Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Again, I have never seen it said that the issue had anything to do with anyone but Garrosh and Garrosh alone.


While I too am way too tired to dredge up the video of the dialogue, I can assure you its not him entering or even considering negotiations.

It was a refusal to begin.

To think that is remotely anything close to them considering joining the Alliance again is ridiculous.

That’s what I’m saying. I think? I don’t even know anymore. Yeah, it was a refusal out the gate. Alleria brought the negotiations, but after MoP, the Sunreavers, and Dalaran, it wasn’t even a consideration for him.

 you’re wrong.

I mean, I could very well be? I’m not making myself out to be a lore expert or demanding people say I’m right. I’ve even admitted twice that I could be lol. That’s just what I remember reading from the dialogue text back then, but I also haven’t done that specific content in years, so. shrugs

It happens.

Realistically almost every other race in game both Core Races and Allied Races should get attention and customizations before Void Elves get anything new again especially Nightborne, Lightforged Draenei, Highmountain Tauren, Mechagnomes and Dark Iron Dwarves because they all have very little customizations and Nightborne have always seemed like a botched nightmare pulled into reality.


They left the Alliance of their own accord. The specific context of that was pre-warcraft 3. The reason we are talking about it in this manner is because that specific poster was insunating Silvermoon elves never left.

The time frame of their particular post was about Warcraft 2/pre Scouring of Quelthalas.

Why dont you reread what he posted because what he was saying and what you are saying are two different things.

I recognize you’re a little more loose with all of this than many of us here.

So I apologize if I sound aggravated or annoyed.

For the most part I’m not, I just thought you might have something I didn’t know of before.

I prefer to see these things from the perspective of the lore and what we can gather from it directly rather than what we can assume is potentially true.


I prefer to see these things from the perspective of the lore and what we can gather from it directly rather than what we can assume is potentially true.

I can absolutely respect that. Given the retcons, rewrites, redrafts, and Chronicles itself (sitting over on my shelf), I just tend to play it loose because who knows half the time. Some of the lore I used to be die hard about has changed so drastically it’s not even worth it any more.

But I’m no stranger to being wrong and I have no issue with it.

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I refuse to accept that orc-troll hybrids aren’t a thing despite a complete lack of evidence.


Unfortunately there are a handful of people in the various WoW lore discords I’m in (and a few people on the forums I’ve seen) that have this mindset too. It’s quite sad how much it’s caused people to lose interest, and I can only hope Blizzard improves their storytelling to catch their interests again.

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I wouldn’t say I’ve lost interest, just that I take everything and anything with a grain of salt, including everything I say, and sometimes (in particular when I RP or write), I just work off what feels good at the time.

There are some situations that are worth assuming.

Though on the whole I can’t prove it canonically. :stuck_out_tongue:

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God, there’s half-elves and I have to assume there’s more orcs and trolls in Durotar than humans and elves in Dalaran.


Geeze I never even saw your reply . . . think the alert tabs broken or something.

I can’t speak for my fellow high elf fans, but I personally don’t want the void element of void elves to be cast aside, nor am I asking for blood elf hair styles, green eyes, and golden eyes, fel I ain’t even asking for ranger tattoos, all I ask for is natural hair colors that aren’t on the blue or purple end of the color spectrum and a few freshly made natural looking hair styles that don’t look like I stepped off a night wish album cover. I’ve even said for every natural hair style the void elves should get a voidy style (say a natural ponytail and a void tendriled top knot for example)

Blood elves should keep all their current hairstyles and fel, maybe even get a new one for every void elf one maybe, and more voidy stuff should be added as well in my opinion.

To be completely transparent, if they gave void elven males a full beard, a long hair style that’s not in my face or with no tendrils attached, females getting braided pig tails, and both genders getting blonde, orange, and maybe silver or white hair and every other customization was voidy themed, I’d shut my trap about it. Personally don’t need tattoos or paladins or anime inspired hair . . . but that’s just me, I know some who want the whole blood elf package and while I don’t agree they are at least entitled to ask for it.

Sorry for the wall of text, I feel bad for missing your reply.


While the current lore doesn’t really support the idea of blood elves having void stuff. I’m willing to share some of our void elf hairstyles with you. I know that blood elves recently got some new ones but a lot of the blood elf hairs aside from that look super outdated since they come from tbc.


You couldn’t try any harder to miss the point.


I’d say Void Elves have been altered on a cellular level and perhaps a genetic level. After all they bleed purple.


This is the BE visual theme you’re asking for (minus the idea of full beards which I have no issue with but your full beards would still be within the void colors available to you) and visual distinction matters or we wouldn’t even be here you would have got the hair colors / options with the skin tones.

Let BE players have what’s left of our visual distinction, the devs have already done a huge impactful deal for you and they have other fan bases to consider when your ongoing request results in poaching the visual theme of BEs / is opposing those who want visual distinction left in place, if they’ve listened to you twice over it is unfair to expect yourself to be the favored party again.


(It was slight sarcasm. I got your point. The point just wasn’t very good and this conversation is whack.)

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This is a bit disingenuous.

I truly think that just getting one more thing after people have already taken so much won’t be enough. They’ll always want more.

If they take our hair colors they will just turn around and demand our hairstyles because high elf npcs have them, and when they get that they’ll turn around and demand paladins even though there’s no lore to support it, and when they get that they turn around and demand Silvermoon so they can RP out their high elf fantasy in a proper backdrop, and when they get that they will turn around and demand Blood Elves be deleted for infringement on their high elf aesthetic.


Well, I guess your entitled to your opinion.

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I remember when all they wanted was a RP element to feel like Wayfarers as opposed to the “former BE” angle the story gives all player VEs.

Now they have those RP tools and here we still are.