Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

Void elves can’t look like blood elves. All their hair options have void energy stuff, and they don’t have blond hair options, which is the defining, signature trait of blood elves.

I lol’d, so thanks for that. :joy: :joy: :joy:

look man, i’m just a guy playing the game.
i’m not one of the writers who came-up with the half-baked lore for void-elves and decided to give’em more skintones to shut-up the folks who wanted high-elves on the alliance.

all i can do is take my guesses, and hope they’re close to the truth… and my guess it was the alliance high-elf thing, mixed with alleria having her normal-skintone still.

what i don’t get is why blood-elf players wanna complain about this. they got the beards that make’em look more like lorethemar, and the dual eye-colours that make’em look like… well, lorethemar. making’em look more like their leader (which, as i still think is the reason that velves got the skintones).


All I picked up on from this conversation is, “Void Elves aren’t genetically altered by void infusion because humans can bleed green!”


They left the Alliance long before the events of Warcraft 3.

What “allies”? They left the Alliance long before Warcraft 3. Again, read the lore!

They also got the Lor’themar hair style too if I recall correctly.


Let us also not forget that in Mists of Pandaria, when the orcs were stirred into a racial frenzy by Garrosh, they took much of their aggression out on the blood elves. In turn, Lor’themar opened negotiations up to joining the Alliance again, and there were more than just talks before Jaina discovered the Sunreavers had helped steal the Divine Bell. Queue the failing of that.

Literally what

Can someone please pull a pic of Lor’themar and side by side pics of male BE options because someone clearly is mistaken.

Also you don’t know why pro BE fans take issue with the last visual distinction factor being given away? If you have 90% of the visual theme more than you ever have had maybe try the RP element in this MMORPG I see you’re on a RP realm


your saying void-elves got their blonde/red hair colours, green ‘n’ gold-eyes, and body-jewelery too??


They’ve gone back and forth multiple times. But you specifically said that the Alliance did not betray the Blood Elves, which is simply not true.


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  1. Some of the orcs, many orcs also opposed Garrosh and made up important leadership roles in the rebellion.
  2. There was an implied threat that the orcs would attack the blood elves, but there’s no evidence that they actually did.

The Sunreavers as a group didn’t have anything to do with the bell, a sole Sunreaver did. The threat Garrosh’s emissary made against the blood elves was actually made to a blood elf who accidentally stumbled across the plot to keep him from immediately going to tell Jaina.


You really don’t know what you’re talking about huh we don’t have body jewelry.

Eye colors aren’t a theme, and yes VEs have enough of our visual theme


Also thanks Somand for the comparison :sparkling_heart:

Again I have to ask you’re on a RP realm and this isn’t enough for you? Can I ask like if there’s varying levels of peoples ability to RP or like I’m confused

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And before he forgets, since apparently they have never been allies, here’s another tidbit. Alleria did, in fact, try to get the Blood Elves to join the Alliance- she had a missive from Anduin and was rather insistent that if anyone could convince them, it would be her. You can see bits and pieces of it throughout Legion.

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I just want to point out that we totally should, I have had a navel ring since I was in jr. high school and it would be wonderful if all of my characters could as well. :blush: :blush: :blush:

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Yeah, this thread is wild. :popcorn:?

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They don’t like the idea of losing their visual uniqueness…

Its pretty straight forward.

They feel like they’re losing their identity to a lesser group who’s effectively most defining trait is refusing to help their people for politics.

Honestly I kinda get it.

I love my blood elves and I love my void elves. I want things for both, but I can understand not wanting to see whats left of the Blood Elf profile transferred over.

I’m not a fan of more high elf options for void elves either. I want to see more void ones.

For my part I feel like the High Elf options detract and drag Void elves from what they could become back to simple high elves that… well… I go to blood elves for my kick of that.


then why did people complain and complain about high-elves not being on the alliance?

the blood elf theme is gold, green, and red.
the void elf theme is purple, and blue.

also, yes, you DO have body jewelery (atleast, the ladies do, the men were ‘supposed’ to get it, but i think it was cut), you have bracelets and big-necklaces. sure, it’s not belly-rings or whatever, but you do have body jewelery (or… is that just jewelery? …i can’t tell the difference)

also, belves have actual hair, void elves don’t, they have tentacle hair.

And your RP abilities aren’t able to make due with what VEs have available that brings them almost identical as is?

  1. Some of the orcs, many orcs also opposed Garrosh and made up important leadership roles in the rebellion.
  2. There was an implied threat that the orcs would attack the blood elves, but there’s no evidence that they actually did.

It was more than just a handful of orcs, but regardless, that doesn’t matter; the point is that, because of the racial prejudice and mounting tensions, the negotiations opened. There were confirmed talks between them.

The Sunreavers as a group didn’t have anything to do with the bell, a sole Sunreaver did. The threat Garrosh’s emissary made against the blood elves was actually made to a blood elf who accidentally stumbled across the plot to keep him from immediately going to tell Jaina.

It’s not the small details that I’m particularly concerned over. It’s late and I’m sure I’m going to say something wrong. The idea is that the Alliance and the Blood Elves have been in multiple talks about joining, and multiple times it has ended because of outside circumstances.