Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

I mean, sure, it IS a take.

It’s my take.

I personally don’t think Bliz would have gone for anything but low hanging fruit.


You’re arguing with a NB. You don’t have to tell me about how other AR got less :joy:


I can jump on my VE and argue against the interests of the HE community too if I thought it pushed my narrative better


Posting on a certain race/faction has nothing to do with pushing a narrative xD


I love my Dragonage dwarf tattoos on my dark irons but…

Less than half an hour ago, I was messing around in the WoW character creator and tried to make a female worgen again.

my sympathy is not at it’s highest ebb

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As a VE fan and VE player I want unique options and think HE options belong to the actual playable HE race that is playable on the Horde and having those options detracts from both races :sparkling_heart:

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Speaking of blizzard not listening to players, we just wanted the alpha female worgen. :sob: A tail is more that overdue at this point.


As a BE, HE, and VE fan (sorta) and player, and also bifactional as heck, I don’t care about uniqueness (though I appreciate that it’s more important to others than me) and my priorities lay with the widest lore appropriate array of character options.

Though given my druthers, I’d prefer no more damn copy paste.


Why would the Alliance even do that when they could barely help the remains of Lordearon/Dalaran?

Heck, because of Onyxia’s manipulation the countryside of Stormwind was in disarray. The dwarves were busy dealing with the dark iron.

It would be more like calling the ambulance on your phone with less then 30 seconds left of talk time and had to decided whether to tell them about your friend who you are close with or a former friend you are no longer close with(both being just run over in different streets) with while at the same time running after your kid who just decided to run toward the road.

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Yes we know you deny the impact of what VEs got, as well as continued to seek to destroy the visual uniqueness of BEs


I don’t need a tail so much as I need some less goofy ear options, some facial markings that look less like a mangy chihuahua and my bloody scars to match up with my human form’s scars how is that hard my actual factual goodness


Yes because that is just so different than a copy and paste and doesn’t intrude further onto BE visual uniqueness at all :roll_eyes:

You’re not asking for unique options Sledge you’re asking for options that poach the BE visual theme, just because you tack actual VE options at the end of your pleas for more of the BE visual theme it doesn’t exactly make me think much of you as someone valuing new unique options

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Eh. Not really my primary focus.

I have my own blood elves!

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You’re entitled to your opinion, and to think what you want of me for it!

I wish you all the best, Lan.


I don’t think anything one way or the other of you personally but your claim that you don’t want a copy and paste when thats what you’re asking for is trying to present yourself as someone asking for “unique” options I do recognize as not the case.

Hard to take this seriously if thats exactly what you’re asking for, if pointing that out means you wish me all the best well I wish you all the best too :hugs:

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It’s not like I’ve been terribly cryptic, but allow me to reiterate.

My personal priority is not visual uniqueness. It’s lore and diversity of playable options. So if there’s some similarity, it’s not REALLY going to bother me. Ideally, I’d like distinct options, though.

I respect that you value visual uniqueness. It’s a fine and lovely stance. I know that theme is very important to you. It’s… A lot less so to me, probably because I do generally play both sides and wander around WoW like a lost Labrador at the best of times.


Not too busy to send troops to Garithos.

This is not just during the actual Scourging. There were years where the blood elves were fighting for Quel’thalas that the Alliance didn’t help.

Hell, Stormwind wasn’t even a major front against the Scourge, they had plenty of breathing room to send something to help Quel’thalas, they chose to send nothing.


So as someone who doesn’t value visual uniqueness you can see how you would be on the side thats already been awarded options that come at the expense of BEs yes? Wouldn’t it be nice to think the other side matters too even if its not your side, you always have the bald option on VEs or wearing a helmet if you really just have to feel like there is no visual differences.

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Seemed to me that they saw it as “not their problem”, which appeared to be a major issue with most of the Human Nations at that time towards the Scourge.

It was a Lodraeronian issue… then it arrived at Dalaran and it was a Dalaran and Lordaeronian issue.

The Gilnean’s definitely saw it as an issue for their neighbors until it arrived… then they built a wall.

Not entirely certain what Stromgarde was up to at that time…

After that though it seems Stormwind just wrote off most of the Northern kingdoms.

I’m not disagreeing with you… I think SW should have helped the Elves and I think it makes perfect sense why the Blood Elves chose the Horde’s help given how poorly the Alliance had treated them by then.

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Honestly, Persistent looks more like a classic high elf than most blood elves. Especially if I have her on a quel’dorei steed or the blue dragonhawk.

I’m more interested in new customizations that reflect new themes – including, yes, some high elf ones. But in general, I’m pretty pro-customization.