Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

You can rock it with determination.

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I’d really like to see some of those sweet sweet BC looks.

The runic tattoos, especially, are something I really feel are missing. I’d love to see more of the “blood magic” angle that we only really get with blood elves. That thread has been dangling since MOP, damnit.


Actually the lore and visuals do agree with the “Pro” side.
As mentioned multiple times the last few days: The population is growing due to them accepting new members (which can be seen in-game and also has been stated by Blizzard), and we have multiple instances of proof that magic infusion doesn’t always alter the individual’s body. There’s also already ways to bypass “visual distinction” meaning that ship has sailed.

I really do respect that at least a few “Anti” individuals have flat out admitted that the lore allows Void Elves to have the Blood Elf hair options and strictly commit to the visual distinction argument.
It’s the only “valid” argument that can be made although it’s still not entirely solid for reasons as mentioned, but it’s at least far more genuine.

I wish you the best :hugs:


Yes, the dwarves sent a bunch of dwarves. I’m not sure that a) cavalry has ever been stated to be any more effective than anything else, if anything I would actually assume artillery and riflemen would be the most effective and b) that the fact what we saw in WC3 was in some way representative of their lore contribution, the only dwarven units in WC3 were riflemen, gryphon riders (who are cavalry), mountain kings and mortar teams and they were all present.

The blood elves didn’t join the Horde until after the opening of the dark portal. Major campaigns that included Stormwind of that period that I can think of include: Mt Hyjal (7th Legion), possibly helping Garithos, the Silithis campaign, the various Blackrock Mountain campaigns, the assault on Naxxaramas (where they literally could have diverted their troops afterwards) and literally every Alliance questing zone.

  1. None of the Alliance factions were “barely holding on”. They all faced threats, but unlike the blood elves they hadn’t lost the vast majority of their populace and weren’t on the absolute brink of collapse.
  2. The Horde managed to provide support and they were I’d say in a worse off position than the Alliance after the Third War. They did what was right, they helped a noble people who were on the absolute edge of extinction.

No they don’t :hugs:

Another flavor of is different then a name change when it involves nearly being turned into Ethereals

A bold claim to say the visuals agree when here you are having to hope / request visuals that intentionally weren’t given nor fit VEs.

So then be bald or wear a helmet enjoy.

Do you have trouble knowing when someones talking about the hair options you desperately want?

I ask because you seem to mistake conversations in the past :hugs:

I agree VEs shouldn’t have access to natural hair colors, however as you can see I quoted myself the conversation was about the lore and visuals of HEs being with BEs not really a conversation about the hair colors rn.

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I see that a set designed to be as similar as possible is -gasp- very similar!

Which is why I’d like to see blood elves and void elves get customizations that are distinct from each other and reflecting their lore-friendly niches going forward. But a bit of overlap isn’t going to bother me any more than I keeled over when undead got female human hairstyles. Which, again, is my personal stance. I respect that it’s more important to you. I just happen to disagree about the relative importance of uniqueness.


A bit of overlap already happened, quite a bit actually which is why continued overlap is the issue

Which is fine

But then you say stuff like this and I find it to be untrue because you are actively asking for options that visually will bring you to look like a Blood Elf completely.

The fact you don’t value visual distinction is recognized, its the comments about maintaining unique options going forward, and not wanting BE options that I find to be untrue, if you’re asking for to look like a BE because you keep saying its not an issue for you and then turn around and say you aren’t asking for BE options and hope they get unique options, I find it questionable enough to point out to you.


I don’t know about the other posters, but my stance on it is that I don’t want more lazy overlap, but I don’t mind it. It’s like going to the coffee shop, asking for a vanilla latte, only to be told they’re out of the syrup. I’m still happy with my latte, but really would have preferred vanilla.


What am I actively asking for that bothers you, Lann?


And I’d have preferred that coffee shop hadn’t come over to mine and stolen my recipe.

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This is where the arguments break down for me. There’s repetition of “my look” and “our aesthetic” when it’s not really yours. Blizzard pulled void elves out of the twisting nether (huehuehuehue), and while people might not agree, it’s their game and their vision.

Something can’t be stolen when we’re all paying $15 to borrow the toys. I get the frustration, but these reasons it come across as way too personal to be taken seriously.

Opinion from an outsider looking in from the pro and anti side of all of this. Trust me when I say the HE dude in this thread is also way too emotionally invested in his own vision of what the game should be.


The BE visual theme that shouldn’t be on the table for continued requests.

You are asking for it when you ask for visual that allows you to look like a BE.

It’s not an issue that this is your stance I find it an issue that one second you own it and then the next your try to decorate it like thats not what you’re doing with statements like

When it comes down to it you’ll own it and thats great but then every other thread every other comment your back to using language that tries to disguise the fact that what you want is doing x.

If you’re asking for more options that visually brings you to be identical to BEs, that is the BE visual theme you’re asking for, and when called on it you’ll admit that, but then two seconds later you’ll be telling someone else “I want more unique options only, not interested in BE stuff” and yes I know what you mean you’re trying to disguise the fact that somehow the shade of blonde from humans isn’t the same as BEs, but the generic fantasy Elf visual theme is BEs.

Your desires for the game don’t add up with mine clearly and that is completely fine, I just find it worthy of calling out that you keep trying to disguise what you’re doing, because arguably it is language used to drive your narrative.

If I say I want a whole new team for this project but that requires firing the current team or at least not paying them for the project because I want a new team, I am still firing that team basically. I can go “oh I’m not firing them” all I want but I am asking for a new team so yeah I am sort of firing them.

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And VEs don’t have natural hair :hugs: I agree that was their intention for their game and their vision.

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It’s certainly not my intent to ask for blood elf “stuff” on Allianceside.

I have Hordeside for that.

I… Don’t think I’ve ever tried to “disguise what I’m doing”. I feel like I’m usually pretty straightforward. I like customizations. I want more. You can find me advocating for pink, white and black hair. And occasionally Alliance hair styles shared around. Generally for cooler tones to contrast with blood elf warm ones. More exciting void stuff for void elves. No more damn copy pastes.


Please show me where I said Velves should have natural hair :hugs:.

You’d be better off if you stop seeing every person who isn’t thrashing against design as your enemy.


Whether or not I am the king of the world of warcraft and wear a shiny hat, I am entitled to an opinion of a game I have played for nearly 20 years.

May not be the king, but you’re the best dressed orc on this forum. :crown:


So your stance is to not support natural hair colors on VEs then? That is great

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The glasses alone entitle you to being the King of World of Warcraft.

…Or at least an opinion.

None of those say for natural hair colors for velves, though. :hugs:

It’s just going to happen that we get more hair colors in general. Where Blizzard wants to take it is unknown, but I might actually play a velf if they get one of those “oil slick” hairs someone mocked up for the hair thread.

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