Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

That was not was being talked about. In fact there is nothing about me saying there was no betrayal at all. Simply that the Silvermoon elves were not member of the Alliance at the time Warcraft 3 happen. So claiming that in and of itself is betray is incorrect.

i don’t get what my RP-abilities have to do with a conversation about how these races are different.

you realize void-elves came from blood-elves, so it makes sense they’d have their skintones, right?

maybe they only converted recently, so their skin isn’t all purple, maybe it’s cause they’re high-elves before becoming velves, so the void did’nt get to’em as much, who knows.

i’m just saying, it does’nt matter. it really, REALLY does’nt matter.


I can think of one.

What are the others?


You’re claiming this isn’t enough for you, and I am asking if the RP tools aren’t enough for someone who I can only assume engages in RP coming from a RP realm?

So from a RPers perspective on how you’re unable to RP with what’s available to VEs I am ever so curious into your insight on this matter.


What they are saying about Void Elves only having tentacle hair is false anyway because for example this hair has no tentacles in it.


Right. But you also insinuated that the High Elves left the Alliance on their own accord when a poster that you quoted discussed the betrayal, which is intellectually dishonest to the true events of the story. That’s like saying , “Susan left her husband” and never mentioning that her husband cheated, ya know?

You also laughed at someone else discussing lore and told them they clearly don’t know lore (which they did, it seemed) which is just really yucky on your part.


i’ve never been unable to rp with what’s available to void elves. but then again, i stay away from elf players because they’re so dang uppity (seriously, tried rping with one once on my dwarf
 real snooty).

There were talks in MoP, there were talks in Legion. The last one, afaik, was when Alleria tried to recruit them. So three that I know of.

But I’m also not a lore expert. Just someone with Chronicles who also likes to play the games a lot. I don’t believe they had any talks for a long while before that, given that they were already on the outs before the Scourge War.

Yes, but not so many that you can say the orcs

[citation needed]
I have never seen it said anywhere that the blood elves were in negotiation with the Alliance because orcs were racist. I’ve seen it stated that they weren’t happy with Garrosh’s leadership.


So then what’s the issue on your end of things that you claim you have? But now you’re claiming there is no issue your RP abilities are fine with the RP tools available.

Either you can make due or you can’t and insist on poaching more of the BE visual theme so I am confused which one it is? Your RP abilities are or aren’t able to make due with the visuals afforded to you as is?

Though a RPer may also take lore into consideration idk and if thats the case I’ll point out the BEs the core Horde race embody the lore and visuals you’re apparently after.


This is the normal one.

Can you tell me more about this one? I haven’t seen anything about it that I remember?

That was a formality and Lor’themar was literally hoping it wasn’t the reason for her visit.

Thats not the Blood Elves considering an offer that was them refusing one.


He shuts her down p quick too. Generally speaking there’s a difference between someone saying “hey, come over to my side” and “talks” in regards to diplomacy.


I can’t be arsed to look up the conversations this late at night.

It was in MoP, when Lor’themar entered into talks with Varian because of Garrosh’s severe abuse of power and the mounting racial tensions. There’s no implication by lore, or me, that it was ALL orcs. If you want to argue semantics over my choice of terminology, feel free to I guess. shrug

i’m not insisting on poaching the belf theme. i’m insisting that they aren’t poaching the theme just because of their body-colours.

seriously, the only options they got, were high-elf options, not blood-elf ones. blood elf options are the options they have because they’re blood elves not high elves. basically, anything after kael’thas joined illidan. such as fel-green eyes from demon-magic, golden eyes from the naaru in the sunwell, that sort of thing.

 i think the tentacle-hair is something you can say is very different from blood-elves.


Sadly I find most Vulpera players really out in left feild with all the yiffy stuff. And i have one but I stopped play her due to the weirdness.

The blood elves have tried to talk to the Alliance but thanks to Alleria that issue was solved. Void elves will never be allowed back in silvermoon due to the taint they have. You are like the creepy uncle or aunt that no one wants around.

Honestly you all need a very thin and tall void elf model so the blood elves can have there own back and maybe the horde can get a proper Nightborne model which is way more needed than Void Elf options but I have seen most Void Elf players say the same thing

OH well deal with it, we’re more important. And thats is how every void elf player comes across. Other races need way more work and should be top priorty not you.


That was a formality and Lor’themar was literally hoping it wasn’t the reason for her visit.
Thats not the Blood Elves considering an offer that was them refusing one.

Agreed. I’m definitely not trying to insinuate anything else, but that is what it was. Allerie came to talk to him about rejoining the Alliance and he shut it down. So it wasn’t, “blood elves trying to join” but rather, “negotiations about them rejoining”. I don’t know, like I said, it’s late and I’m tired, so I suppose I’m not being as clear as I could haha.

Can you tell me more about this one? I haven’t seen anything about it that I remember?

There were hints at in some dialogue, nothing concrete. There were a few people talking about it, but Lor’themar was pretty dead set against it, so it never got further than that. There was some text with one of his counselors, iirc, that specifically shared that idea.

Blood Elves are High Elves.

I thought people from RP realms who engaged in RP were more up to speed with the lore and abilities to take advantage of the world that wow has laid out for us all, but you claim VEs got “HE” options as if those aren’t BE options?

I don’t RP so I just find your insight intriguing and telling.


and void elves are blood elves. i don’t- why are you continuing to argue?? why argue with me, when i’m trying to come to a sensible halfway point?

blood elves are’nt void elves! it’s the other way around!


the way they are arguing seems to imply they are unaware they are the same race


While I too am way too tired to dredge up the video of the dialogue, I can assure you its not him entering or even considering negotiations.

It was a refusal to begin.

To think that is remotely anything close to them considering joining the Alliance again is ridiculous.

 you’re wrong.

That is not considering joining the Alliance that is specifically NOT considering joining the Alliance.

MoP at least was a true consideration by the Blood Elves for joining the Alliance
 but they only did so due to Garrosh’s specifically pushing them to it. And its ended of course by Jaina.