Void elves can look like blood elves but not vise versa

because the velf leader has a high-elf lookin form, and it made sense for their followers to get the same treatment?

plus, if a blood-elf looked like a void-elf, they’d be booted out of their society, since, y’know, alleria almost corrupted the sunwell with void energy, and that’s kind’ve a big worry of the blood-elves now.

just sayin, not the smartest idea.

Umbric doesn’t look like no high elf to me! lmfao!

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did’nt say all of’em got it.

Garithos. They already gave him a backstory.

you mentioned;

Umbric don’t have a high elf form, he is void elf all day long :stuck_out_tongue:

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again, i did’nt say all of’em got the high-elf lookin form. but that it made sense that some of’em got to keep their original-look (or… as close as could get) like alleria did.

Do you know any night elf druids that can look like malfurion? Do you know any human males that can look like anduin or varian? Do you know any death knights that can look like Arthas? Do you know any demon hunters that can look like Illidan? Point is faction leaders are often given a distinction from regulars of the race. Notice how every other void elf doesn’t even look close to what Alleria looks like. Plus, umbric is also the main velf leader.


That would be the video game equivalent. The real life equivalent would be the second thing, that happened in real life.

Using alleria as a basis of an arguement is silly, She and the VE got there powers by different means, one with training and mastery and the other literally being transformed into a different kind of being.

And no, they are not recruiting.

Void elves look like undead elves.

Explaining the cause of his racism is not forgiving him for it. He died a villain.

I’m sure I don’t need to explain why Blizzard might be hesitant to give a good ending and make a hero of a character whose sole character trait was racism in 2021.


well, let’s see… nelf druids can have leaves in their beards like malfurion now, along with body tattoos (also, their dh can look like illidan). varian’s haircut is one of the human haircuts (i think it’s called foxtail).

not saying they’re exact, but similar. also, alleria is their main leader, umbric follows her. she got the void-powers before he did, she’s the one who has the void-form that all velves get by proc-ing their racial.

oh, also, worgen can have white-fur like greymane now.

again, not saying they’re exact but they definitely are similar.

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“They start out as a small group,” Danuser continues. “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process. They’re not … recruiting , necessarily, but they’re open to those who show a similar interest.”

Doesn’t say they’re 100% not recruiting, they’re accepting new people with similar interests which is effectively the same as recruiting but instead people are coming to them rather than them going to people.



Alleria was made an entirely different way.

There is no evidence of void elves with natural skin tones besides her and only her.

Sure but that doesn’t mean those new folk are void elves.

Alleria isn’t a high elf anymore she’s a void elf. She went through a process to become that way and to date there is no evidence of anyone else following her in that path.

I mean…?


The interview I’m quoting from is implying new Void Elves are being created from these newcomers.

Question: “Where do the numbers come from?”
Answer: “But it’s natural as other elves have found out about them — elves who are interested in new sources of magic, power, or opportunities — would see if they could undergo a similar process."

You purposefully left out the word Necessarily and are focusing on one part rather than the entire whole.


And you’re purposefully ignoring the key part of the sentence.


there is now though!

lol, just joking, but i think that belves that became velves, are the ones who are all purple-blue-skinned, and the more natural toned ones, are high-elves who became void-elves.

…my only evidence for this, is alleria, umbric, and the high-elf npcs we see wandering around the velf base. i mean, umbric was a blood-elf, who became a void-elf, he’s all purple now, alleria was a high-elf, and she’s not all-purple (though, still becomes it sometimes). plus, we got high-elf npcs wandering around the velf base, along with the initial void-elves who were blood-elves… i dunno, makes sense to me.

But they did. They were betrayed by the Alliance. Please don’t laugh at someone else who is discussing lore without first educating yourself on the entire picture.

“ The blood elves defended their homeland, and, eventually, having reestablished a degree of safety to their land and prevented their society from degenerating, Kael’thas left his homeland. He took a group of the strongest blood elf warriors and spell casters and joined the Allianceagainst the Scourge. They were eager to avenge themselves on the undead forces; however, bigotry prevented the human forces from seeing the aid the blood elves could bring to their fight. Due to those human prejudices, Kael’thas was forced to accept the assistance of the naga queen’s servant, Lady Vashj, and the reptilian naga during a suicide mission commanded by Grand Marshall Garithos. When the humans discovered that the blood elves were working with the naga, they were imprisoned and sentenced to death by the racist human Grand Marshall Garithos (who had commanded the New Alliance). The blood elves who sided themselves with Kael’thas escaped with the aid of the naga, fled to Outland, and joined [Illidan Stormrage]’s force.

(Wowwiki lore)

They did. This added to their ambiguous backstory and moral grey ideals which made them so appealing to begin with. But let us not forget why they were pushed into that corner; Arthas had decimated 90% of their people and culture and they were left defenseless when they sought the aid of their allies.


First thank you for an actual source.

Second, well. Wish they’d show that in game somehow then. Though given the timeframe I don’t think he means this in reference to the new skintones which I still don’t see on any Void Elves aside from Alleria.

So I think I’m still where I was a minute ago with this one. Only Alleria to date shows that she has those skin tones, and all other Void Elves are canonically blue/purple skin toned.

If blizzard had put in a few natural skin toned Void elf npcs when they added the new customizations I’d have a different view.

None of those wayfarers are shown to be Void Elves now and they’re joined by Blood Elven Scholars… Who are also natural skin tones.

See above.