I’m still waiting on “what was said behind someone’s back” that was thrown out there and then I was accused of baiting.
I’m still waiting for an apology.
If you play your cards right I’ll let you pick the crumbs out of it.
I posted a response a bit before you made this post.
I never saw your own response if you made one to it.
Edit: hold up. Think I found it. (I’m tired)
Might have to adjust back a bit from there. My phone was being fiddly.
Elves who die become banshees (if raised into undeath) . It’s what we do. (or wisps)
There could be any number of them. Their only known trait was that they were loyal to Sylvanas. We don’t know if they were loyal before death like that or otherwise.
Many forsaken become loyal to a fault to the Forsaken after being raised.
Virtue singalers are normally the worst at that stuff.
Given my husband is trans, I can promise you, she (j.k.) is a transphobe.
I believe the term is TERF in their case.
Then why be upset at anyone else’s storyline?
Forgive me, but the standard blood knight trope isn’t much to shout about…
(not that I have anything spectacular for my rps either mind.)
Just seems rude to me to tell anyone that their RP isn’t good enough. It’s RP… It’s meant to be fun more than good.
Just reminds me about the folk who get mad on Fenelon for being dark skinned. Literally got harassed for the better part of two hours over it. “because you’re not lore friendly” they claimed.
Because Void Elves are just corrupted Blood Elves, so they should share some of their physical characteristics. Now Blood Elves have not been corrupted by the void, so they don’t get to share in that aspect of the Void Elf appearance.
Okay, good morning.
What about that is inconsistent?
I. Want. New. Customizations.
It’s been hours and still no apologies.
Also no new Void Elf customizations at the expense of Blood Elves.

I don’t think both can be said that you don’t value visual distinction and are fine with BEs losing it to get the desired options you’re after… and then every other post you talk about how you’re only after unique things and don’t want BEs to lose visual distinction.
I’ve already quoted you on just this thread about it, and the inconsistency is consistent across threads, one moment visual distinction isn’t important to you and you’ll proceed with asking for HE stuff for VEs regardless (thats fine thats your stance) but then the next you’ll be mentioning how you don’t want BEs to lose uniqueness both statements can’t be true when what you’re requesting takes that visual uniqueness.
I fail to see anything inconsistent there.
I’m not sure how I could be clearer. I would like new customers, covering a lore-friendly range of looks. I would not like any more copy pastes. We already have too many for void/blood elves. I also don’t want copy/pasted hair colors or styles. HOWEVER, visual similarity doesn’t bother me terribly.

Elves who die become banshees (if raised into undeath) . It’s what we do.
I dunno man, there’s a lot of types of undead elf.
I like the old spoopy Darkshore ghosts. Though they did get a bit possessy in the lead up to BFA.
I’m a big fan of the og banshees tbh
Then we are clearly at an impasse, visual uniqueness being lost by BEs not bothering you is one stance and then echoing

Not interested in blood elf stuff on blue
Is another stance entirely.
No, it’s not.
Please stop arguing with the version of me who wants all elves replaced with the puntable marmot.

It’s been hours and still no apologies.
I feel like this part will never come and if it did they wouldn’t mean it.

Also no new Void Elf customizations at the expense of Blood Elves.
Honestly doubt we’ll ever see anything else added at this point.
Blizzard never cared either way.

I dunno man, there’s a lot of types of undead elf.
Dark Rangers are just banshees in their bodies, and then there’s banshees… I assume wisps are just nature dead… Or something they’ve never really explained. Lol
What others?
Suppose they sometimes are just regular spirits.

No, it’s not.
Either you don’t value visual distinction and thats fine, or you do and you don’t want BEs to lose more visual uniqueness.
Hence why I find posts where u display one stance or the other lacking consistency.
The problem I see is that people think this. If we use different apples in an apple pie, it stops being an apple pie. Wrong it is still an apple pie. Those that are fighting for the remaining blood elf visual aesthetics to remain on Blood Elves know this. While those saying we don’t want Blood Elf hair colors specifically just you know variants of them. Are trying to say using different apples stops it from being an apple pie.
also I kinda want carrot cake now.

Dark Rangers are just banshees in their bodies
Sylvanas is, but I’m not sure it’s stated anywhere others are. We see dark rangers risen in Darkshore and they’re just raised directly.
Off the top of my head: dark rangers, death knights, zombies, normal raised humanoids, liches, San’layn and banshees.
Eh fair enough.
Still plenty of dark rangers to go around.
I feel like this disconnect may be that we fundamentally disagree on what constitutes blood elf stuff, which is perhaps worth talking about.
But I’m not inconsistent, I’m not dishonest or trying to “disguise” what I want, and I shan’t be insulting you by implying you are, either.