Massive, but the Corps was invented by Napoléon I in the 1800s.
It’s hard to say the timeframe the Warcraft militaries are based on. We know, for example, that there’s divisions of blood knights and a corps is traditionally two divisions.
Massive, but the Corps was invented by Napoléon I in the 1800s.
It’s hard to say the timeframe the Warcraft militaries are based on. We know, for example, that there’s divisions of blood knights and a corps is traditionally two divisions.
I want that cool looking Dragonhawk Mount for the Void Elves.
It is a world with magic and a seemingly inexhaustible supply of footmen and grunts…
Guess it would be hard to nail down exactly.
One of the big missed opportunities with void elves has always been their relative lack of void. Even their hair tendrils are pretty boring.
But with Mechagnomes, Blizzard has shown that they can manage moving parts on moving things gracefully these days. Imagine void tentacles forming and dissipating in the air behind that bad boy.
heck, imagine it as a void elf hair option
Moving forward VE customization should be unique new void options.
On this idea you have for VE hair we agree
I always said i don’t like the tentacles, but seeing some velf art on twitter i concluded that they can be very cool actually. Blizzard just wasn’t creative enough with VE customizations.
wouldnt you just ask for a normal skin toned dragonhawk later though
I was just trying to have a friendly conversation and you respond with that?
That Dragonhawk is sick, I love it. A Sunwell infused version would be a great Blood Elf counterpart.
As far as Void customizations go, I realize tentacles are pretty popular and should be touched on, but I’d personally love Starcursed eyes and glowing starcursed runic tattoos to go along with them.
Ngl I was gonna wondering what this focus on void unique mounts + in the past emphasis on buildings but the actual race that should be unique is where they don’t want the uniqueness to show, doesn’t add up for me either.
But I also kinda love they do recognize when it comes down to it their actual theme. The buildings they feel should be void. The mount that exists being void. A hypothetical flying mount being void. I wonder why that is
Alliance already has the blue one.
They wouldn’t need to.
It is a bit ironic how they want stuff that is void based as long as it’s not character customization based.
theres no lore reason they couldnt have the normal red version through the void courrupted dragonhawk though
Fun fact… there are apparently only 6 Dragonhawk mounts in the game…
Counting Sylvanas’ new mount drop.
I know thats unrelated but I looked it up out of curiosity.
I can see the argument you’re making but I hope that doesn’t come to pass.
The starcursed one Lore showed earlier is a great addition to the void elves as a concept. But like the Starcursed Hawstrider I doubt we would get the “regular” versions of those mounts.
Gods if they did do racial flying mounts though I might get another chance at them putting in a Wildhammer specific one… that’d be nice.
Imagine the Dwarves get a IF and Wildhammer option for their racial gryphons, and the DID get their own… Core… Gryphon… I guess that’d probably be a fire bird or something.
Lol, this made me picture it like Void Elves when they proc Entropic Embrace and they glow for a few seconds then it goes away.
I’ll have to disagree. I don’t think any mounts should be faction locked since realistically it isn’t a matter of not knowing how to ride/tame the opposite faction’s mounts. Most already have equivalents on the other faction, so it’s just a matter of adding in new means of obtaining them for those that don’t have them yet and unlocking them for those that already have. Since the red dragon hawk is being used as an example, a hunter on the alliance is already capable of taming them and it could easily just grow up to become a mount.
I like the specific racial ones and class ones being faction/class locked.
Heritage mounts I would definitely want to be locked to their race (and thus faction).
I just like the faction themes like that though and personally I don’t want to see that crossover happen.
I’m less strict on whether or not I would want other mounts available to each faction.
Firey Hippogryph? Sure why not. Both factions. Proto Drakes? Why not.
(Dragonmaw being added one day should have their own special ProtoDrake mount though.)
I was mostly just speaking from a lore perspective. Gameplay wise I can accept the race specific ground/flying mount being race locked, and lore wise obviously class mounts like the legion ones and the original warlock and paladin ones being class locked.
I was just pointing out that the faction locked normal mounts have no lore reasoning for being that way. Another example is that there’s a black kite mount from an achievement that only the horde can get, and I badly want that on my Alliance characters.
Back to that hunter thing I mentioned though: I would totally become a hunter main if they could tame beasts and go through a long process of training and growing up into a mount. Then be able to sell the mount on the AH/to other players.
Again, you know what you said, My offer to talk about it privately is still open unless you are too frightened to talk about it without your peer pressure wall.
It’s almost as bad as when you guys talk behind ppl’s backs
You can messege me anytime on discord if you wish
I will not bite onto your bait to get banned
You know what you said behind my back, when I could not defend myself.
Anyone can vouch for me on what was said, and it was said in a context where voting on being comfortable with you in a discord, I voted yes but my one mention was that your post history in LGBTQ threads hasn’t been a good track record, on several occasions you’ve taken a “well why don’t we have straight pride, why do you want to be special” when people have talked about LGBTQ topics for the game.
Why are you bringing this up here just enough to make me look bad in the hopes I won’t provide clear context to clear my name?
If you had a problem you should have messaged me I don’t owe you reaching out because I find your stance in LGBTQ topics a bit questionable from what I have seen, you should have reached out rather than bringing it up here.
Oh look, another thread to try to get ppl banned. Woo… don’t ya get bored of doing this?
Here you are not finding the mega thread valid
Another reason to visit EU. Ya guys are more sane.
This was your reply to someone who was mocking others for wanting LGBTQ stories to be told.
It seems like blizz is deleting posts in thus thread that disagrees with this idea, even on a morality basis (a segment of gamers should not be treated any more special then the rest). If we get this holiday, to make things right we need to add holidays for EVERY real life nationality, EVERY real life religion, and holidays for EVERY real life nation. This is a slippery slope that should not be explored. Also betting this post will be deleted as a threat or ‘detracting to this thread.’
Here you are claiming LGBTQ individuals wanted special treatment