Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Again, why would the Alliance help them. Garithos was dead and I doubt most in the Alliance even knew Kael’s group went to Garithos to rejoin the Alliance considering he died. (Anduin himself never mentioned Garithos when listing the supposed failing of the Alliance to Saurfang, it makes me think the whole betray/rejoining of the blood elves was not a well know event) Even if they had wanted to, I doubt the blood elves were particularly interested in any such help.

Lastly, by the time the probable managed to get any emmisary to the Horde(like in BC) the blood elves were already practicing very dangerous and volatile magic.

Oh, I don’t know, maybe because the armies of Dalaran were shattered and I doubt anyone could have told Garithos(the only guy in the North with an army left) to shove it without themselves being thrown to the Scourge.

As for Garithos himself, he seemed to know what a naga was and considering a Paladin was captured by them probable knew at least to consider them a danger.

oh i agree. i wasnt being serious


The same reason the Forsaken did. Good will. The blood elves have bled on many battlefields to support the Alliance, saving them from eradication seems like a fairly honourable move for a former ally.

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That is the problem. There wasn’t much good will between the Alliance/Silvermoon elves. Why would you help a fair weather ally who left you during the good times? The Alliance is suppose to help each other. Not bail the moment it was convenient.

Not to mention said former ally entire reason for leaving was “you people stop the Horde from burning our trees even though so many allies lives died trying to save it.”

I care about Silvermoon.

That’s why I think the void elves should stay away from it.

Let us build up the Rift into a shining gem of what the Void can be!


You assume much about my own desires friend. What I’ve listed is all I’ve ever wanted since vanilla.

I know some high elf fans want everything, but that doesn’t mean every high elf fan demands a portion of Silvermoon, new racials, and all that. I’ve been very transparent about my desires, and if there’s a way to get that without ripping them off blood elf scalps then that’s the way to go with it. They can make new hairstyles from scratch, they can use the human versions of those hair colors and textures, anything to keep the blood elves uniqueness. Fel give the blood elves even more new styles and colors and give void elves even more voidy stuff! Like I said before I just want everyone to be happy without giving up what I want.

I can’t speak for others, only myself.


People like you are the exception because as both Cor and Lann mentioned there have been a lot of Void Elf and Alliance players that figure they have some right to everything that’s associated with Blood Elves and High Elves despite being Void Elves and Alliance and so it’s completely understandable why some people would be so bothered by that.


That’s why velves can’t have belf haircuts.

Because it’s the right thing to do. The king withdrew them from the Alliance, but the entire populace was being killed.

Do you only do the right thing when it directly benefits you? If someone cut you off in traffic and then further down the road was in a terrible car accident, would you consider yourself justified to just drive off without pulling over and calling an ambulance?


That’s all perfectly reasonable, really.

What velves got were scraps. All the allied races got scraps. Nothing was really “made for” them.

I do expect more hair and colors for whenever they do revisit the races, though. Saying “we are done with customization in Shadowlands” just doesn’t vibe.


Pretty sure that’s the one color that doesn’t Make you a racist. Unless he says it in a positive manner. Which he wasn’t.


I knew your “joke” with an obvious bias didn’t sit right with me, but weren’t you just claiming that despite it all you weren’t in favor of VEs taking the last of the BE visual theme, not that I’m surprised to find you calling someone asking to poach our options “fair” going so far as to ignore the impact VEs were given by non Void skin tones as well wouldn’t it be more beneficial to just be straightforward with your stance?

But I still hope you can argue in good faith :hugs:

It seems your jokes are as difficult to decipher as the actual meaning of your stance

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Void elves were the only AR to get a major going over, how is that something to complain about?


They got belf customization (which has caused the hissy fits in this thread) over anything unique to them.

They didn’t get a “major going over” because nothing about their new customization was void elf.

Allied races got completely looked over, but they got off better due to a shared model.


It’s okay. The evil void elves aren’t going to pull the plug on your favourite race.


So to be clear you are diminishing the impact VEs were given while also ignoring how that detracts from the BE visual theme, all the while calling what VEs got scraps and claiming you don’t support them getting natural hair options but then in the next posts claiming people who are asking for those options fair and you see it happening?


What void elves got was a copy paste from the parent race with new underoos.

Which is more than the other allied races but isn’t exactly thrilling in its uniqueness.



They received the most additions of any AR.

Velfs didn’t get looked over, they received one of their most requested additions. Despite the fact that it undermines faction identity.


To be able to poach someone else’s visual theme and still view it as scraps is really a take all the while being on an exact carbon copy model cross faction that no other race has had happen (which just so happens to be a very popular model as well) really don’t expect too much sympathy outside of HE fan circles


Correct! I guess you could say I’m a bit of a moderate where I want people to get the customizations then want while having those customizations be unique.

If I think about it, I would consider stuff like jewelry to not be distinguishable enough to be kept from one or the other.