Alright, so the discord situation is being twisted quite a bit.
What happened was that people were asked whether or not we were ok with him joining the discord. Everyone was allowed to say why or why not. The discord in question are not comfortable with letting in people against the LGBTQ+ community or that make people uncomfortable with ridiculous notions such as ‘straight pride’.
It was brought up that something was said about ‘straight pride’ which I really don’t need to get into why that’s ridiculous, nor why people who are straight don’t need pride.
This all really shouldn’t be brought up on the forums, but here we are. It’s actually quite low of it to happen.
So, anyway, in that channel we were all allowed to bring up whether or not we were comfortable with the Brae being added. I had mentioned that we had clashed heavily on the forums several months ago when he said my community was more toxic than the high elf community, which I disagreed with. We’d clashed on my thread, and had moved on. Hence me saying ‘sure, it happened in the past, I don’t care’ in that channel.
As for Lann, he had also voted positive, but mentioned the behavior he linked below as a possible tense point, so was slightly wary.
Here’s the thing. He’s allowed to bring up such concerns. He was saying, honestly, his piece–and he was fully allowed to like anyone else.
Again, why it’s being brought up here of all places, I don’t know, but discord drama shouldn’t leak into the forums anyway, so I’m not sure why it’s being brought up. Lann at the moment is being painted as some villain when in reality he was bringing up concerns based on behavior seen in exactly what he linked above.
Don’t @ me, I’m muting this.