It would be pointless if he didn’t came to me himself.
Wrong, it did irked them, they just didn’t want to deal with you because they knew you would not care, as you have shown here.
Glad you understand somethine at least. But it doesn’t make it right either for what you did, 2 wrongs don’t make a right.
Irish people gotten a raw deal, black people gotten a raw deal, asian people is getting a raw deal in life, but do you see any of them forcing it down ppl’s throats? I feel bad for the lgbtq community, but to come to a game to say this? You what about latin america? they got a raw deal too? should we make a holiday for them?
Or how about religions that is being discriminated against? They are not the only ones with issues.
And I don’t have to feel, nor other, feel comfortable with a public trial someone cannot defend themselves in!
And this is why as an LGBTQ+ person I voiced my concern and yet was still optimistic on you as a person and hoped to get to know you and wish the best for your perspective to change.
Part of why it’s nice to see some groups recognized in game is because of the inequality they face outside of it. It’s nice to be recognized, and to have representation.
Some people ARE treated better based on gender, skin color, sexuality, religion, etc. Some people are considered the norm and represented already everywhere. Equality is allowing others to finally be represented with them.
LGBQT+ people aren’t trying to ‘convert’ people nor are they trying to ‘purge’ others for being who they are, or tell them they’re going to “The Maw” for again, being who they are… so…
You basically just flat out spattered it all over the wall as to why people were uncomfortable. I was giving you the benefit of the doubt as well, but this just… completely explains a lot.
People said they were uncomfortable… for exactly what you’d just said in a post before. No one outright called you anything then, either. Saying “THEY ARENT SPECIAL THEY SHOULDNT GET THINGS, EVERYONE ELSE GOES THROUGH STUFF TOO” is just being incredibly dismissive of what they go through against, for example, the religion you mentioned.
Thats literally insane. You’re expecting him to read your mind, OR you’re placing yourself in a position to look like a jerk “throwing shade” as Lann says it.
Please tell me this isn’t how you handle your general interpersonal relationships.
Can I ask if you willingly walked into the thread in question?
Why not just mute it if you don’t want to see it?
Do you think LGBTQIA+ folk walk into churches and complain and expect to just be left alone?
Because if I approached him, I feared he would weaponize it as an act of guilt, like he did attempted to do here, several times. If he came to me, it would be more of an attempt at looking for understanding.
You’d be surprised on what you see here in florida…
Also, it was a thread baised on the game, so yes I would reply in it.
there is places where this is appropiate, holiday events isn’t it.
They want to be treated like PEOPLE because throughout history, you could be killed for loving someone of the same sex. And what transgender people are going through right now as well. As someone who is in a straight passing relationship, I’ve not had to deal with that. I’ve been in straight passing ships my entire life even if I am indeed bi.
While I’m a part of the community, I have not been in danger for loving man, being a woman. I haven’t had the right to marriage come under fire. I haven’t been told I’m going to “The Maw” for loving who I love right now.
The point of the the LGBTQ+ movement is to show it to the world and say ‘it is okay for me to be like this’ when throughout history, it has very much not been. It’s the point of these movements, why it’s important, and why spaces for people need to be made safe.
Under what context though? Wanting some parades? A holiday? Christians get an entire bloody month, practically, surrounding the birth of their ‘prophet’ (and no one can argue THAT with me, we all KNOW christmas takes up a huge chunk of December–including with in game holidays in many games). There’s so many holidays related to monotheistic religions, which no one has questioned before. People are proud to be that religion, and that is perfectly fine.
So asking to be on equal terms and gods forbid have a holiday or celebration for them isn’t trying to ‘be better than everyone else’. It’s just like anything when it comes to celebrating like independence for example, human rights movements, et cetra.
And the problem is, there is STILL discrimination today, as we see right now ongoing in certain countries I’m not mentioning here. If we could all accept/love each other and leave consenting adults be consenting adults, there would be more merit–but the battle for rights itself and against discrimination for that community is far from won.
Women also have a special day. And so do men. Black history month as well.
Edit: Women have an entire month, just like the LGBTQ people do. Ours is March. June is Pride month. We cannot apply the logic that it’s wrong for LGBTQ people to have a holiday unless we apply that standard for women and Black history as well.
What religion are you talking about? I mean, a lot of the human based light worship is akin to Christianity. Should the light worship be removed from the game because it may sway someone’s beliefs?
I’m fine with abolishing a pride holiday when that is actually met. You know, the equality thing you said you want. It’s still not there, though. So, until then, holiday it is.
See, this just shows you don’t actually don’t understand how our Discord operates. I am the creator of the Discord, I am not the owner of the Discord. If anyone doesn’t want to deal with me (which no one has ever said to me, but whatever I’m sure there are people who don’t like me), they don’t have to. We have LGBTQ+ mods, we have straight mods, we have helfer mods so everyone can bring issues to whoever they feel comfortable. The mods do not need my approval to take action if that action has consensus with the mods. (Except with emojis I rule them with an iron fist.)
There have been times where I have been outvoted.
What you’re doing here is trying to speak for people who, frankly, I know a hell of a lot better than you do.
Proving Lann right here.
No, you don’t.
I dunno why you wouldn’t feel comfortable given that the outcome of that trial was that the (wide) majority of people were comfortable with you.
We’re allowed to decide as a group who we do and do not allow to join us, get over it.