe that Gnomes in general are one of the most unpopular races in the game. It’s due the feedback that I believe that they gave the Alliance-players the fair-skinned Void Elf options. Ironically, I haven’t used it on my two Void Elves so far because I do not think that these options validate using them.

It’s a site where you can hunt down alt characters easily. check-pvp. fr

It’s commonly used to check on pvp alts.

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I’ll keep, then, with my original response.

All these steps to go somewhere and you could have been farther standing still.

Most ars on both sides could have been options for the parent race instead.


It’s inaccurate. I have over 80 alts and it is picking up one. Laff.

It’s not our fault all the streamers and their fans and top raiding guilds went Horde after WoD. We don’t deserve to be punished for it.


Especially since it’s Alliance players doing the jumping across. Horde players themselves have nothing to do with it.